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  • hi everyone I'm Alicia Easter Sunday in the United States is among the most

  • important religious holidays in the nation

  • there are also secular events held around this holiday and in some cases

  • families celebrate traditions other than the Christian one for Christians the

  • holiday is centered on the resurrection of Jesus Christ churches hold special

  • events during Easter weekend

  • besides midnight masses on Christmas Easter services are some of the most

  • popular in churches in the United States do you know when many of them hold these

  • services we'll show you the answer at the end of this video aside from the

  • religious traditions which vary from church to church Easter Sunday in the

  • United States is celebrated in other ways as well whether or not they happen

  • to be followers of any church people in the United States are inclined to have

  • family gatherings on this day and large feasts are usually served for some

  • people Easter Sunday is merely a celebration of spring while for others

  • it has tremendous religious significance the most prevalent Easter Sunday

  • tradition involves church services some churches hold elaborate parades to

  • celebrate the day and others have less noticeable celebrations most churches at

  • least have social events over the Easter holiday allowing them to spend time with

  • their fellow churchgoers and to socialize picnics and other events are

  • also commonly held during this particular holiday secular events held

  • during Easter Sunday include Easter egg hunts and other activities for children

  • these events are open to everyone and don't have any particular religious

  • overtones to them community events are often held as well simply because the

  • holiday is notable and people tend to want to get together the Easter Bunny

  • eggs flowers and other symbols are very much associated with spring and are

  • still important traditions for this particular holiday

  • because denominations in the United States are so diverse you'll find many

  • different traditions being celebrated on Easter Sunday

  • some traditions involve all-night vigils before the holiday itself and now here's

  • the answer to the quiz do you know when many churches hold Easter services

  • services at the break of day are among the most popular church events on Easter

  • Sunday during these services Christians come to church in the pre-dawn hours and

  • have their service as the Sun rises for many these services have a powerful

  • symbolic significance how is this lesson did you learn something interesting

  • what kind of Easter traditions exist in your country please leave a comment in

  • English class until next time

  • you

hi everyone I'm Alicia Easter Sunday in the United States is among the most


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B1 中級

アメリカの祝日 - イースターの日曜日 (American Holidays - Easter Sunday)

  • 22 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日