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I've had allegiance to the flag
Temperature and clouds, I mean I associate clouds with the rain because obviously it doesn't rain when there's a blue sky
Temperature, I'm kind of learning this summer that it could be any temperature and still rain rain
spring warm weather and
Maybe what else rain flowers april showers bring May flowers yeah
rain um clouds and water clouds because rain comes from clouds and
Waters because that's what rain is cloudy
Tokyo summaries cloudy typically what the sky looks like and since I've been here in Japan
I've experienced the rainy season pretty much every day in June
umbrella I picked umbrella because
On the first rainy Dave my trip to Japan
I forgot an umbrella and I got drenched by the rain
So always carry an umbrella umbrella because you always want to make sure you have an umbrella when it rains
Are you one of those people who prefers rain to sunshine? Are you a sunny type of person absolutely rain?
I love thunderstorms Wow I mean as long as I have an umbrella. That's fine
outdoors hiking
Sunburned because I've Swedish skin and it's really fair so I get sunburned a lot outdoors because there's no sunshine indoors
Or it's artificial
And hiking I love hiking on a nice sunny day sunshine
summer the beach
Beach because it's like
The place you would want to go when it's a sunny day
No, I actually like the mountains a lot more than the beach, but when I think of the Sun. I think of the beach and
skies and
the Sun
Could always think of a a blue sky when I just want to think of sunshine so that's why no clouds
yellow and bright
Opposite a rainy clear skies. Let's see yellow color of the Sun and bright. I it's a big ball of fire
tipping and
Stressful Gus because big Gessle wind will come and surprise you
Picture light things tipping over in strong winds I said stressful because it's stressful to walk in the wind man
hmm, I think of
the flute I think of
What else?
Night breezes, and I think of looking up at the stars
I guess I don't know
So I thought of the flute because I was a flute player in high school and the flutes a wind instrument
When I was a kid my dad, and I used to go out at night and look at the stars
so that was the reason for the last to
Wind hurricane cheese
Hurricane because that was actually in hurricane before and so that's always a thought of mine that comes up was that in New York
And New Orleans oh you're in then Hurricane Katrina Wow yeah
It was a pretty crazy time back then I was born in New York, but um like from age like 3 to 12
I was raised in New Orleans
So after Katrina yeah like that was the reason why I left, New Orleans Hurricane Katrina
Messy hair tornadoes
If you've got one here like me you want to make sure you tie it back, or else. You know you end up eating it
Tornadoes like massive amounts of wind all in one stay away
Good advice
dark and depressing dark because a lot of the times clouds cover up the Sun so it's darker and
Depressing because I like sunny days with blue skies. I think of identifying clouds like cloud shapes. I think of
Shadows when you're a kid, and you like lay on the ground you're like. Oh, it's a turtle. It's a baby
mm-hmm so like
Picture clouds okay, yeah, not like that's a cumulus Nimbus
Shadows yeah, cos clouds create shadows because they're blocking this and I don't know what I think of cloud Oh
Cool, like yeah cool shadow cause like that's usually what a cloud creates like a nice shadow and then
Usually in the shadow it's a cool area compared to outside the shadow
fluffy cotton candy white
Clouds usually look pretty fluffy aw they're fluffy things include cotton candy and
typically clouds are white rain need clouds for it to rain remain because
the rain comes from clouds
Scary people is usually scared of lightning when they see you scary
I was thinking of like have you seen the movie Ted, it's like
thunder buddy, so if you get scared go find your Thunder buddy loud and
flashes of light
Loud because if you're close to a streak of lightning it's gonna be loud
I mean it'll be loud if you're far away, but it'll be delayed
flashes of light
Yeah, I just associated lightning bolt with a flash of light
I think of storms
dark weather and I
Don't know tornados
So storms obvious because I think goes with storms tornadoes. I don't know bad weather lightning dark other
Storms again, I guess lightning
Thunderstorms because that's usually
lightnings like the first sign of a thunderstorm once you see lightning there's
Often rain that follows heavy rain that follows after it Thunder Harry Potter
Electricity lightning and thunder usually go hand in hand
Harry Potter has a lightning shape a lightning bolt carved on his forehead and
Electricity that's what lightning is made of or produces one of the other. I don't really have any closing thoughts
but I
Do not like rainy weather
I always wish it was sunny weather
So I could just go to the beach whenever I felt
Check before counts beforehand make sure you're properly dressed and prepared for whatever comes your way
Weather is weather
What was the other the first word what was the middle one?