字幕表 動画を再生する
Welcome to English at the movies where we teach you American English.
Heard at the movies.
This saying today is from the war drama The Yellow Birds.
It tells the story of a young man named Brandon.
He does not have plans for the future, so he joins the army.
Soon he is sent to fight in Iraq.
Before he leaves, he speaks to the mother of another young soldier.
Listen for the phrase look out for each other.
Thanks for way.
Looked out for each.
Promise me to take care of yes course.
So what do you think?
Look out for each other?
Means is it protect each other from harm or higher each other for good jobs?
Listen again.
Did you have the right answer?
Thanks for way.
Looked out for each.
Promised me to take care of Yeah, of course.
Look out for each other.
Means protect each other from harm.
Brandon promises to take responsibility for his friend, but he returns to the U.
The film shows how war affects the soldiers who go as well as the people they leave behind.
And that's English at the movies.