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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • I'm really, really, really excited to be here.

    (Translated by Ai Tokimatsu; Reviewed by Takahiro Shimpo) ここに来ることができて 本当に本当に嬉しく思っています

  • I kind of want to tell you


  • a little bit more of the --I don't want to say basics--

    基礎知識とは呼べませんが 私の病気についてです

  • because we really don't know anything about my syndrome.

    この病気について あまり多くのことは分かっていません

  • I was born with this very, very rare syndrome,

    私はこの稀な症候群を 持って生まれました

  • that only two other people in the world including myself, that we know of, have.

    この病気があるのは世界に 3人だけで その一人が私です

  • Basically what this syndrome causes, is that I cannot gain weight.

    この病気のお陰で 基本的に体重が増えません

  • Yes, it does sound as good as it is.


  • (Laughter)


  • I could eat absolutely whatever I want, whenever I want

    私は食べたい物はすべて 何でも いつでも食べられます

  • and I won't really gain any weight.


  • I'm going to be 25 in March,


  • and I've never weighed over about 64 pounds in my entire life.

    これまで一度たりとも 29kgを超えたことがありません

  • When I was in college, I hid

    大学時代 私は隠して―

  • --well, I didn't 'hide' it, everyone knew it was there--

    皆知っていたので隠せて いなかったかもしれませんが

  • but it was a giant tub of Twinkies, donuts, chips, Skittles,

    あらゆるお菓子を 大きな入れ物に入れていました

  • and my roommate would say, "I could hear you at 12:30 am,

    ルームメイトはよく 午前0時半にベッドの下にある食べ物に

  • reaching under your bed to get food."

    手を伸ばしているのが 聞こえると言っていました

  • But I'm like, "You know what? It's alright, I can do these things!"

    それでも私はこう言うんです 「私はそんなことしても大丈夫だもん!」

  • Because there are benefits to this syndrome.


  • There are benefits to not being able to gain weight.


  • There are benefits to being visually impaired.


  • There are benefits to being kind of really small.


  • A lot of people think,

    大抵 不思議がられます

  • "Lizzie, how in the world are you saying there are benefits

    「リジー これが良いことだなんて どうして言えるの?」

  • when you can only see out of one eye?"

    「目が片方しか 見えないんでしょ?」 って

  • Well, let me tell you what the benefits are

    この病気の利点について お話ししましょう

  • because they are great.


  • I wear contacts--conTACT. Half-off conTACTS.

    コンタクトをつけてるんですけど 片方だけなので値段も半分です

  • (Laughter)


  • When I wear my reading glasses: half-off prescription.

    読書用の眼鏡をつくるときの 処方も半分で済みます

  • If somebody is annoying me, being rude:

    誰かにイライラさせられたり 失礼なことをされる時は

  • Stand on my right side.


  • (Laughter)


  • It's like you're not even there. I don't even know you're standing there.

    存在しないも同然 いることにも気づきませんから

  • Right now, if I stand like this, I have no clue


  • that there's this whole side of the room.


  • Also, being small, I am very willing to volunteer myself

    細い身体を活かして ボランティアとして

  • to go to Weight Watchers, go to some gym, and say,

    ダイエット教室やジムに行って こう言ってみたいです

  • "Hi, I'm Lizzie. I will be your poster child.

    「リジーと言います 広告に出たいんですけど」

  • Put my face on whatever you need, and I will say,

    お化粧でもなんでもして こう言うんです

  • 'Hi! I used this program. Look how well it worked.'"

    「このプログラムで こんなにも成果が出ました」

  • (Laughter)


  • Even though there are amazing things that have come from this syndrome,


  • there are also things that have been very, very difficult, as you can imagine.

    お察しのように とてもとても大変なこともあります

  • Growing up, I was raised 150% normally.


  • I was my parents' first child.

    両親にとっては私が 最初の子どもでした

  • And when I was born, the doctors told my mom,

    私が産まれる時 医者は母に告げたそうです

  • "Your daughter has no amniotic fluid around her.


  • At all."


  • So when I was born, it was a miracle that I came out screaming.

    だから生まれて産声を あげられたのは奇跡でした

  • The doctors told my parents,


  • "We just want to warn you: Expect your daughter to never be able

    「覚悟しておいてください 話すことも 歩くことも ハイハイも

  • to talk, walk, crawl, think, or do anything by herself."

    考えることも 娘さん一人では 何もできませんから」と

  • Now, as first-time parents, you would think that my parents would say,

    「どうして?なぜ?最初の子どもが こんな未知の問題を

  • "Oh no. Why? Why are we getting our first child

    抱えなければいけないの?」と 初めて子供を授かった両親が

  • with all these unknown problems?"


  • But that's not what they did.


  • The first thing they told the doctor was,


  • "We want to see her, and we are going to take her home

    「娘に会わせてください そして家に連れて帰ります

  • and love her, and raise her to the best of our abilities."

    愛して 育てて 家族で できる限りのことをします」

  • And that's what they did.


  • I credit pretty much everything that I've done in my life to my parents.

    私ができたほぼ全てのことは 両親のお陰です

  • My dad is here with me today, and my mom is at home watching.

    父は今日ここに来てくれています 母は家で見ています

  • Hi mom! (Laughter)

    ママ 見てる? (笑)

  • She's recovering from surgery.


  • She has been the glue that's held our family together,


  • and she's given me the strength to see that she's going through so much,


  • but she has this fighting spirit that she's instilled in me,

    母がファイティングスピリットを 教えてくれたおかげで

  • so that I have proudly been able to stand in front of people and say,

    今日 皆さんの前で胸をはって 話すことができます

  • "You know what? I've had a really difficult life.


  • But that's okay."


  • That's okay. Things have been scary, things have been tough.

    それで良いんです 怖いこと 大変なこともありました

  • One of the biggest things


  • that I had to deal with growing up


  • was something I'm pretty sure


  • every single one of us in this room has dealt with before.

    この会場にいる誰もが 体験したことのあることです

  • Can you guess what that is?


  • It starts with a 'B'. Can you guys guess it?

    英語でBから始まります わかりますか?

  • (Audience) Boys! (Lizzie) Boys?

    (会場)Boys!(男の子) (リジー)男の子?

  • (Laughter)


  • Bullying!


  • (Laughter)


  • I know what you all are thinking.


  • (Laughter)


  • Why can't I sit here with them? (Laughter)


  • I had to deal with bullying a lot, but as I said, I was raised very normally,

    いじめにはたくさん遭いましたが 普通に育てられたので

  • so when I started kindergarten,


  • I had absolutely no idea that I looked different.

    自分の外見が違うなんて 思ってもいませんでした

  • No clue.


  • I couldn't see that I looked different from other kids.

    自分が他の子からどう見られるかなんて わかりませんでした

  • I think of it as a big slap of reality for a five year-old,


  • because I went in to school the first day, decked-out in Pocahontas gear.

    幼稚園の初日にポカホンタスの リュックを背負って

  • I was ready!


  • (Laughter)


  • I went in with my backpack


  • that looked like a turtle shell because it was bigger than me,


  • and I walked up to a little girl and smiled at her,

    小さな女の子に近づいて 微笑みかけると 彼女はまるで

  • and she looked up at me like I was a monster,

    モンスターを見るかのように 私を見ました

  • like I was the scariest thing she had ever seen in her life.

    まるでこれまでで一番怖い物を 見てしまったかのように

  • My first reaction was,


  • "She is really rude.

    「まったく 失礼しちゃうわ」

  • (Laughter)


  • I am a fun kid, and she's the one missing out.

    私は愉快な子で 仲間はずれは彼女のほうでした

  • So I'll just go over here and play with blocks. Or boys."

    次はブロックと遊ぶことにしました いや 男の子と だったかも

  • (Laughter)


  • (Lizzie laughs)

    (リジー 笑)

  • I thought the day would get better, and unfortunately, it didn't.

    そのうち状況は良くなると思いましたが そうはなりませんでした

  • The day got worse and worse. A lot of people just wanted to have

    ひどくなるばかりでした 誰もが私と関わらないように

  • absolutely nothing to do with me, and I couldn't understand why.

    していきましたが 私はその理由が分かりませんでした

  • Why? What did I do? I didn't do anything to them!

    なぜ? 私が何をしたっていうの? 何もしてないじゃない!

  • In my mind I was still a really cool kid.

    自分のことをカッコイイと 思っていましたから

  • I had to go home and ask my parents,

    家に帰って 両親にききました

  • "What's wrong with me?


  • What did I do? Why don't they like me?"

    私 何かした?なぜ嫌われるの?」

  • They sat me down and said,

    両親は私を座らせて 言いました

  • "Lizzie, the only thing different about you

    「リジー あなたが他の子と違うのは

  • is that you're smaller than the other kids.


  • You have this syndrome, but it's not going to define who you are."

    病気はあるけど それであなたが どういう子か決まったりはしないのよ」

  • They said, "Go to school, pick your head up, smile,

    両親は「学校に行きなさい 顔を上げて 笑いなさい

  • continue to be yourself, and people will see

    自分らしくいなさい そうすれば周りも 同じだと

  • that you're just like them."


  • And so that's what I did.


  • I want you to think, and ask yourself this in your head, right now:

    ぜひ今 この場で自分自身に 問いかけてみてください

  • What defines YOU?


  • Who are you?


  • Is it where you come from? Is it your background? Is it your friends?

    出身地ですか 家庭環境ですか 友達ですか

  • What is it?


  • What defines who you are as a person?

    あなたがどんな人間か 決めているのは何でしょうか?

  • It's taken me a very long time to figure out what defines me.

    自分がどんな人間かわかるのに 長い時間がかかりました

  • For so long I thought what defined me

    長い間 私を決めるものは

  • was my outer appearance. I thought that my little tiny legs,

    外見がすべてで 細い脚だったり

  • and my little arms, and my little face was ugly.

    細い腕だったり 醜い顔だと思っていました

  • I thought I was disgusting.


  • I hated when I'd wake up in the morning when I was going to middle school,

    朝 中学に行く前に支度をしながら

  • and would be looking in the mirror getting ready, and thinking:

    鏡の中の自分を見て こう思っていました

  • "Can I just scrub this syndrome off?

    「こんな病気 こすり落とせれば良いのに」

  • It would make my life so much easier if I could just scrub it off.

    こすり落とせていたら 私の人生はもっと楽だったでしょう

  • I could look like other kids; I wouldn't have to buy clothes


  • that had Dora the Explorer on them. I wouldn't have to buy stuff

    子ども向けのキャラクターがついた服を 買わなくても済んだでしょう

  • that was 'Bedazzled', when I was trying to be like the cool kids."

    ただ他の子達みたいにクールに なりたかったんです

  • I would wish, and pray, and hope, and do whatever I could

    だから朝起きて鏡で見た時に 何かが変わってないかと

  • so I would wake up in the morning and be different,

    私は願い 祈り 望み できることは何でもしました

  • and I wouldn't have to deal with these struggles.


  • It's what I wanted every single day,

    毎朝 そう願い

  • and every single day I was disappointed.


  • I have an amazing support system around me,

    周りの人たちからの 信じられないサポートに恵まれました

  • who never pity me, who are there to pick me up if I'm sad,

    哀れに思われることはなく 悲しい時に支えてくれたり

  • who are there to laugh with me during the good times,


  • and they taught me that, even though I have this syndrome,

    彼らから教わったことがあります 私にこんな病気があっても

  • even though things are hard, I can't let that define me.

    大変なことがあっても それで 私が誰であるか決まったりしないのです

  • My life was put into my hands, just like your lives are put into yours.

    皆さんと同じように 私の人生も自分の手中にあったのです

  • You are the person in the front seat of your car.

    運転席に座っているのは自分 どこに行くか決めるのも自分なんです

  • You are the one who decides

    運転席に座っているのは自分 どこに行くか決めるのも自分なんです

  • whether your car goes down a bad path, or a good path.

    良い道を進むも 悪い道を進むも 自分次第です

  • You are the one who decides what defines you.

    自分の存在を定義するものは何か それを決めるのも自分です

  • Now let me tell you: it could be really hard to figure out


  • what defines you, because there were times

    この答えを解き明かすのは とても難しいことでした

  • when I'd get so annoyed and frustrated, and say:

    イライラして落ち着かず 「もうどうだっていいわ!」

  • "I don't CARE what defines me!"

    なんて やけになる時もありました

  • When I was in high school I found a video,

    高校の時 残念ですが 私を

  • unfortunately, that somebody posted of me,


  • labeling me the world's ugliest woman.

    動画がアップされているのを 見つけました

  • There were over four million views to this video; eight seconds long,

    その8秒くらいの音もない動画は 400万回以上も再生され

  • no sound, thousands of comments; people saying,

    何千ものコメントが 書き込まれていました

  • "Lizzie, please--PLEASE-- just do the world a favor,

    「リジー お願い どうかお願い 世界のためと思って

  • put a gun to your head, and kill yourself."

    銃で自殺して」 というのもありました

  • Think about that, if people told you that,

    もし見知らぬ人に こんなことを言われたらどうでしょう?

  • if strangers told you this.


  • I cried my eyes out of course, and I was ready to fight back

    私は泣きくれましたが どこか吹っ切れて

  • and something kind of clicked in my head,


  • and I thought, "I'm just going to leave it alone."


  • I started realizing that my life is in my hands.

    人生は自分の手の中にあると わかり始めました

  • I could either choose to make this really good,


  • or I could choose to make this really bad.


  • I could be grateful, and open my eyes

    感謝の心を持って 目を見開いて

  • and realize the things that I do have,


  • and make those the things that define me.

    それによって自分がどう定義されるか 決めようと思いました

  • I can't see out of one eye, but I can see out of the other.

    私は片目は見えませんが もう片方からは見える とか

  • I might get sick a lot, but I have really nice hair.

    病気がちかもしれませんが 髪はとてもきれいとか

  • (Laughter)


  • (Audience) You do, you do!


  • Thanks.


  • You guys are like the best little section right here.


  • (Laughter)


  • (Lizzie laughs) You made me lose my train of thought!

    (リジー 笑) 何話すか忘れちゃったわ

  • (Laughter)


  • Okay...where was I?


  • (Audience) Your hair!


  • Hair! Hair. Ok, ok, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    髪!そう髪ね そうだった ありがとう

  • So I could either choose to be happy or I could choose

    それで幸せになるか 怒りを抱えたままか の選択は

  • to be upset with what I have and still kind of complain about it,


  • but then I started realizing:

    そこで また気づき始めました

  • Am I going to let the people who called me a monster define me?

    私をモンスター呼ばわりした人たちに 私がどんな人間かを決めさせる?

  • Am I going to let the people who said, "Kill it with fire!" define me?

    私を焼き殺せと言った人たちに 私のことを決めさせる?

  • No; I'm going to let my goals, and my success, and my accomplishments

    まさか!自分の目標や成功 成し遂げたことをもって決めるわ

  • be the things that define me-- Not my outer appearance,


  • not the fact that I'm visually impaired,


  • not the fact that I have this syndrome that nobody knows what it is.

    正体のわからない病気を抱えているという 事実でもない

  • So I told myself I'm going to work my butt off


  • and do whatever I could to make myself better,

    自分を良くすることは 何でもしようと思いました

  • because in my mind, the best way that I could get back at all those people

    だってそうすれば 見返してやれると思ったんです

  • who made fun of me, who teased me,

    私をからかったり いじめたり

  • who called me ugly, who called me a monster

    醜いと言ったり 怪物だと言った人たちに

  • was to make myself better, and to show them:

    良い意味で変わった 私を見せつけるんです

  • You know what?


  • Tell me those negative things,


  • I'm going to turn them around,


  • and I'm going to use them as a ladder


  • to climb up to my goals.


  • That's what I did.


  • I told myself that I wanted to be a motivational speaker,


  • I wanted to write a book,


  • graduate college, have my own family, and have my own career.

    大学を卒業して 家族とキャリアを 持つこと を目標にしました

  • Eight years later, I’m standing in front of you,

    8年を経て 私は皆さんの前で

  • still doing motivational speaking.

    勇気を与えられるよう お話をしている最中です

  • First thing, I accomplished it.


  • I wanted to write a book; in a couple of weeks

    本の執筆ですが 数週間後には

  • I will be submitting the manuscript for my third book.


  • (Applause)


  • I wanted to graduate college, and I just finished college.

    また目指していた大学の卒業も つい先日果たしたばかりです

  • (Cheers and applause)


  • I'm getting a degree in Communication Studies

    テキサス州立大学サンマルコス校で コミュニケーションを専攻し

  • from Texas State University in San Marcos,


  • and I have a minor in English.


  • I really, really tried to use real-life experience


  • while I was getting my degree, and my professors were not having it.

    私だけがもつ実体験を どうにかして活かそうと思いました

  • But, I wanted to have, lastly, my own family and my own career.

    最後に 自分の家族と キャリアを持つ という目標ですが

  • The family part is kind of down the line, and my career part,

    家族を持つのは もう少し時間がかかりそうですが

  • I feel like I'm really doing well with it, considering the fact that

    キャリアについては よくやっていると思います

  • when I decided I wanted to be a motivational speaker, I went home,


  • I sat in front of my laptop, went to Google, and typed in:


  • "How to be a motivational speaker."


  • (Laughter)


  • I'm not even joking.


  • I worked my butt off. I used the people who were telling me


  • that I couldn't do this to motivate me.

    「あなたにはできない」といった人達に 逆に鼓舞されました

  • I used their negativity to light my fire to keep going.

    彼らからの否定を燃料に 私の火は燃え続けました

  • Use that. Use THAT. Use that negativity

    利用するんです 否定的な意見を力に変えるんです

  • that you have in your life to make yourself better,


  • because I guarantee you

    そうしたら絶対に 打ち勝つことが出来ます

  • --guarantee you--


  • You will win.


  • Now I want to end, with asking you again.

    さて最後に もう一度自分に問いかけて 欲しいことがあります

  • I want you to leave here, and ask yourself what defines you.

    あなたの存在を 定義するものは何でしょうか?

  • But remember:


  • Brave starts here.


  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


I'm really, really, really excited to be here.

(Translated by Ai Tokimatsu; Reviewed by Takahiro Shimpo) ここに来ることができて 本当に本当に嬉しく思っています

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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