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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • how are your English listening skills first you'll see an image and here a

  • question next comes a short dialogue listen carefully and see if you can

  • answer correctly we'll show you the answer at the end

  • a man is renting some DVDs how many DVDs is he going to rent hello how may I help

  • you I'd like to rent these DVDs please three

  • altogether you know you get a discount if you rent five sounds nice

  • but I won't have time to watch that many movies so I'll just take these three

  • we're offering a special discount right now and you can get them for an extra

  • week really awesome I'll get two more

  • how many dvds is he going to rent

  • a man is renting some DVDs how many DVDs is he going to rent hello how may I help

  • you I'd like to rent these DVDs please three

  • altogether you know you get a discount if you rent five sounds nice

  • but I won't have time to watch that many movies so I'll just take these three

  • we're offering a special discount right now and you can get them for an extra

  • week really awesome I'll get two more

  • did you get it right I hope you learned something from this quiz let us know if

  • you have any questions see you next time

how are your English listening skills first you'll see an image and here a


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

英語の聴解力 - アメリカでDVDをレンタルする。 (English Listening Comprehension - Renting a DVD in The U.S.A.)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日