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  • tens of thousands of people have demonstrated in an eighth night in cities across the US over the killing of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, while he was being restrained by police.

  • Mainly peaceful marches took place in Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York and Washington.

  • Some and defiance of evening curfews In George Floyd's hometown of Houston, his relatives, including the mother of his young daughter, joined a rally to honor his memory.

  • Meta topic reports This is what those off he would never see.

  • Grow up, graduate.

  • He will never walk down.

  • If it's a problem, she's a minute.

  • She needs a dad.

  • She does not have bet anymore.

  • Choked with emotion, the mother of George Floyd, six year old daughter Guiana, speaks of the gaping hole left by his death.

  • Roxy Washington said he was a good father who continued to take care of his family after he moved from Houston to Minneapolis.

  • When she wants now is justice for him and Jeon sharing in their pain and the pain of the nation.

  • Tens of thousands marched through the streets of downtown Houston, alongside them 16 members of the Floyd family, who again urged protesters to remain peaceful.

  • I expect you to kill yourself like a way Theo fight.

  • It's gonna be more like America.

  • Wake the child, Continue to support us as we seek justice for one victory to come out of the demand for widespread change that state where Mr Floyd died.

  • Minnesota announced a civil rights investigation of the Minneapolis Police Department.

  • Governor Tim Walz said that police policies in practice is over the last 10 years would be scrutinized.

  • Minnesotans.

  • You can expect our administration use every tool at our disposal to try and deconstruct systemic racism that is generations deep, and as we move forward, we're going to need to do it with the community.

  • But I think the thing I'm hearing from the protesters is out.

  • We're not watching and we don't care what you say.

  • We care what you do.

  • Protests across the country showed no sign of waning Tuesday night in New York's Union Square, nurses took to their knees to show solidarity with activists.

  • Health care workers have been shared daily for their efforts fighting the Corona virus, but they thought it more appropriate to applaud and honor those fighting a different kind of disease.

  • After months of eerily quiet streets.

  • NEW YORK, once the epicenter of the Corona virus outbreak, is finally starting to reopen.

  • But as it does, American cities are facing another epidemic.

  • Racism and the consequences of ignoring decades of injustice and inequality.

  • Netta Taufeeq BBC NEWS NEW YORK Well, let's take you live to New York Now we can speak to another of our correspondents, Sameera Hussain, who is there for us.

  • What's your assessment?

  • Off the evening at Sameera, it seemed less violent.

  • Well, if you want to speak about New York specifically, the violence was not really as present as we had seen, especially on Monday night.

  • According to police, there were only about 200 arrests, and that was largely due to violating curfew.

  • Remember in New York City, the mayor of New York had actually put in a curfew to begin at 8 p.m. And it was going to continue for the next several days.

  • And already we're hearing from officials that perhaps that actually did help kind of quell the kind of violence and looting that we had seen on other nights.

  • There were protests right across the country, from Dallas to Seattle and Atlanta, and it was the same scenes in those cities, too.

  • There were some protests.

  • There were lots of protests, lots of people in the streets, lots of people violating curfews.

  • But in large part the protests were peaceful.

  • Is there a sense, though, in New York's A mirror that the process of coming to an end?

  • Certainly not just because we've already seen violence starting to come down and we're not seeing the kind of looting that we've seen on Monday.

  • There is no sense that the anger that these protesters have is going to abate anytime soon.

  • For many of these protesters there need to see some kind of actions, some kind of movement, some kind of some, some some sort of justice.

  • And until you see that, it's not very likely that we're going to see these protests abate anytime soon.

  • Sameera Thanks so much for joining us from New York and from New York to the streets of London Live right now we can show you what is happening here in the UK where there is a black lives matter protest taking place.

  • This is central London High Park, where protesters and activists have gathered Teoh and I think You can see a reasonable amount of social distancing happening there, too, because they're still huge concerns here about covert 19 of course, but it's a black lives matter protest, and everyone attending has been told to move in a socially distance military formation.

  • So this is the scene live in Hyde Park right now, people, they're expressing solidarity with what they're seeing in the United States.

tens of thousands of people have demonstrated in an eighth night in cities across the US over the killing of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, while he was being restrained by police.


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ジョージ・フロイド死去。米国では大規模な抗議が相次ぐが、暴力は減少 - BBC ニュース (George Floyd death: More large protests in US but violence falls - BBC News)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日