字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント PewDiePie: Ahhhh! ( ´Д`)<あ゛ー Okay, so I've been sick for a couple days. 体調が なかなか治らなくてな… I'm still sick. まだ調子悪い Let's see what has happened while I was gone. 俺が倒れてる間 何があったか見てみよう [reads on-screen] "U need to see jake paul's music video, he dissed u" 「Jake PaulのMV見てみろ ディスられてるぞ」 [Continues to read tweets aloud] Jake Paul dissed you~! 「Jake Paulがお前のことディスってるぞ」 "Holy sh!t Jake Paul roasting Pewdiepie" 「ヤッバ~!Jake Paul が Pewdiepieにケンカ売ってるよ!」 "Thats soooo lit (emojis)" 「超イケてる~~!❤」 [PewDiePie Screams] 「ア───(*´Д`)───ッ!!!❤❤」 "U better watch out, team 10 is coming for you~ (emoji)" 「気をつけないと TEAM 10 が容赦しないわよ~!」 PewDiePie: NOO! そんな… [shaky breathing] JP (Jake Paul) はダメ… Not JP, not JP. JPはダメ! How bad is it? 一体 何を… HOW? なぜ! What did he say? 何を言ったんだ!? WHAT DID HE SAY IN HIS VIDEO? 何を言ったんだよ! JP: "5 Mil on YouTube in six months (たった半年で登録者500万人 誰にもできやしない) Never done before (誰も俺には敵わない PewDiePieもな) Passed all the competition, man, PewDiePie is next!" (#゚Д゚)<なんだとォオオ!!!!! PewDiePie: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (#゚Д゚)<アアァアアァアア!!!!! [lightly hits wall] (#゚Д゚)<聞き捨てならねェ!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 病み上がりなんだ 落ち着け Felix… AGHHHH, this makes me so angry! あのクソ野郎が I'm still sick, calm down Felix, ah that son of a bich. (Christia 俺に毒を盛ったのはコイツだ I bet he's the one that poisoned me. コイツだったんだ! Oh, I bet it was JP all along. このクソ野郎だったんだ! That sleek son of a bich! (゚Д゚)<あ゛ぁ゛ [grunts] まだこれが全てじゃない We haven't watched this whole thing yet! 全部 見ないとな… We have to see the whole thing. まずさぁ First of all who the f*ck is JP? JPって誰? Who the f*ck Is Jake Paul? Jake Paulって誰だよ? I don't know. 知らん I ha- he has fun, okay. あぁ…「楽しんでる」って He eats food. おk He's Dirk from Disney Channel! 「食べ物を食べてる」って… Okay so he's a Disney Channel... 「Disneyチャンネルの仲間」 One of these Disney Channel actors, that's cool. おk じゃぁコイツはDisneyチャンネルの… Can't be that bad. Disneyチャンネルの俳優なんだな Let's listen. すげーじゃん JP: Ya. 良い曲なはずだ PewDiePie: Always appreciate a good "ya" at the beginning of a song, uh, for no reason. 聴いてみよう [chuckles] YA I'm going to- going to try not to pause every- every millisecond of this song, but... 曲の最初の 特に意味のない「YA」 って素晴らしいよね JP: Ya. ごめん いちいち止めないようにするよ でも… PewDiePie: That is a good "ya." We have to appreciate that- これはマジで良い「YA」だ それだけ言いたかった [stuttering] that's- that's a good-- that's a good "ya." (何が起ころうとしてるんだ TEAM 10) [music plays again] (ロサンゼルス カリフォルニアボーイ) [indistinguishable audio watermark] (でも俺はオハイオ出身 白人だ) PewDiePie: Is it the watermark? They didn't buy that loop? コレ “透かし” か? PewDiePie: Like, you play some rap music right, that's free... 曲を買ってないのか? [different track] ラップミュージックを流してるんだろ? [audio watermark]: "AudioJungle" 無料のやつを See? AudioJungle. (audiojungle) What the f*ck is it? 「audio jungle」って入ってる [indistinguishable audio watermark] マジかよ?w [Laughing] wwwww [AUDIOJUNGLE] (audiojungle) PewDiePie: I'm glad, I'm glad we got the whole Disney Channel thing out of the way from the first fucking line. (毎日だぜ 兄弟 Disneyチャンネルでな) [Laughing] 曲の初っ端から Disneyチャンネルの話か 良いねぇ…w "Hey guys, in case you don't know, 「よぉ!俺がDisneyチャンネルと 契約してんの知ってた?」 "I'm on Disney Channel. 「知らないやつに教えてやらなきゃな なんて言おうか…」 "How can I say that in a way that make sense-- 「( ゚∀゚)<毎日だぜ 兄弟!」 "Uh, everyday bro, Disney Channel 「( ゚∀゚)<Disneyチャンネルでなァァアアア!!!」 FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!" (たった半年で登録者500万人 誰にもできやしない) PewDiePie: He's saying... that I'm not his competition because he said he (誰も俺には敵わない) passed all his competition which basically puts me- (Pewdiepieもな) Where does that put me, actually? 俺はコイツの敵じゃねぇってのか PewDiePie: I'm really confused. J-- JP, you're gonna have to “誰もコイツには敵わない”から [Stuttering] re- re- re- re-it- iter- re-eter- itter -itur- ate? ということは… REITERATE えっと…どういうことなんだ? it- [shakes hands aroound] JP ちょっと俺に… F*ck, I got the shakes again. せ、せ、せちゅめいしてくれよ Goddamnit! (説明する) J.P. You son of a b*tch! (誰も俺には敵わない) How DARE YOU?! (Pewdiepieもな) How DARE you use my name in the video! クソ また発作が… HOW DARE YOU?!? チクショウ PewDiePie: That- it may sound here like that JPのクソ野郎が his flow is all off, hey, it may s- なんてヤツだ! it may sound completely terrible. But really here, what 俺の名前を勝手に使いやがって JP is doing is a new form of rapping, it's meant to sound like shit. なんてヤツだぁぁ! PewDiePie: [tries to wrap like JP] (女の子達をはべらせて 新しいRolexを買ったぜ) "Yeah I'm talking about you, you begging (このランボルギーニにお似合いさ) for attention, is this how you rap, you just say a bunch of words, and this (仲間も一緒だぜ) sounds totally wack, and, uh-- I swear I'm not on crack and I-- I just like to smack that (これが TEAM 10だ 喧嘩売ってんのか!?) booty back, yeah and I'm talking about you." (仲間に喧嘩売るやつは ぶちのめすぞ) PewDiePie: It's absolutely incredible, (テメェのことだぞ) this sort of rapping takes incredible skills; it takes intellect, it takes (テメェだ かまってちゃん) talent, it takes years of grinding, years of training, years of preparation, it まぁ…言葉に詰まってるように聞こえるし takes talking sh!t on Twitter, it takes all kinds of sh- it takes so much shit- それに… [Pause] 酷ぇもんだが and- and- and- Jake Paul will know because he eats food. でもな JPがやってんのは 新しいラップスタイルなんだ PewDiePie: I don't understand what the f*ck is happening here, is he talking about his ex or some 下手クソのふりをしてるんだよ sh*t like that? Please- please let that- okay, I mean, it's- (仲間に喧嘩売るやつは ぶちのめすぞ) it's genius! That's what it is, it's really-- did he make this just for this, is this (テメェのことだぞ) why I'm reacting to this? Because he argues with his girlfriend? (テメェだ かまってちゃん) [Chuckles] “テメェのことだぞ、テメェだ、 かまってちゃん” PewDiePie: Damn, damn, he goes-- J-- if JP breaks up これが、ラップ、なのか with you, he goes hard- "And all the recordings too!" It is-- that is lyrical-- いっぱい言葉をならべれば ラップになるのかな mind blast. There's meaning behind every syllable, every line... あと 俺はラリってないぞ (Short pause) あのお尻を ひっぱたきたいな YEAH ...Every facial expression tells an incredible story! “テメェのことだぞ!” PewDiePie: [Chuckle] "Oh, and by the way I just 全く 素晴らしいよ dropped some new merch!!!" こういうラップスタイルは かなりのスキルが必要だ [Sad pause] 頭も良くなきゃいけないし Oh, he b*tches about his girlfriend for like-- for a couple 才能も無いといけない lines and then, "Oh, by the way, got new merch, it's selling like a 'god Church.'" めっちゃ勉強して 練習して 準備をして… PewDiePie: What is a god Church? Twitterで愚痴も言わなきゃ Uhhhhh, it's the church with the God in it, what do you think? こういうの全部… Oh, what are you stupid? A "god Church," you never heard one of those? すごく苦労するんだろうな It's selling like a "god Church." Jake Paulはその苦労を知ってる I love how they clearly got stuck here. 「食べ物を食べてる」から "Hey, hey, okay, alright we got-- I dropped some new merch, (これが TEAM 10だ 喧嘩売ってんのか!?) how it's selling like a-- what rhymes with merch? (仲間に喧嘩売るやつは ぶちのめすぞ) Uhhhh, church, it's selling like a CHURCH!!" (テメェのことだぞ) PewDiePie: Legit like I wish that illness killed me now, I- I'm not (テメェだ かまってちゃん) joking at all, I want to die, I want to I want to be dead now, I don't want to-- (Twitterで愚痴ってるな) I don't want to, no, no-- I don't want it anymore. (でも昨日 俺のスマホを鳴らしたろ) PewDiePie: Did he get a tattoo of a d*ck on his leg? (朝の4:52にな お前のメールが証拠だ) PewDiePie: AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! 何の話をしてんだ? WHAT IS THAT?! 今 元カノの話してんの? *small pause* 支離滅裂… いや じゃなくて WHAT IS--?! こりゃ天才だ W H A T I S T H A T ? ! そうだろ ???? ?? ???? ??????!! 本当… だからコイツは曲作ったの? PewDiePie: ..He's absolutely perfect 今俺は “彼女と喧嘩しました” って曲を聴いてるわけ? I've never seen a more beautiful man in my entire life.~ (朝の4:52にな お前のメールが証拠だ) ENGLAND IS MY CITY! (???) (録音も持ってるぞ ばらしても良いのか?) [About to enter a fit of laugher] ワォ… PewDiePie: Nooooo.....oooo JPと別れると 晒されるぞw England... 「( ゚Д゚)<録音も持ってるぞ!!」 ENGLAND コレ…この歌詞は [Moan] 最高だ Ohhhhh! England is your city... 音の一つひとつの中に 意味がある O H N O 歌詞の一つひとつ… Oh no- oh-- you're retarded. 表情の一つひとつが [groan] Ughhhhhhh! 多くを語っている Err-- my cit- ci- city is the whole planet-- (朝の4:52にな お前のメールが証拠だ) england is my city (録音も持ってるぞ ばらしても良いのか?) PewDiePie: I like how he, uh, he's so fat that he straight-up (新しいグッズができたぜ) destroyed this jacket. Like, look how it's hanging by literally its last thread. (“神の教会”みたいに販売中だ) PewDiePie: Okay, she's gonna educate us. へェ…ww PewDiePie: Well, anyone that talks like that- 「( ゚∀゚)<そういえば新しいグッズ販売中だぜェ!!」 I don't want 彼女のことを少々愚痴ったあと… Them to educate me 「( ゚∀゚)<新しいグッズあるよ!」 [Laughs] 「( ゚∀゚)<神の教会みたいに販売中!」 PewDiePie: "Let me educate ya “神の教会”って?>(゚д゚ ) and we ain't talking ( ゚∀゚)<神がいる教会だよォ! ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( ゚∀゚)<他に何がある!? What I love most of all about JP is that-- is besides ( ゚∀゚)<頭悪ぃなァ!? all his success, he remains humble. 神の教会だ! Jake Paul: Yes they all copy me, but that's some shitty clones 聞いたことねぇのか? PewDiePie: *burps* I think this song has killed me. (me too.) 「神の教会みたいに販売中」… I wanna die more than I've ever died before. Someone 何言うか 思いつかなかったんだな please- 「えーと…そうだな 『新しいグッズができた』…」 DON'T call an ambulance 「『販売中だ』…まるで… えっと」 Let me just- 「グッズ( merch )と似てる言葉は?」 -Never return. This is it guys, 「教会( church )か!」 I'm- I- it's been great, it's been great. 「『教会のように販売中』にしよう!」 Let's see what some other people thought about JP's wonderful song-- (“神の教会”みたいに販売中だ) [Random British boy #1] I like how the lyrics are on screen, man. (オハイオは俺の故郷) PewDiePie: oh, ah-oh tha-that's always a plus in a rap song. (ガムみたいに噛み捨てるぜ) [Random British boy #2] The lyrics just match like.... あの食あたりで死んでればよかった PewDiePie: The what? 冗談じゃないぜ [#2] The lyrics just match like... [Then his brain stopped] マジだ PewDiePie: The lyrics just match WHAT? You can't just say that 死にたい and then say nothing, please say something else! マジで死にたい マジでもう こんなの無理 "You are retard" これ以上は もう PewDiePie: I think we all can draw some inspiration from that. (銃で撃ってやるぜ) Now excuse me while I'm going to kill myself-- ah [YA] (遊びでタトゥーをいれて) [crappy 'Why Can't We Be Friends' instrumental] チ〇コのタトゥーいれたの? [Keemstar sighs] (遊びでタトゥーをいれて)
A2 初級 日本語 PewDiePie 教会 歌詞 ラップ 喧嘩 兄弟 ジェイクポール (JAKE PAUL) 17 1 林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語