字幕表 動画を再生する
the movie The Matrix follows a dystopian future where the character neo lives in assimilated universe.
映画 「マトリックス」 は、 主人公 ・ ネオが暮らす “同化” された世界を…
Called The Matrix, the movie is famous for its philosophical ideas, a run simulation and references different writers from whom these ideas originate but featured most prominently is the work of Boulder Yard, Similac, or in Simulation, which was written in 1981 18 years prior to the film.
“マトリックス” という 未来の “暗黒郷” を描いている
But 20 years later, simulation is as popular as ever to discuss.
この映画は “シミュレーション” に まつわる 哲学的思想で有名で、
This is most likely due to us being surrounded by assimilation in our everyday past lives.
複数の作家から 着想を得ているんだが…
Are we living in a simulation?
最も色濃く描かれているのは ボードリヤールの著書、
Tell me right now, please think of the grass.
「シミュラークルとシミュレーション」 だ
Tyson can blow the most feeble minds that we might in fact be living in a simulation quite easily to reiterate the point of ties in here, since computers can already generate simulated worlds in video games and seeing how vastly computers have improved just over the span of a decade.
1981年の著書、 つまり…
Comparing that to our time is a species.
映画より 18年前になる
It doesn't seem all that crazy anymore to propose the idea that we eventually could actually simulate a universe.
その20年後、 “シミュレーション” は これまで以上に議論を呼んだ
So while putting the perspective of time around this, what's to say we aren't already being assimilated.
その原因のほとんどは、 “模倣” で 満ちた 俺たちの “歴史” にある訳だが…
The odds that were based reality is one and billions.
( K: ウチらは “シミュレーション” を 生きてるの!? 教えて、 先生!! )
Many different philosophers have pondered over the idea of simulation for a long time, but the most famous example is Plato's allegory of the cave.
( K: 教えてよ、 全部… )
The Matrix takes its idea from this concept almost entirely.
( T: 言いたくないなぁ。 )
It goes as follows.
ニール ・ ドグラース ・ タイソンは 最強の “低脳” を驚愕させた…
Imagine prisoners being chained inside a cave ever since birth.
「我々が “シミュレーション” の中で 生活するのは 実際とても簡単だ」 と
They are completely mobilized and can only perceive the wall in front of them.
[ ウサギは、 必要不可欠な栄養素を摂取するために 自身のウ〇コを食べる。愚かな設計の産物である ] タイソンの主張を繰り返すと、
On this wall, shadows air being cast originating from a roadway behind the prisoners due to the echo from the wall, the prisoners air under the inception that the sounds are coming from the shadows.
コンピューターが すでに “仮想世界” を生み出せるように…
This simulation of shadows cast on the wall is the prisoners perception of reality, since it's all they can perceive.
[ 発音w ] コンピューターが すでに “仮想世界” を生み出せるように…
One prisoner, however, eventually escapes his chains and his perception of reality then gets distorted, just like Neo escaping his reality of the simulation he finds himself in.
ゲームも そうだ、
Neo can tell that he's living in the Matrix, not until at least he famously takes the red pill in the context of the film and news consciousness, The Matrix is a hyper reality, which, per definition is the unconscious inability to distinguish reality for assimilation of reality.
そして、 この10年に渡って 大いに コンピューターが進歩したように…
The old world is in ruins and for gone, while Neal lives on in the Similac room.
“人類史” の長さと比較すれば、
This idea of a simulated universe becoming reality is in similar Akron simulation explained by Boulder Yard.
「我々は 世界を “シミュレート” できる」 なんて 主張も 全く支離滅裂ではないってことだ
Through an older work of fiction, a fable by Jorge Luis Borg's Bork's fable told of an empire whose cartographers had mastered the map of its lined so much so that the map covered the size of the empire and coincided with it perfectly in the story.
では、 “時間” という 観点で考えたとき…
The preceding generations didn't see the value in the study of photography, nor longer the maps themselves.
まだ “同化” されていない ものが あるだろうか?
Asi Empire crumbled with time.
( E: ここが “基底現実” である 確率は 数十億分の一だ )
So did the maps.
多くの哲学者が “シミュレーション” に ついて 長きにわたり熟考してきたが…
But in the west of the empire, where the deserts could still be perceived inhabited by beggars and animals, the map of the desert gets confused.
最も有名な例は、 プラトンの 「洞窟の比喩」 だろう
For the original, it takes form of simulacra.
「マトリックス」 は、 ほぼ完全に この概念から着想を得ている
Well, there are points out that it's the map that proceeds the territory, and while being a model of a riel, it is no longer an origin or reality well deserved.
それが これだ…
If you want to be nit picky, Morpheus should have said this while in the Matrix, but not the depiction of reality in the you know what, no one can.
産まれたときから洞窟に 縛られた “囚人” を想像しよう
According to Boulder Yard, we already live in a hyper reality, which again, is our unconscious inability to distinguish reality for assimilation of reality.
彼らは 全く身動きできず、 目の前の壁しか見られない
So while assimilation or simulacrum is most commonly associated with technology, simulation can also take place within the space beyond our physical limits.
この壁には、 囚人たちの後ろの 通路から “影” が投影されている
Something like this already exists for us money.
壁からの反響音を、 囚人たちは このように “解釈” する…
Bolduan describes Similac, or a as something of a copy with no original money's value used to be bound by gold, the gold standard until 1970.
「この “影” から音がする」 と
But when this was removed, money function as its own reality.
この壁に映る影の “シミュレーション” は 囚人たちが認識する “現実” なんだ…
Since it's a copy with no original best a simulacrum, it's controlled by our laws.
[ この動画に “高評価” する人びと ↗︎ ] それしか知らないからな
But more importantly, our belief money exists because we believe in.
そんな中、 1人の囚人が ついに鎖から逃げ出し…
In fact, looking at a simulation with this lens of Baldry are we see a surrounded by hyper reality.
結果、 彼の “現実” への 認識は 歪められる
Hyper reality can also be a person taking someone's version of reality and making it the room.
ネオが “シミュレーション” の 現実から 逃げ出し…
YouTube, for example, is often perceived as unauthentic platform of creators.
“理解” したように
What they share is a reflection of their reality, but more often than not, this later comes out to be falls.
自分が マトリックスに いたとは わからない…
If an audience perceive our reflection of reality as authentic and then appropriates it to their own life than their reality, then becomes hyper real.
少なくとも、 あの有名な “赤い薬” を飲むまでは な
So just like NEOs, reality is hyper real through the Matrix.
映画の文脈と ネオの “意識” の中で、 マトリックスは “ハイパーリアル” だ
All reality is hyper real through ourselves.
定義では 「現実と “シミュレーション” とが 無意識に区別できなくなる状態」 とある
So maybe the question shouldn't be.
ネオが “シミュラークル” にいる間、 “旧世界” は荒廃し、 忘れ去られた
Are we living in reality?
「仮想世界が “現実” となる」 という考えを、 「シミュラークルとシミュレーション」 の中で ボードリヤールが説明する際に 例示したのが…
Rather, What can we do to protect our reality, even if it's likely to be on really what is real?
ホルヘ ・ ルイス ・ ボルヘスの “寓話” だ
How do you define really?
それは、 領土の地図を “完璧に” 作成した帝国の話…