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  • Good meme, good ''intro"

  • Today we're going to review greentext memes

  • Yes, that's right(Subscribe me @ Dushyant Saraf)

  • the funny reddit memes, people discovered that if you write on reddit with a

  • greater than sign the text turns green!

  • How cool is that? So people started using it for ways to write f..funny stories or perhaps share embarrassing moments from their past

  • if you don't know what I'm talking about here's a great example

  • >Sex Ed teacher eight years ago told us to be careful when having sex.

  • >Never have sex

  • how about that one Mrs. Smith?

  • That's right. How about that? (laugh*)

  • Gotcha good didn't I!?(Laugh*)

  • >Be at Swedish ship cruise

  • >haven't defecated in a week week

  • >*OOF* at least three giant python in the toilet

  • >try to flush

  • >not working.jpg

  • >panic

  • >try to flush again but *OOF* doesn't flush

  • >look for a cleaner lady in the hallway

  • >Swedish is really bad so grab the hand of cleaner and take her to the bathroom

  • >try to flush and say "titta" (watch in Swedish) while push the flush button

  • >*OOF* goes quite normally away

  • ??????!!!?!

  • Did this happened to me?

  • I feel like it had. it could have- it could have happened to the best of us.

  • I feel like at least everyone has a really great *OOF* story. You know what I mean? (YASS DADY)

  • >Watch several ISIS videos because I love gore.

  • ????

  • Okay...

  • >The song that plays in them gets stuck in my head

  • >Start humming it to myself at work

  • >Muslim co-worker puts his hand on my shoulder says "soon, brother. soon."

  • >Lay in hospital bed

  • >family is surrounding you

  • >everyone crying

  • >let out your tear

  • >Life is flashing through your eyes

  • >50 years of hardcore porn in one millisecond

  • >nut all over everyone

  • >your last words are

  • * O O F *

  • >Let out last breath

  • >die

  • This is why you all need to stop watching porn

  • >be fat

  • >Go to /fit/ and find a solution

  • >Main problem is I eat like a dumpster

  • >apparently things with loads of fiber is going to save my filthy soul

  • >"Fiber is digested slowly, leaving you feeling full longer, and it helps with digestion"

  • >Go out and buy two boxes of fiber-heavy breakfast bars

  • >the first day I have fiber bars for breakfast lunch, and lots of snacks.

  • >I don't *OOF* that day

  • >next day I fiber myself up even more.

  • >I don't *OOF* that day either

  • >Fiber Jesus is surely worth his magic in my colon

  • >Can feel pounds dropping off because I'm not very hungry anymore.

  • >I don't *OOF* the third day

  • >I don't *OOF* the fourth day

  • >thefinaldaydawns.mp3

  • >I have my morning coffee. I feel my insides rumble in that familiar way

  • >The second I hit the toilet the weirdest fart in the world exits me

  • >It's whistling

  • >just a thin, continuous air stream of fart that smells like grandpapas coffin

  • >no sound other than the whistling hiss

  • >suddenly stops

  • >the hole is plugged

  • >SOS

  • >this *OOF* is so solid it feels like I'm giving anal birth to Dwayne "The rock" Johnson

  • >hang on the shower curtain and pray

  • >the rock is shot out of my *OOF*hole at mach speed

  • >my entire ass is covered in toilet water

  • >now the fun begins

  • >a fart that can-

  • oh god jeezus

  • >a fart that could do more damage to the ozone layer than aerosols ever did is shooting *OOF* bullets out of me

  • >solid and perectly round nuggets

  • >the smell is killing me

  • >Blacking out

  • >the thuds of nuggets shooting around the bowl propelled by my insane fiber

  • >Flatulence is giving me war flashback.

  • >iwasntevenin'nam.jpeg

  • >My guts are yelling in German

  • >sounds like a moose in heat lives in my belly

  • >most of the *OOF* isn't even digested at this point

  • >Just forced out by all the gas that I'd been building up by my throat

  • >After an hour it finally seems to be over.

  • >I'm shivering and crying

  • >Both legs collapse as I try to stand up

  • >My stomach hitting the bathroom tiles forces one last trumpet

  • >Gondorcallsforaid.rar

  • >Shakily wipes my ass

  • >Completely clean

  • >Go on akinator

  • >say yes when asked if your character is a porn star

  • >Answer in accordance to what you want your porn star to look like

  • >Akinator gives you a hand-picked porn star to fit your pri- preferences

  • Why do I wear the headphones?

  • That's genius!

  • akinator help me find my dream wife

  • Does it work with anime girls?

  • It's your character older than 18?

  • *silent laugh*

  • P R O B A B L Y

  • Okay. Apparently, I have found my anime waifu

  • Sorry Marzia.

  • >Be year 2014, woman rule the world

  • >Rihanna is their leader

  • >Be stuck in conentration camp for men

  • >Rihanna killing all the dudes because they found a way to reproduce without us

  • group of us overpower gaurdesses

  • >Be running

  • >get surrounded

  • >standoff.png

  • >all of a sudden a masked hero appears with his schlong flapping in the wind

  • >Beats up all the women

  • >sets all the dudes free

  • >wow many thanks

  • >takes mask off

  • It was Chris Brown

  • O h

  • I fucked up big time boys

  • >Be happily married for six years

  • >wife and I call each other cute pet names more than our real names

  • >Introduce us both at a function.

  • >"I'm Anon and this is my wife...uh..."

  • >

  • >tfw i don't remember her name

  • >mfw she's making me sleep in the backyard

  • how do i recover-

  • *felix mating call*

  • Got a story about this

  • >Be 12

  • >6th grade

  • >really need to piss

  • >excuse myself from band class

  • >rush to bathroom

  • >It's all the way on the other side of the school

  • >Discretely holding my *OOF* closed as I do

  • >arrive

  • >Decide to kick down stall door like I'm in the movies.

  • >It's *OOF* Occupied

  • kid *OOF* frog style with both feet on the toilet seat

  • >watching his turd quickly retract into his rectum like a scared turtle

  • >the scare causes me to *OOF* myself

  • >mfw

  • >Make a friend while playing team fortress 2

  • >Never really had a vidya friend before

  • >we played together often talk about life a bit too

  • >he mentions he's had a girlfriend for about four years

  • >One day says he's going to propose to her

  • >give him some encouragement

  • >Next day he's online. He says she rejected him

  • >tried to be supportive of him

  • >He spirals into depression

  • >spends all his time playing vidya for a few months

  • >one day he tells me that he's planning to commit suicide

  • >Talk to him for a few days see if he's really serious about it

  • >Realize I can't talk him out of it. He stopped going to his job after his girlfriend dumped him, just became a recluse

  • with no will to live

  • >Wish him the best in the afterlife and say goodbye

  • >last online: 1764 days ago

  • >be gopnik

  • >be effing dumb

  • >need to form a sentence to get attention from people

  • >Squat, so circulation to your legs actually denied

  • >more blood go to your brain

  • >You can actually make sentences

  • >use it to lurk people closer

  • >get up and start punching the *OOF* out of that

  • That's right the reason Matty the SWAT is so you can have more blood into your pumped into your brain

  • What are you stupid?

  • This is the body movement of intellectuals true thinkers, but yeah, try out the green texting is really cool

  • he works on every websites ever so just let me know if you had get on with it and

  • Remember to like if you enjoyed check out another video and as always

  • Pewdiepie with the six-oh win

  • Taking over YouTube,Tryna get like him

  • Brofist to the face

  • Can you keep up with the pace?

  • And i'm never gonna switch


  • How's it going bros?

  • Gotta get it like this

  • When you wanna hit the flow

  • Grinding like open up pop a top and never stop

  • Run up in the city and i'm never gonna flop

  • Tell me when to go i'm like whenever

  • I'm done with this pass the mic to Edgar



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

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  • 13 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日