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  • leaders from China, Japan and South Korea meet in Chengdu, China, to discuss threats from North Korea, economic cooperation and environmental concerns.

  • In Bahsrah, Iraq, demonstrators continue to protest a delay in the nomination of a new prime minister in northwestern Syria.

  • Several civilians, including Children, are killed in a missile strike on a building housing displaced people from other parts of the country.

  • And travelers from around the world gather in the biblical city of Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas.

  • Christians believe the town is the birthplace of Jesus.

leaders from China, Japan and South Korea meet in Chengdu, China, to discuss threats from North Korea, economic cooperation and environmental concerns.


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B2 中上級

VOA60です。2019年12月24日 (VOA60: December 24, 2019)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日