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  • in Afghanistan.

  • At least 45 people were killed and as many as 70 were wounded in a bombing.

  • On Monday, the Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack at a training base for the Afghan intelligence agency.

  • Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa says violence by security forces is not acceptable.

  • This comes after reports of the abuse of people protesting high fuel prices.

  • At least 10 people are dead after a fire on two ships moving fuel in the Black Sea.

  • And in Spain, Portuguese soccer player Christiano Ronaldo admits to tax fraud and agrees to pay a $21 million fine.

in Afghanistan.


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A2 初級

VOA60です。2019年1月22日 (VOA60: January 22, 2019)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日