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  • Jason.

  • The response.

  • After struggling and hearing about how much you guys are struggling to come out, I mean, what was your mindset coming in?

  • You know, focus?

  • Yeah.

  • Um, way bounced back pretty well, especially playing top team in the West.

  • We lost there in a row.

  • So we're just looking to come out, obviously, get a win and just play with more intensity and more energy throughout the game.

  • Jason, the play at the rim tonight seemed to be a difference maker, especially if you guys are making your run in that first half.

  • Building up the big lead Penis can use address what kind of influence he had.

  • Building that lead and giving you guys that presents under the basket.

  • Finishing the innocents played great all year.

  • He's he's a monster down there.

  • I feel like it gets every offensive rebound and finishes around around, so I definitely get us a spark off the bench.

  • That that we need, uh, jailings dunk on LeBron.

  • Give you any flashbacks from a couple years ago.

  • Your Duncan LeBron will this kind of reaction to that?

  • I know if that was a hell of a play by do, he's so gifted, especially, you know, athletically, I was surprised.

  • I don't think he was gonna dunk it, especially vertical school.

  • Davies.

  • However, athlete, however, player I must say me, Jason, what is the do just for the confidence for this team getting back in the win column.

  • But doing it against the Lakers?

  • Uh, you're getting away in first and foremost, and then especially, you know, Lakers Celtics robbery?

  • No.

  • So it's a big win.

  • Especially, I put losing three or four in a row.

  • I feel feels good just to get a winning.

  • Hopefully, we can can build off this in the next game.

  • What do you think is the difference?

  • Like you come out in the past three games, you start slow and it all starts to fall apart.

  • In this game, you come out and still they still built a lead.

  • But this time you turned around.

  • What's what's the difference in this game?

  • You know, just just talking.

  • Communicate with each other.

  • No matter of shots, have fallen or not, especially the beginning.

  • Just stick with it, keep making the right play.

  • Things eventually turn around, and I think that's what we did today.

  • Just Kip trying to make the right play.

  • And no, just play with play with some effort, you know, throughout 48.

  • Also, this is the first time you've had, like, everybody, for the most part, healthy.

  • Obviously, Rob's not there, but, like, what's What's the difference here, as opposed to like in past games?

  • And now you've got you, Jalen Gordon Campbell all on the perimeter there.

  • How does that feel?

  • What's the difference there?

  • Uh, just much more dynamic.

  • Feel like we're tougher to guard when when myself, JB Kember, smart when everybody's out there, makes it tough for other teams to guard.

  • It makes it easier for all of us.

  • You know, there's so many guys that can do something different things out there.

  • Hopefully, we can continue to stay healthy.

  • Obviously, we'd love to have ride back, but people roll until he gets back.

  • Do you know how were you guys able to sustain that early bunch?

  • Then turn things around?

  • Um, just by having ball pressure, you know, I'm trying to make it tough.

  • You know, those guys are really good, A really good team.

  • So we just tried to make it tough for him all night.

  • Can you take us through the dunk on LeBron, Uh, just being aggressive.

  • And I just made a play at the room.

  • Hang a lot of it.

  • Was pretty nice.

  • Was pretty awesome.

  • Bucket list.

  • Uh, thank you.

  • I give it to him.

  • You definitely did in the playoffs for sure.

  • But LeBron, he's gotten, you know, so many other guys.

  • So just to be out there playing against, you know, one of the best players to ever play the game is his honor.

  • So always like that matchup and obviously me A little extra boost.

  • I mean, you were screaming before the ball went through the who did you know what was happening?

  • No, I didn't.

  • I was just plant high adrenaline, you know, just trying to be aggressive and just made a play.

  • That's it.

  • What was different about you guys tonight?

  • Um, just pushing everything out.

  • I think that we're fast team.

  • We got to take advantage of our you know, some of the things that we do best.

  • So making things tough, pushing guys out, making them stay farther from the rim is like what we got to do to speed the game up and use our advantages.

  • So we did a good job of that tonight.

  • Ask him.

  • It was just a good reminder of what you guys are capable of.

  • Um, yeah, it's a great reminder.

  • We gotta hold yourself, hold ourselves accountable to play with this type of energy and type effort every night.

  • It just can't be against the Lakers.

  • We got we got to get up and play like that against, you know, Memphis in a few days.

  • So he's gotta be be able to be resilient, humble, poised, and continue to move forward.

  • German.

  • Some feel that you're here in the room.

  • It felt better as the game started going.

  • It was bothering me early.

  • As a game started going, it started loosening up a little bit.

  • I'm still trying to get some treatment, making sure everything is taken care of.

  • Honestly, when you dunk the ball, I mean, do you feel that your spring, you journalist puppet, you know, I mean, it's crazy, you know, when you got an adrenaline rush with the mind and the body just completely takes over like I felt nothing.

  • You know, all my pain and certain points just went away just because your heart's paid pounding so fast.

  • So no, I don't feel none of my injuries, you know, feeling out e now, question doing Did LeBron Sadie eat anything to you after you guys exchange?

  • Uh, wait in the stands.

  • Anywhere is, uh, but we'll get up with the next time.

  • You can bet.

  • Brad said that you guys took a pretty tough shot to start the game.

  • How are you able to bounce back, Turn things around?

  • I think we felt pretty good, you know, because we were playing hard.

  • They would make tough plays early in the game.

  • But, you know, we just kind of regrouped has made a push.

  • You know, we just kind of never looked back.

  • Being close to healthy.

  • Is this what this team, This is what we should be on a on a nightly basis way would like to be.

  • You know, hopefully you know what we played tonight and this win you can help was built.

  • You know, in the future, I know how much you love to win.

  • And I don't want to make it about one man better coming against.

  • No, really, I'm here.

  • Everybody's making a big deal to record and stuff But you have the most respectful abroad, and you know he's one of the greatest players of all time.

  • If anybody him, you know, the guy couldn't be it.

  • Beat him.

  • You know, he's such a great player.

  • He's done so much in this league that has been so far.

  • So, you know, it just feels good to the win.

  • I'm more excited about the way we played and the way we came out.

  • No, especially with the struggles that we had in the past.

  • Last week's really That's what I'm more excited about.

  • How badly did you need this reminder way need to?

  • This is a really important game for us, and we treated like it.

  • Way executed, you know, just one.

  • Those games to help was realized how talented we are, how good we can be and pretty much way really been playing.

  • You know, Hopefully, we could just get back on track.

  • Kind of Grant talked about films how significant it was for this win.

  • In your opinion, what is something that resonated with Drew?

  • The most out of that part of the film session of I think for us was probably are our ball pressure.

  • You know where we allow teams to kind of operate their offense.

  • The one we're good and we're back.

  • We're really good.

  • No, we're open the basketball teams operating from pretty far out.

  • Really bad, obviously, is the opposite.

  • No, tonight we really did that.

  • You know, we pressure to basketball.

  • Those guys kind of operating northern far out.

  • We're just scrambling, helping each other talking, running all over the gym, you know, just just just making a lot of housing plays, just playing the way that we know we stick to the plan.

  • What's that about energy level?

  • And what does it do for you guys when it is kind of like, I think it was obviously high because the matchup.

  • But, you know, it's up to us to kind of continue that, you know, from from here on No, that's That's kind of the things that we're we're looking at.

  • I know it's just one game.

  • Can a game like this e think so?

  • I think so.

  • But like I said, it just kind of remind off.

  • You know, how go we can really be, how go we really are and how we were playing in their early in this season.

  • That's how we was playing.

  • We had great energy, pressured the basketball.

  • Just having fun.

  • No.

  • Playing with enthusiasm and passion.

  • Oh, I think I got away from that little can we?

  • You left in the first quarter back with?

  • No, it was nice.

  • It was heat heat, All right.

  • I wasn't on the sidelines.

  • Is everything OK?

  • Yeah.

  • Thanks.

  • Final I was a little bit sore, but, I mean, who was not at this point?

  • No.

  • Yeah, I'm okay.

  • Just trying to a good job of just taking care myself.

  • I know which I will.

  • So damn fine question together.

  • Like you said, it's not one on one and a lot of a lot of people a lot of times, but it's great to finally break through question.

  • He's be a lot of people.

  • I bet you've not a lot of guys that have a winning record against LeBron James, but I mean, of course I'm happy.

  • I got one.

  • At least you know, before he before he goes.

  • I mean, even though who knows how long you can play?

  • Because he's just incredible what you mean?

  • You know there's only 11 28.

  • Thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube.

  • For more sports highlights and analysis, be sure to download the ESPN app and for live streaming sports and premium content, subscribe Teoh, ESPN plus.



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