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  • Typhoon Prussia strikes Tokyo with heavy rains and high winds, killing one, and North Koreans repair damage from Typhoon Lingling, which it Saturday.

  • Afghan President Ashraf Ghani seeks involvement in the peace process after the collapse of talks between the United States and the Taliban rebel group.

  • Violence against foreign owned shops in Johannesburg kills two people, adding to such attacks in South Africa and the United States.

  • Coast Guard says rescuers reach four crew members inside an overturned cargo ship off the coast of Georgia.

Typhoon Prussia strikes Tokyo with heavy rains and high winds, killing one, and North Koreans repair damage from Typhoon Lingling, which it Saturday.


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B1 中級

VOA60:2019年9月9日 (VOA60: September 9, 2019)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日