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  • Last week, I asked you..

  • Leave your entries in the sub reddit bros

  • And I'll watch submissions in the next episode of LWIAY ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)

  • ITS ANOTHER WEEK! It's another

  • LE WHY? (wtf)

  • Such a great name. Just rolls off the tongue. "LEEEE WHY?"

  • THAT'S IT!

  • The best show on internet. Last week, it was so popular, we got on trending...

  • *totally not lying. totally.*

  • (uhmmm.)

  • ...

  • Let's see what memes you posted last week; LWIAY.

  • You know I usually challenge you guys. "Hey do this..." "Hey wouldn't it be cool if we...?"

  • W- We- we do a theme this week-- BUT NO.

  • It's ALWAYS JUST memes.

  • J̸̜̮͈͇͇̾͋̊̈́̓̇̔͋ṵ̸̡͚̪͉̜͇̪̹̟̖̯̤͉͛͐̿̋͊̋̃̓̒͐͠s̸̡̡̤͕͍̱͓̘̒̏̀͋͛̀̂̽̈̈͝ţ̷̘̺͇͖̝͇̣̟̗͕̬̭̔̓͗̊͛̋͑͋̎̈́͊ ̵͙̙̪̟̰͇̩͖̟̱̽̒͘M̴̩̥̝̿̍̉̈́̆̒͊̌̄͗͐̔͛̏o̷̡͚͚̥̱̳̣̲̠͂̐͋͋̊̈́̂̉́̿̈́̕n̴̢̢͕̤̰̦̣̼̻͎̥̙͓̰̿͊͘̕i̸̤͓̝̭͍͍͍̲̤̗̖̩̫͓̭̒͗̓̃̑̕̚͠͝k̵̨̭̪͍̖̮͓̀̄̕ͅ- memes.

  • JUST memes.

  • *disappointment*

  • And I'm always the end of the joke. It's like a collective of people throwing shit at me, and I have to deflect

  • *Extremely Realistic Deflecting Noises*

  • Left and right *Pow Pow Pow* I ha- Yes, I have original ideas there are some good videos

  • *More Pows*

  • *dab*



  • Yeah- oh- oh, so, so you ca- you can't afford paying $300 for a chair, and I've completely lost touch with reality --

  • Tha- that's not

  • Typically the amount that you would pay, but can you dOOO THIIIIS!

  • *goodbye guys*

  • *HIYA*

  • Great -- oh, look at that. It's a repost of me reposting a repost.

  • Congratulations. If Felix says 'stop reposting my tweets,' then why he reposts our memes?

  • *Illuminati Music Plays*

  • Shut the fu-

  • Can't be the most hated person on the Internet if there is no Internet

  • *Laughs*

  • YouTube rewind was shit. Guess who did not get featured on YouTube rewi-

  • Oh for f-

  • *crying on the inside*

  • It's not funny...

  • Okay...?

  • "Skrattar durlorar du" (You laugh, you lose)

  • "What?"

  • "It means you are the love of my life in Swedish"

  • "Aww, babe-" *laughs*

  • That's right -- y'all just throw shit at my direction.

  • I'm helping you get laid.

  • With such l- wonderful, new language, that I'm teaching you,

  • I am inviting you to the world of Swisstian.

  • Skrattar durlorar du.

  • It will make any pussy drip like Niagara Falls

  • Christian channel.

  • Remember boo? This is her now. Feel old yet?

  • NO

  • You know, tha- that looks like that shitty new trailer that everyone's posting about.

  • Hey, that's her now.

  • *stumbling with words*

  • Clearly that's the meme, loo- *stumbling with words again*

  • Do I have to make the memes *for you* now?!

  • Is that what this has come to?!

  • Learn how to f-

  • *Christian channel*

  • Learn how to bleepin' meme! If you're gonna post on my reddit!

  • Do you think this is some sort of joke?!

  • "No Title Needed."

  • Buddy, If you're good at something, Never do it for free.

  • "Stolen memes" I think I make five bucks from these.

  • *get the fuck out of here...*

  • "Haters," "YouTube demonesation... demone-tization," "Media," "Pewdiepie," "Reddit." Ah...

  • Can you add another frame to this where Reddit puts a dagger in my back?

  • How 'bout that? Then it's accurate. Then I will give it a little *laugh*

  • Pewds in high school.

  • ry = ln (cᵉ) + ln (ni/v)

  • ry = ln ((cᵉ)...

  • C raised E. (C raised to E). I don't know the.. English

  • Terminology... you're al- you're always so up in my ass about things, like I said the A 2 B 2 squared and *complaint noises*

  • In Sweden, we say A 2, *ehh*

  • i kvadrat (squared)

  • *swedish* Means *ehhh*

  • Squared. So it's- jus- just shut up... is what I'm trying to tell you. And that becomes E R Y

  • When you remove the ln...

  • Which becomes C E N I B, which becomes

  • ver-

  • *laughing*

  • V times E raised to RY

  • Okay, very it becomes very nice

  • Now this is math

  • This is why I dropped out of high school

  • Which I didn't, out of university, I dropped out of university ok

  • I'm not some sort of pleb that didn't make it through high school who drops out at the high school

  • When I say very n- *stutters* very nice, it's not just me

  • Having the lack of better word and repeating myself constantly because I'm not smart enough

  • It's me challenging you guys with

  • complex mathematical equations to see are you paying attention, is he saying very nice or

  • VERY nice. It's a it's a black and white difference, and you can't argue against it

  • I'm putting way too much emphasis into one single image, and we have a lot to go through so let's keep going.

  • Tables have turned (very nice dead meme)

  • *laughs*

  • *inhales*

  • Ok that was like I was a good good example of a

  • *stutters*

  • Reverse petting dog meme, well done.

  • I created a reddit account just to submit this.

  • ok, well it has to be good.

  • I will be aborted

  • soon-*laughs in the middle of word*

  • I'm not even gonna finish it

  • *laughs again*

  • Rewind 2017

  • Raise that finger doggy.

  • There you go. (very nice)

  • That's, that's how you do the image

  • Inspiring quotes by famous people. "A man is but the product of his thought

  • Thoughts of what he thinks he becomes".

  • "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

  • *while laughing* "Buy my chair, it's only $399".

  • Yes, yes it is only $399 and I'll have you let you know, but can you do this?

  • (nope)

  • I Don't think so.

  • Am I doing this right?

  • That's a pretty good Photoshop. I got it

  • Well done good job.

  • Oh, it's a Doki Doki meme. (ok)

  • Watching pewds play Doki Doki.

  • *laughs*

  • Pretty accurate I must say.

  • Got what you wanted. Hey look at that?

  • Told you. I told you I could have held their hands

  • Good meme, good meme. Well done. Well done. I see no difference.

  • oh my god

  • Actually, yeah, what the heck? One doesn't have a pedo beard.. goddamit. Can I?

  • The real reason Why pewdiepie wasn't in YouTube rewind, it's because the video wasn't ten minutes.

  • Yeah, Why did they not make it ten minutes?

  • but they know that they can just make the outro three minutes longer, and then they get three times the revenue

  • Imagine if you had me work, and you have to do a specific amount of work,

  • But you could get three times more for that work, if you happen to make the video ten minutes long

  • *laughs*

  • When pewds has died like five thousand times?

  • but it's still zero deaths. Told you guys. I challenge you intellectually and I'm glad that you're thinking.

  • When it's January and your shirt forshadows the future...

  • *exhales from nose harshly*

  • I Remember wearing that in January.

  • I Foreshadowed the future. Okay.

  • I wore that thinking; yes. This is actually true I even said it in videos

  • 2017 is the year where it's all gonna go down for me, because I knew the media where the media was going with it

  • Okay, I'm not stupid low-effort memes guys literally only want one thing

  • And it's effing disgusting original content

  • *claps sarcastically*

  • Good job

  • *laughs*

  • *claps again*

  • What happened?

  • Listen, this hair, this hair...

  • I Fuckin rock it okay. You wish, you wish that you can have this hair.

  • Get into trending, come on.

  • I haven't seen a single one of my videos get to trending in 84 years

  • 2017 - 84

  • is 1933. (wtf)

  • Federal election were held in Germany in 1933

  • Adolf Hitler height,

  • PewDiePie height,

  • Coincidence? I think not.

  • *what the fuck am i doing with my life*

  • S T A H P

  • First "very nice" on the Christian Channel, very nice.

  • oh shit, you're right.

  • *flashbacks*

  • ♩I will remember you

  • (I will remeber you - Sarah Mclachlan) I will remember you,

  • Will you remember me?

  • Will you remember me?

  • Don't let your love

  • Weep not for the memories.

  • Ummm,

  • Okay, okay, everybody that was this week's of LWIAY rolls right off the tongue

  • Okay, okay, everybody that was this week's of LWIAY. Rolls right off the tongue

  • Beautiful, well done. You know what for for once? I will only say this once ever, good job.

  • You did a good job, very nice. This week was very nice, Well Done

  • Remember to leave a like and watch this video multiple times, so we can get it on trending.

  • Share it.

  • subscribe.

  • but also squad fam

  • squadfa-

  • (bOOOOOOM)

Last week, I asked you..


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

YouTubeの巻き戻しで私がいなかった本当の理由 (The REAL reason I wasnt in YouTube Rewind)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日