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Hey Psych2Go-ers, welcome back to another video!
Depression is a serious mental health condition that can affect people we least expect.
With concealed depression, you may manage your symptoms in ways that keep your condition hidden from others.
Often, you may adopt coping strategies that may not strike others as unusual.
Still, the burden to carry this mental illness without support can make the experience even more isolating.
Before we begin, we would like to mention that this video is created for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute a professional diagnosis.
With that said, here are 6 signs of concealed depression:
One: You may appear to be the happiest person in the room.
Do you sometimes appear happy or upbeat even if you feel otherwise?
These attempts could turn into stable personas or behaviors that even your friends and family will believe in.
The misconception that people with depression are always gloomy, can create disbelief when you open up about having depression.
Sometimes it may feel like it's easier to adopt a happy persona than to share your true feelings.
Two, you may be a perfectionist.
According to psychologist Dr. Margaret Rutherford, perfectionism, over-responsibility, and not allowing anyone to see the real you are three basic traits of perfectly hidden depression.
Your depression may be masked by your impressive accomplishments and the ability to balance all your tasks and ambitions with a smile on your face.
Not only can these people be perfectionists, but they may also be highly self-critical, since they find personal value from external accomplishments or responsibilities.
Three: you seek ways to numb, avoid, or escape pain.
We all feel the need to escape the stress of our lives sometimes, and active forms of coping, like exercise, is a good way to de-stress.
However, some may turn to more risk-taking behaviors like drinking and gambling.
While people who indulge in escapism or avoidance may not necessarily be depressed, some excessive forms of coping strategies that are out of character, such as increased substance abuse or self-harm, can be a cause for concern.
Four: you may struggle with other health concerns.
Do you suffer from other health problems?
People with other chronic health conditions may face pain and symptoms that can lead to mood changes and depression.
A study by Biomedical Center, found that depression is often overlooked and normalized in people age 65 and older who have chronic physical illnesses such as diabetes, coronary disease, and Parkinson's disease.
Your physical health is prioritized over your emotional health, and so your depression can remain buried or confused with other conditions.
Five: you express your pain through art and music.
Creativity can be a healthy channel to release despair.
It's no secret that some of the world's greatest artists suffered from mental illnesses.
Many artists, musicians, and writers have expressed their pain in creative and even genius ways and gone on to inspire many others.
Still, these expressions of suffering are real and should be addressed.
And six, you might give subtle cries for help.
Are you consistently absent from work or school?
Do you always over burden yourself with work?
While suffering from concealed depression, you might not announce your distress outright.
You may express your pain in ways that may cause others to investigate further.
Cries for help can surface in the form of self-deprecating comments or a lack of concern for your physical or mental health.
Do you think you may have concealed depression or know someone who does?
Let us know in the comments below.
If you do, you're definitely not alone.
Don't be afraid to seek help, and talk to someone you trust about your situation.
The references and studies used in this video are added in the description below.
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