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  • the diamond signifies for me a story off such political misbehavior.

  • It's big diamond.

  • I didn't get there it.

  • Why is it in the museum?

  • What's the story behind it?

  • Hello.

  • My name is Carolyn.

  • I uncovered the story off the ugly, dirty diamond.

  • People were arrested.

  • Other people were murdered.

  • There was there was a lot of tension.

  • There was a lot of violence, while the diamond off Banjarmasin was taken by the Dutch to the Netherlands to sell it or give it to King villain Third.

  • But the king didn't want it because it was too expensive to cut it and to polish it.

  • Eventually it ends up in the actions aiming.

  • Did you go?

  • I feel sometimes a bit ashamed when I'm talking with Indonesian people about his history.

  • The colonial way of thinking is still very persistent.

  • I don't think we shoot be so obsessed with cultural property.

the diamond signifies for me a story off such political misbehavior.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

バンジャーマシン・ダイヤモンド。醜くて汚い」宝石の謎を解く - BBC ニュース (Banjarmasin Diamond: Solving the mystery of the 'ugly, dirty' gem - BBC News)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日