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  • Britain confirms more than 29,500 deaths from Cove it 19 more than any other country except the United States.

  • The Philippine government orders the leading television network to halt operations.

  • President Rodrigo Duterte has targeted news reports by the network.

  • In Venezuela, two Americans were accused Monday of plotting to oust President Nicolas Maduro's government.

  • On Sunday, the government said it stopped an invasion from the sea and in Turkey.

  • A large flock of sheep ran on an empty street Sunday in Samson as the townspeople observed a Corona virus locked down.

Britain confirms more than 29,500 deaths from Cove it 19 more than any other country except the United States.


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B2 中上級

VOA60:2020年5月5日 (VOA60: May 5, 2020)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日