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  • want to speak real English from your first lesson.

  • Sign up for your free lifetime account at English Class 101 dot com Hi, everybody.

  • And welcome back to know your verbs.

  • My name is Alicia, and in this episode we're going to talk about the verb check.

  • Let's get started.

  • Let's start with the basic definition of the verb check.

  • The basic definition of the verb check is to make sure something is correct by looking at it carefully.

  • Some examples.

  • Can you check my homework?

  • I checked your application.

  • Now here.

  • The congregations for this burg.

  • Present check checks past checked past participle checked.

  • Progressive checking.

  • Okay, now let's talk about some additional meanings for this firm.

  • The first additional meaning is to get information to confirm something.

  • Examples.

  • Can you check what time the movie starts?

  • I checked with HR, and they said it's okay to change the schedule.

  • So here we see examples where the verb check is used to mean getting information to confirm something.

  • So we need information to see if something is correct or not, or something is okay or not.

  • In the first example sentence.

  • Can you check what time the movie starts, it means can you go find some information to determine, or to find the time that the movie begins at the time the movie starts?

  • So go get information and determine the correct time.

  • In the second example sentence.

  • I checked with HR and they said it's OK.

  • It means in past tense I went to HR or I contacted HR.

  • HR means human resource is, by the way, human resource is department.

  • I went to hr or a contacted HR and I confirmed it is okay to change the schedule.

  • So it means contacting or getting information to make sure something is OK or something is correct to check.

  • Okay, let's go on to the second additional meeting.

  • The second additional meaning is to give someone items to keep for a specific period.

  • This is usually at, like a hotel or an airport.

  • Examples.

  • We checked our luggage before boarding.

  • You can check your bags at the hotel reception desk, so here, to check means to give your luggage usually luggage.

  • Or maybe it's like your coat or something to check your coach.

  • There's something called a coat.

  • Check it like, um, nice restaurants or in certain hotels.

  • So to check your coat or to check your bags to check your suitcase means to give that item two staff at that location to keep for a short period of time, like the time of your flight the time that you're eating a meal there the time that you are going to be out shopping away from the hotel, for example.

  • So you check an item for a short period of time, and you received the item later when you come back or when your flight has finished.

  • For example, to check the third meaning is to mark as complete or okay.

  • So if you imagine that you're filling out an application form where there's a check list that you need to complete, you can imagine making the check motion.

  • We use the verb to check for that motion, which means to mark something as okay or complete or finished or good.

  • Whatever.

  • Something kind of like a confirmation examples, check the boxes on the form.

  • He checked the correct answer on the test.

  • So in the first example sentence, check the boxes on the form.

  • It doesn't mean look carefully at the boxes.

  • It means physically, Mark the boxes with a check mark or something else similar to show you confirm that item the second example he checked.

  • The correct answer on the test refers to this motion again confirming or marking the correct answer on a test.

  • They're using your pencil or your pen to mark the correct answer.

  • It doesn't have to be a check symbol.

  • It can be, but we use.

  • Check the room to check to refer to this action.

  • Let's go on to the fourth additional meaning here, which is to stop some kind of behavior to stop something continuing or to restrain something.

  • Examples.

  • We should try to check our spending.

  • You should check his behavior before it gets worse.

  • So here, to check means like to restrain something or to stop something from happening to stop a behavior like from spreading or getting worse, as in the examples.

  • So to check your spending, for example, that refers to restraining yourself like trying not to spend so much money.

  • For example, in the second example, checking someone's behavior means restraining or holding someone's behavior back or stopping bad behavior from continuing.

  • So to check has that feeling of restraint or stopping someone's progress or stopping the progress of something usually negative.

  • Let's continue on to some variations in use of this firm.

  • The first variation is check out, check out.

  • Actually, there are two different meanings for check out.

  • Let's start with the 1st 1 to check out is used to mean to finish a transaction.

  • We use it at like supermarkets or in hotels, for example.

  • Usually when you pay the bill or you pay the total amount due for the items you are buying examples I need to check out of the hotel by 11.

  • I'm checking out of the supermarket right now, so this means you are completing your transaction.

  • So checking out of a hotel means like you return your room key.

  • You repay like mini bar expenses.

  • If you bought a movie, I don't know whatever you complete everything you need to finish.

  • All the procedures are completed at the endpoint of your state.

  • That's called checking out in the second example sentence checking out at the supermarket.

  • That means paying your bill at the supermarket.

  • You go shopping, you take everything to the check out or the register, and you pay for all your items that's called checking out.

  • However, there is a second meaning for check out to check out can mean to carefully look at someone you find physically attractive examples.

  • I think that girl just checked you out.

  • He checked her out from across the room.

  • So to check someone out means toe.

  • Look at them because you find them physically attractive, like you're looking carefully, like their face, their skin, their closed their hair like there's something that you find physically attractive about them.

  • So you look kind of carefully.

  • There's kind of a special, I suppose.

  • Look about someone when they're checking out another person, I guess, like they're sort of like a higher level of interest, unusual when you check someone out like it's and it's usually kind of like secretive, a little bit like if you check someone out and you're like, really obvious about it, it's kind of weird.

  • Most people will check someone out kind of quietly so kind of keep it to their Selves.

  • At least I hope so.

  • I don't Don't be weird about this.

  • If you find someone physically attractive, check them out quietly and respectfully.

  • This is not like a typical I don't know.

  • Don't make the other person comfortable.

  • The next variation.

  • There are actually two ways to say this.

  • Next variation they are check up on and check in with check up on Check in with this means to see what the status of a person or process is.

  • Examples.

  • When was the last time you checked up on your brother?

  • Check in with me later, please.

  • So both of these sentences refer to seeing the status of another person or like a project.

  • For example, in the 1st 1 it's a person.

  • Like When was the last time you checked up on your brother?

  • Means when was the last time you contacted your brother or saw your brother or checked his status or saw his condition, for example?

  • But we use checked up on in the second example sentence.

  • Check in with me later.

  • It means, please give me some status information later.

  • Please tell me what the status is later so you can use check up on or check up with if you want, so they both mean that thing.

  • It's a status issue.

  • Those are a few new ways to use the verb check.

  • I hope that you found something new off course.

  • If you have any questions, comments, whatever you can feel free to let us know in the comments section of this video.

  • If you like the video, don't forget to give us a thumbs up, subscribe to the channel and check us out in English.

  • Class one No one dot com for other good English 30 tools.

  • Thanks very much for watching this episode of Know Your Birds and We'll see you again soon by my and in this episode we're going to talk about the verb check.

  • So let's check it out.

  • That was so cheesy.

want to speak real English from your first lesson.


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A2 初級

CHECK - 基本動詞 - 英文法を学ぶ (CHECK - Basic Verbs - Learn English Grammar)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日