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  • ready.

  • OK, The following video will make you think twice before you joke around because this'll is John.

  • Hi, my name is Joan on.

  • I am a politician.

  • John is probably one of the most unconventional politicians you will see mainly because I am not a politician.

  • John is a comedian who was frustrated with governments, especially after the financial crisis, so he decided to run for government himself as a purely as a joke.

  • He started a new party and called it the best party with a logo similar to the Facebook life that roughly resembled a Penis.

  • According to him, we made it a bit longer, looked like a Penis or like a hand holding hot and promised people three towels, a polar bear and a Disneyland hit Iceland.

  • Such a campaign.

  • No one would take him seriously, but to his surprise, I want I want Really.

  • People were so frustrated with normal politicians that it shows to re elect a comedian in charge, and he took the challenge.

  • For the next four years, he became the rial mayor of Iceland's capital.

  • I actually did automation.

  • He helped turn his city's budget around, advocated for social issues and environmental Once it was all great and fun.

  • This is where the jokes and this'll extroverts comedian who was full of life and jokes and humor became very sad, tired and frustrated after only four years in politics.

  • Turns out politics is much more about influence than ideals.

  • Just think about this for a second.

  • The fact that people elected him tells you that they are frustrated with politics.

  • The fact that he came out of it not wanting to do politics ever again tells you politics is hard on the fact that all of this happened in Iceland.

  • Ah, country with one of the best political systems in the world tells you that politics anywhere in the world is really hard.

  • This comedian turned politician turned writer has a message for a look.

  • See what you want, but be careful what you wish for because it just might come true.



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B1 中級

勘違いしたジョーク! (The Joke That Went Wrong!)

  • 10 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日