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  • Yeah.

  • Yep.

  • Yana Dillo did machines, but technics.

  • Raphael was tough.

  • What did you that one more time?

  • I accidentally made a sipping noise.

  • Any who were Bunga bunga?

  • Four ordinary domestic to domestic Vera bits and Michelangelo.

  • Well, let's be really was high yourself.

  • That's good to girls.

  • Are reptiles, right?

  • Amphibians, Amphibians.

  • I guess broomstick wouldn't really care.

  • Just He's like the Bruce Lee of amphibians, which I know the reptiles probably think I'm no turtles.

  • He's also get some super, too.

  • He's also got that super tough shell and some radical ninja moves.

  • Typically, a more recent variant called in jacket basically just Catanha without the curve and stick.

  • Where's the curve every time?

  • Uh, flatter third joke, because it really well, uh, say goodbye to that nasty migraine door pesky step.

  • Have big say goodbye to that pesky migraine or pesky God damn it.

  • They're all pesky and best of oh, even across multiple timelines.

  • Good old Leo is usually the one to take down the turtles.

  • Biggest filling, and Liza, good old Leo is usually the one to take down the turtles.

  • Biggest villain and least usually visit Kishan.

  • After 10,000 years, I almost wish like every time we ever did a power in just character it just opened up with.

  • After 10,000 years, I'm free.

  • All right, let us know what we're good to go.

  • Dr.

  • Jason run down after 10,000 years.

  • After 10,000 years, I'm free.

  • Free aim to conquer Earth.

  • I can't sound like Rita reports Kennedy after 10,000 years.

  • Free a lot better.

  • It's magical girl, which who wish to combat her vile magics, the good natured sage into tubes.

  • Or I forgot about that stage in a tube shirt.

  • Good nature's changing a troop.

  • No, Not bad teenagers.

  • I e a.

  • I feel your dagget from angry beavers.

  • And finally, the red drapes.

  • Tranda Saurus is a different A grand's a source.

  • Rex the Red Ranger foot the Red Ranger form Also boost Jason's wow boost A speeding frank to superhuman levels.

  • Would you ever dig it for me like that?

  • Uh, yeah, sure.

  • Broomstick.

  • You heard him.

  • I like I like that.

  • They just Well, where's flips his nose back.

  • Great.

  • Say doubt out.

  • We're gonna take a break low is flips his nose bank right side out.

  • But make sure to come back next week to see the Red Ranger take on Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on my cut my hair.

  • There we go.

  • That's good.

  • I like that.

  • Actually, Dio, you kept the broomstick voice even while you were like Oh my God, my hair works!

  • And the Yellow Ranger, who has the same basic powers as Jason, pushed around a much larger bolder that when using the same scaling method appears to away over 11,000 tons.

  • He said.

  • Larger, bolder.

  • I heard it was already getting ready to say, Pushed around a much larger bulge.

  • You know, get ahead in life, you gotta push around a bowl.

  • Oh, Jesus.

  • But would the glorious red spandex and robo T Rex it is big?

  • The power lives on his say Hey, yes, wow boosting Doing sucks voice Tal Leon Auto Superior training in Ana was a moot point.

  • No, he was totally moot.

  • Mood Italia, that's great!

  • Tonight died on startle soul.

  • Our goals bray B way have to do everything every ways.

  • A walrus.

  • The combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.



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B2 中上級

レオナルドVSレッドレンジャージェイソンBLOOPERS! (Leonardo VS Red Ranger Jason BLOOPERS!)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日