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  • in Iran, President Hassan Rouhani says his country will restart its nuclear activities if world powers violate the 2015 international nuclear agreement in Pakistan.

  • At least 10 people are dead in a suicide bombing outside an Islamic religious site in Lahore.

  • In Sudan.

  • Politician's fight each other During a meeting with the Transitional Military Council to plan the change from military to civilian rule.

  • And in Britain, Prince Harry and his American wife Meghan Markle, announced the name of their newborn son, RG Arison Mountbatten Windsor.

in Iran, President Hassan Rouhani says his country will restart its nuclear activities if world powers violate the 2015 international nuclear agreement in Pakistan.


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B1 中級

VOA60:2019年5月8日 (VOA60: May 8, 2019)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日