字幕表 動画を再生する
(BOOMSTICK) Punching: the most useful language in the world when words fail. And these two lovely ladies are fluent in it.
(WIZ) Yang Xiao Long, the adventurous huntress from RWBY...
(BOOMSTICK) And Tifa Lockhart, the Final Fantasy heavy-hitter with enormous...power. He's Wiz, and I'm Boomstick!
(WIZ) And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win...a DEATH BATTLE.
(WIZ) 「RWBY」からの冒険好きな狩人、ヤン・シャオロン
(WIZ) The World of Remnant is...well, crazy.
(BOOMSTICK) そして、ティファ・ロックハート
Vicious creatures called "Grimm" run wild; entire cities have gone to waste; and every single weapon... is also a gun. Even nunchuks.
(BOOMSTICK) Ohh, that sounds like Disneyland to me--the happiest, most gun-filled place on Earth.
(WIZ) Luckily, the world is protected by the Huntsmen and Huntresses, an elite group of expertly-trained warriors.
(WIZ) 私たちの仕事は、
(BOOMSTICK) And where else would you get the training to kill bloodthirsty monsters...than from high school?
(Yang) Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day EVER!
(RUBY) Please, stop...
(WIZ) レムナントっていう世界は、まぁ…クレイジーだ。
(WIZ) After losing her mother to mysterious circumstances, and being trained all her life by her hero/legend of an uncle,
Yang Xiao Long was accepted into Beacon Academy.
(BOOMSTICK) It's kinda like Hogwarts, except replace wands and books with swords, sniper rifles, and giant transforming scythes.
Man, this place keeps getting better and better. Seriously, I know where I'm going to retire now.
(WIZ) A natural fighter and thrillseeker at heart, Yang fit right in and soon found herself a member of the color-coordinated Team RWBY,
led by her younger sister...Ruby.
(BOOMSTICK) Because that's not confusing at all...
(WIZ) 幸いなことに、
(RUBY) I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a BANG!
(YANG) I always kick MY semesters off with a YANG! Eh? Guys? Am I right?
(BOOMSTICK) こんな訓練は高校の授業であるんだぜ???
(BOOMSTICK) Anyway, Yang's time at Beacon was well-spent, and she became the master of punching all the things.
(ヤン) 私の妹と一緒にビーコン学園にいけるなんて信じられない!
(WIZ) See, while Yang's fellow teammates wield a scythe, a couple swords, some big guns--Yang's style of combat takes a more...direct approach.
(BOOMSTICK) Yeah, she does--with her shotgun-gauntlets!
(WIZ) Her two golden bracelets aren't just stylish; they extend to form a weapon called the Ember Celica.
(WIZ) 謎の理由で母親を失った後、
(BOOMSTICK) With just a punch, the Ember Celica fires off a flash of kinetic energy, blasting a foe with an explosion of force and a beautiful sound.
(BOOMSTICK) To top it off, these concussive blasts can fly several hundred feet!
(BOOMSTICK) ホグワーツ魔法魔術学校のようなもんよ
Yang is one of the few people I know who can punch a bird out of the sky! That's what you get for crapping on my car!
(WIZ) In addition, like most Huntresses, Yang can manifest her soul as an Aura.
剣・スナイパーライフル、 変形可能な大鎌にな!
Aura can be used to block deadly attacks and heal minor wounds. And Yang's is no different.
(BOOMSTICK) But my favorite way she uses her Aura is when she goes Super Saiyan.
(WIZ) Many Hunters and Huntresses possess a Semblance, a special power unique to them
(WIZ) 生まれつきのファイターであり、
that makes Beacon Academy look a little more like the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.
(BOOMSTICK) Yang's Semblance absorbs damage from hits she takes, adding them to her own physical power.
After taking just two attacks from a mech suit, she was strong enough to shatter the whole thing in one go.
(WIZ) Unfortunately, her Semblance does not increase her Aura's defense, so she feels the full force of everything that hits her Aura,
(BOOMSTICK) ホント紛らわしくないよなあ
and can only absorb power so long as she remains conscious.
(RUBY) 私は学期をバン!って始めようとしてるんだ!
(BOOMSTICK) Luckily, she's pretty tough.
(YANG) 私はいつも学期をヤンって始めてるわ!
Yang survived a punch that easily smashed her through a concrete pillar. You know, the ones designed to hold up entire bridges?
(WIZ) And during a food fight--remember, this is high school--Yang was knocked up into the air and did not come back down for about 100 seconds.
More than enough time to reach terminal velocity. This means, upon landing, she took an impact of nearly fifty tons of force.
(BOOMSTICK) とにかく、ヤンはビーコンで時間をよく使い、どんなものでも殴れるようにマスターになったんだぜ
(BOOMSTICK) And stood right back up like it was nothing! Ah, what a waste of good food...
(WIZ) それはね、ヤンのチームメイトは鎌・剣・ドでかい銃をを振るう一方で、ヤンの戦闘スタイルはもっと...直接的なアプローチを採用しているんだ。
(WIZ) Despite this, Yang can only take so much.
(BOOMSTICK) そうだぜ - ショットガン・ガントレットってやつでな!
Her Aura has a limit, as does her short temper. Pushing both of these too far leaves her extremely vulnerable.
(WIZ) 彼女の二つの金のブレスレットはただスタイリッシュじゃないんだ、それらはエンバーセリカと呼ばれる武器に変形するんだ。
(BOOMSTICK) Like when this ice-cream lady knocked her out because Yang had been fighting monsters all day with no sleep.
(BOOMSTICK) たったパンチ一発でエンバーセリカは運動エネルギーを撃ち込み、相手を爆発と美しい音でふっ飛ばすんだ
(WIZ) It's also worth noting Yang is less adaptable when fighting against foes specializing in kicks.
(BOOMSTICK) Still, she's confident she's one of the best in her class and dedicated to graduating Huntress School,
(BOOMSTICK) おまけに、これらの爆撃は数百フィートを飛ばすことができるぜ!
so she can travel the world fighting everyone just for the thrill of it.
(YANG) Alley-oop!
(WIZ) また、ほとんどのハントレスのように、ヤンは魂をオーラとして発揮することができるんだ。
(enjoying herself)
Whoa-oh-oh... Whoo-hoo!
(BOOMSTICK) だけど俺の好きな彼女のオーラ使い方は、彼女がスーパーサイヤ人になる時さ。
Oof... Nailed it!
(WIZ) 多くのハンターとハントレスはそれぞれセンブランスという特別な力を持ってるんだ
(WIZ) Far to the west on the planet Gaia lies a small mountain village called Nibelheim.
At first glance, this town appears calm and peaceful, not worth a second look.
(BOOMSTICK) ヤンのセンブランスは彼女へのダメージを吸収し彼女自身の力へ変換することにある。
(BOOMSTICK) Until a sword-wielding Goth guy found his alien mother hidden inside. He celebrated with fireworks.
(WIZ) After losing her parents and watching the madman Sephiroth burn her hometown to ashes,
(WIZ) 残念ながら、彼女のセンブランスはオーラの防御を強くできないので、彼女はすべてのダメージを感じてしまうんだ
Tifa Lockhart joined AVALANCHE, a group dedicated to protecting the Planet from ecological harm...and Meteors.
(BOOMSTICK) Speakin' of Meteors, check out the size of the--
(BOOMSTICK) 幸いなことに、彼女はかなりタフだ。
(BOOMSTICK) What?! I was talking about the Meteor!
(WIZ) そして、フードファイトの戦いの時 - 一応これは高校だからね?‐ヤンは空中に打ち上げられ、100秒ほど戻ってこなかったんだ
(WIZ) Sure, you were.
(BOOMSTICK) Anyway, Tifa was thrust into the stereotypical gender-role of housekeeper by maintaining the hidden AVALANCHE homebase, 7th Heaven.
(BOOMSTICK) そしてそれを何もなかったように、立ち上がるんだ!あぁ、食べ物がもったいない...
But it wasn't all bad, because it also doubled as a bar.
(WIZ) にもかかわらず、ヤンはそんなに受けることができない。
(WIZ) And she doubled as a bouncer.
(BOOMSTICK) Now, I've been thrown out of my fair share of bars for totally illegitimate reasons,
(BOOMSTICK) 例えば、ヤンが一日中寝ないでモンスターと戦ってたせいでアイスクリームの様な髪色をしている女性に倒されたときとかな!
but not even I would urinate on the 7th Heaven jukebox with Tifa on guard.
(WIZ) それに、蹴りに特化した敵と戦う時、ヤンはあまり適応可能でない点にも注目だ。
(WIZ) Smart choice, since she is a master of close-quarters combat.
(BOOMSTICK) それでも、彼女はクラスの中で最強の一人だという自信がありハントレス学校を卒業することに専念している。
Tifa is a feint brawler, adept at surprising foes with quick, powerful strikes.
And as she traveled with her friend, Cloud, to save the Planet, she learned seven legendary techniques: the Limit Breaks.
(YANG) よいしょ!
(BOOMSTICK) Accessing her inner gambler, Tifa's Limit Breaks include rapid-fire punches, explosive throwdowns,
and summoning dolphins who uppercut people?! That's just awesome!
And if she manages to throw all of them in order, she charges the last of her Limit energy into one final, titanic punch: the Final Heaven!
OOF ...やったぜ。
F@&# you, squirrel!
(WIZ) 惑星ガイアのはるか西に二ベルハイムと呼ばれる小さな山の村がある。
(WIZ) Tifa is ready to throw down at a moment's notice, and even wears leather gloves everywhere she goes, just in case a fight comes her way.
(BOOMSTICK) And if she decides to get REALLY serious, Ms. Lockhart busts out her two round, beautiful Ultimate Weapons...
(BOOMSTICK) 剣を振り回すゴス野郎が彼の宇宙人母の親を見つけるまではね。彼は花火で祝ったぜ。
(WIZ) Don't you dare--
(WIZ) 両親を失い、狂人セフィロスが彼女の故郷を燃やす様を見た後、
(BOOMSTICK) ...the Premium Heart!
(WIZ) Oh. Well...the Premium Heart increases Tifa's striking power immensely, and continues to do so over time as she builds Limit Energy.
(BOOMSTICK) メテオって言えば、あのサイズ見てみろよ、あのー
However, they lose this increase after Tifa uses her Limit Breaks and need time to charge back up.
(BOOMSTICK) Oh, that sounds like it could be a problem...oh, if she didn't also have magic!
(BOOMSTICK) なんだ?!俺はメテオについて話しているんだぞ!
(WIZ) In Final Fantasy VII, there's a wide variety of magical ability-granting gems called Materia.
(WIZ) ああ、そう。
Any person can wield any Materia, and it's up to the game's actual player to decide who gets what, giving Tifa no standard Materia setup.
(BOOMSTICK) とにかく、ティファは、ステレオタイプな家政婦として働かされアバランチの隠れ基地セブンス・ヘブンを維持したんだ
However, thanks to the Dissidia fighting series, we know Tifa prefers to carry Fire and Ice Materia into battle.
(BOOMSTICK) These Fire and Ice Materia let Tifa conjure and wield... fire and ice.
(WIZ) そして彼女は用心棒としても扱われたのさ!
Combine that with her freakish, superhuman strength and she's like an unstoppable powerhouse.
(BOOMSTICK) 私はこれまでに完全に非合法な理由でバーから放り出されてきたが、
(WIZ) Well, her immense power does come at a price; her skills in speed and defense are somewhat lacking, making her something of a glass cannon.
But, to help make up for this, Tifa wears two armor pieces. She wears a ribbon on her arm in memory of her late friend, Aerith.
(WIZ) 彼女は接近戦マスターだから賢い選択だよ。
(BOOMSTICK) *sniff* C'mon, man, don't bring that up!
(WIZ) ...Which protects her from negative effects, like poison and paralysis.
She also likely wears the Minerva Band to defend from fire and ice.
(BOOMSTICK) 内面にあるギャンブラー性に入り込むことで、ティファのリミットブレイクは高速連打、爆発投げ、
(BOOMSTICK) Glass cannon or not, her strength is ridiculous. She's strong enough to fight an embodiment of Sephiroth, and throw giant monsters around like nothing.
(WIZ) And there was the time she helped throw Cloud through the air to reach the flying monster, Bahamut SIN.
After leaving Tifa's hand, you can see a Mach cone form around Cloud, which means that Tifa must have helped throw him with enough force to break the sound barrier.
(BOOMSTICK) Oh, Cloud's a lightweight. C'mon, how hard can that be?
(WIZ) ティファは一瞬でも敵を察知すれば殴りかかる。それにもし戦いが来た時に備え、彼女がどこへ行っても革手袋を身に着けているんだ。
(WIZ) Well, factoring in the weight of Cloud and his giant weapon...
(BOOMSTICK) そして彼女は本気になった時には、このロックハートは2つの丸い、美しい究極の武器を解放する…それは…
(WIZ) 言うなよーーー
(WIZ) He must've been thrown with up to 153 tons of force.
(BOOMSTICK) ...プレミアムハート!
(BOOMSTICK) Well, $#*!, talk about power! You don't wanna mess with Tifa's strong, twin, firm...
(WIZ) ああ。えっと...プレミアムハートはティファの打撃力を非常に増大させ、彼女がリミットゲージを溜める時に常に増え続けているんだ。
(WIZ) Noooo...
(BOOMSTICK) ...fists.
(BOOMSTICK) ああ、それは問題に聞こえるな…もし魔法がなかったらなだけどな!
Also, she's got a really nice rack. Did I mention that yet?
(WIZ) ファイナルファンタジーVIIでは、マテリアと呼ばれる魔法が使えるジェムが多種多様とある。
(TIFA) Feels like you're flying, doesn't it?
(TIDUS screams)
(WIZ) All right, the combatants are set! Let's end this debate once and for all!
(BOOMSTICK) この火と氷のマテリアは…炎と氷を唱え、使うことができるんだ。
(BOOMSTICK) It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!
(BOUNCER) Hold up! Lemme see some ID.
(WIZ) まあ、彼女の巨大な力は高くつくんだ。彼女のスピードと守備のスキルは多少不足していて、ガラスの様な大砲になっちゃうんだよ。
(YANG) Hello! No need to panic, people; just looking for someone.
I WILL take a Strawberry Sunrise, though. No ice. Thanks!
(BOOMSTICK) *グス*勘弁してくれよ、それを持ち出すなよ!
(TIFA) Sorry, Miss. I think you'd better turn yourself around and look elsewhere.
(WIZ) ...それは毒や麻痺などの負の影響、から彼女を保護するんだ。
(YANG) So... does this mean no Sunrise?
♪ Take a good look, got you sprung, got you hooked ♪
(BOOMSTICK) ガラスの大砲だろうがなかろうが、彼女の強さはばかげている。
♪ If looks were a crime, I'd be the biggest crook ♪
♪ My sexy lips, dreamy eyes--look into my eyes ♪
(WIZ) そして、彼女はバハムート・シンに近づくために空中でクラウドを投げた時があった。
♪ I've got you under my spell; I got you hypnotized ♪
♪ I'll make you my fool, my living footstool ♪
♪ I'm beauty; you're the beast ♪
(BOOMSTICK) ああ、クラウドは軽いだろ。それがどんなに難しいんだよ?
(YANG) Having fun? I sure am! ♪ I'm the stallion; you're the mule ♪
(WIZ) さて、クラウドと彼の巨大な武器の重量を考慮に...
(TIFA) Ugh, don't mock me! ♪ I'm looking so good from head to toe ♪
♪ I see you looking at me; your pants tell me so ♪
(WIZ) 彼は最大153トンの力で投げられてんだろう。
♪ I see you looking--you looking, looking, looking at me ♪
(BOOMSTICK) おぉ、$#*!、すごい力だな!ちょっかいだすべきじゃないな、ティファの強い、二つの、しっかりとした…
♪ I know you're wishing--you're wishing, wishing you could be me ♪
(WIZ) やめろよ~~ ...
♪ Look in the mirror and tell me, tell me what do you see ♪
(BOOMSTICK) ...拳に。
♪ So tell me, what do you see? ♪
♪ So when you looking at me? ♪
(TIFA) 天にも昇る気持ちでしょ?
♪ Roll out the red carpet 'cuz the queen is here ♪
♪ And bow down before me ♪
(WIZ) よし、全ての戦闘員の準備が整ったな! この議論を終わらせようか!
(TIFA) All right, warm-up's over! ♪ And be of good cheer ♪
(BOOMSTICK) デスバトルの時間だああああああ!!
♪ Have my bath ready and my food prepared ♪
(BOUNCER) 止まった!IDを見せな。
I'm gonna blow you out of the water! ♪ It's not my fault that you're ugly. Stay over there. ♪
(YANG) こんにちは~! パニックになる必要はないよ、ただある人を探しているんだ。
♪ Say "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the prettiest of them all?" ♪
Take this! ♪ Me! Me! Me! Me! ♫
(TIFA) 申し訳ないね、譲さん。どこか違うところあたったほうがいいよ。
♪ Come at me and you'll see ♪
(YANG) ってことは、サンライズはもらえないの?
(TIFA) Had enough?
♪ I'm more than meets the eye ♪
(YANG) 楽しんでる?私はすごい楽しんでるよ!
♪ You think that you'll break me ♪
(TIFA) くっ、馬鹿にしないで!
♪ You're gonna find in time ♪
(YANG) Not even close.
♪ You're standing too close to a flame that's burning ♪
♪ Hotter than the sun in the middle of July ♪
(TIFA) 限界?
♪ Sending out your army, but you still can't win ♪
(YANG) 程遠いわ。
♪ Listen up, silly boy, 'cause I'm gonna tell you why-y-y ♪
(TIFA) 負かしてやるからね!
♪ (I BURN!) ♪
♪ Can't hold me down ♪
♪ You got nothing that can stop me (I BURN!) ♪
(TIFA) You're going down!
♪ Swing all you want ♪
♪ Like a fever, I'll take you down ♪
(YANG) うぁ...私今さっき爆発した?
Don't move!
(TIFA) ファイナル... ヘブン!!!
(painful groaning)
All right... let's see if you can keep up with this!
(YANG) どうだよ!
(playful dolphin noise)
*ティファ/ FF7とファンが絶叫の音。*
Here goes!
♪ (I BURN!) ♪
(BOOMSTICK) *はぁ... *将来の妻リストから消さないと...
(YANG) Ugh... Did I just explode?! ♪ Can't hold me down ♪
(WIZ) ティファは当然ヤンより強く、より経験豊富だったが、ヤンのセンブランスはすぐにティファの力全てを変えたんだ。
♪ You got nothing that can stop me ♪
(BOOMSTICK) ヤンの力と散弾銃を対抗できるティファのミネルヴァバンドでさえも、最終的にセンブランスに負かされたんだ。
(WIZ) さらに、ティファはリミットブレイクを使用してクラウドよりも何倍も重いクリーチャーを持ち上げることができるが、
(massive explosion!) ♪ Swing all you want ♪
♪ Like a fever, I'll take you (I BURN!) ♪ *Yang goes Super Saiyan*
(BOOMSTICK) ティファのプレミアムハートが時間をかけて力に増加していてもリミットブレイク後には力はリセットされ、ヤンの力はそのまま上昇していった。
What in the world...!?!?
(WIZ) しかし、ヤンの本当の切り札は彼女のオーラだ。彼女がティファの攻撃を生き残ることができなかったら、彼女のセンブランスは意味がなかっただろう。
♪ Can't hold me down ♪
♪ You got nothing that can stop me (I BURN!) ♪
♪ Swing all you want ♪
(BOOMSTICK) つまり、360のジェット機が君の顔に落ちる時と同じなんだぜ!
(YANG) You like that?!
♪ Like a fever, I'll take you down! ♫
(WIZ) 勝者はヤン・シャオロングだ!
*The sound of Fans of Tifa/FF7 screaming.*
(BOOMSTICK) 次回のデスバトルは...
Nailed it.
(???) こんにちは、チャドとベン、およびすべてのデスバトルのファン達。
(BOOMSTICK) *Sigh...* Cross another potential wife off the list...
(WIZ) Tifa was naturally stronger and more experienced than Yang, but Yang's Semblance quickly turned all of Tifa's power against her.
(BOOMSTICK) Even the Minerva Band, the best of Tifa's armor options to counter Yang's strength and shotgun blasts, was eventually overtaken by the Semblance.
(WIZ) Plus, while Tifa could lift creatures many times heavier than Cloud using her Limit Breaks,
she never shows this kind of strength anywhere else, implying that this power is exclusive to those Limit Breaks rather than something she possesses naturally.
(BOOMSTICK) And even though Tifa's Premium Heart increased in power over time, they reset after her Limit Breaks while Yang's power kept on rising.
(WIZ) However, Yang's real trump card was her Aura. Her Semblance would have been useless if she could not survive Tifa's attacks.
Luckily, her Aura is durable enough to take a punch that shattered a concrete pillar about four feet wide, a feat which requires at least 1400 tons of force.
(CHAD) 大丈夫。あれは本物のハードドライブじゃないよね?
(BOOMSTICK) That's the equivalent of having 360 jet liners fall on your face!
(BEN) うん。ここにあるはずだ...
Yang's power just pulled through in a snap.
... $#*!
(WIZ) The winner is Yang Xiao Long!
(???) Hello, Chad and Ben, and all you DEATH BATTLE fans.
Ol' Wiz and Boomstick had a great scheme going on for a while there,
having you follow them on Twitter to find out which of your favorite characters they're going to massacre in the next fight.
Well...now it's my turn.
You see this? It's the hard drive that contains all of the DEATH BATTLE matchups and outcomes for the next year. And it's mine now.
If you ever want to see your precious DEATH BATTLE again... Well, you know what to do.
To prove that I have the content, I will release the next matchup in the season finale of "The Industry" this Saturday.
The name's John. John Francis McCallagh. And DEATH BATTLE...is mine.
(CHAD) All right. That wasn't the real hard drive though, right?
(BEN) No, no. I've got it right...