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  • and you told us on the jump a week ago.

  • Do not be surprised to see Kevin Durant going to the Brooklyn Nets.

  • What did you know then?

  • Perk.

  • And why did you think that?

  • Why would you first about thanks for having me.

  • Oh, and we're going on everybody.

  • We miss you.

  • I'm just happy that he chose Brooklyn.

  • I think this is That's a great situation for, um and, you know, like I said, I didn't get any inside kids.

  • We don't never talk about basketball.

  • I just was putting everything together.

  • You know what, Tim?

  • And re talking, and then all of a sudden kind of re signing will rise Nation.

  • And with Kevin Durant had them tired, right Nation and Kevin Durant doing his rehab in New York.

  • It just all made sense.

  • And then, as time like time, start taking it in Katie announcing that he's going to announce his decision tonight.

  • I'm like, what?

  • I came out to announce it tonight when he hasn't had a chance to meet within the other thing, you know, because you know you, by my rule, you can't meet with anybody until free agency story.

  • So I was like we got to be out of Golden State.

  • Brookings, two weeks ago.

  • I was just putting it all together because, you know, every night.

  • Then he mentioned to me, You know, about the organization place, You know, I was just taking myself.

  • I'm like, man, I think I just had this strange feeling.

  • I just had this strange feeling that it could have been there even, Okay, he has no ties to Rock Nation.

  • I would just put me just all includes I know him.

  • And Kyrie is very close.

  • And Katie don't have any ties to ride Nation, but just putting all of it together.

  • Just saying, like, is the person treats with Katie and I after like it is the perfect people with the weight of direction is going with the Brooklyn Nets with GM.

  • Howie cut a lot of coaching staff.

  • They got a nice young core, but I think it was a great situation from and he's in New York, and it's gonna be staying too, by the way.

  • Yeah, well, look, I mean, certainly they will be interesting to see them ease into that.

  • As Kyrie is the leader on the court.

  • The first year, and Kevin comes in as we would expect after rehabbing that Achilles, I do want to ask you, This is a question I was asking our panel up here earlier.

  • You talked to Kevin a lot.

  • You know that it's not just a media creation, sort of this narrative about him being a cupcake or how he was accepted or not within the Warriors, it's something that's affected him.

  • The reason we talk about it so much is because it's not just outside noise.

  • It's affected him, whether it's something that he has tried to take some ownership up and put on his sneakers, right or the way he tweets or things that have, he's acknowledged, have been deeply hurtful to him the way people have talked about him to be such a talented player and maybe not ascending as being known as the best player in the league when he thought he should be, because there was this bias against him of what he did in Golden State.

  • Now that he is officially put the Golden State chapter behind him, Kendrick, how do you think he is going to feel about his place in the league with this new team, this new group and being with Tyree and we Now you're DeAndre Jordan.

  • Why?

  • Because I think it's good, But I don't think you have picked Katie.

  • It all because I always say these, like Katie didn't go to Golden say, I mean, Katie the next to go to Golden State.

  • So the state came out in the cool of him, and they recruited the impending because they knew that they needed, you know, um, I think, you know, he stamped in the league, no matter what.

  • But you know, people always gonna question because he joined the 73 19 that, you know, already have won one championship.

  • But, like, I see, you know, it's time for him to move on.

  • He did what he needed to do.

  • And Golden State, we went there.

  • He won back to back championships.

  • Two finals.

  • M v p stepped up when he needs to be.

  • And I think this is a great opportunity for him right now to leave.

  • Go to Brooklyn, you know?

  • You know, I hear a lot of people saying I was gonna be tough in New York.

  • Katie.

  • Angle, baby toe.

  • Have them oppression.

  • What a wrong.

  • I think this is the purpose situation for And you know, Katie is my brother and I'm happy for him.

  • I think you made the right decision and I think it will prove a lot of people wrong obviously have to go through the year rehab.

  • But I think this is the perfect.

  • And I know I've been there revered critical carvery lately just because I'm a former Celtic.

  • But I think this is the perfect combination for agreeing for Curry and KD I think this is what we need.

  • Well, you called it perk a week and 1/2 ago.

  • So I think after this you should go to Vegas.

  • I am in a show.

  • Everyone on TV who didn't get to see you earlier.

  • This is what you look like right now in your Brooklyn have cooled you one great boom.

  • So thank you so much for joining us.

  • Thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube.

and you told us on the jump a week ago.


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ケンドリック・パーキンスは友人のケビン・デュラントがウォリアーズ以上のネッツとの契約に反応する|ザ・ジャンプ (Kendrick Perkins reacts to friend Kevin Durant signing with Nets over Warriors | The Jump)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日