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  • Everyone's favorite show of the week.

  • Let's freakin do this (HELL YEAH)

  • Oh boy... (here we go again)

  • Can't wait to read a bunch of James Charles... (HI SISTERS)

  • *Giggles*

  • ..m emes.

  • They're gonna be slightly outdated. ( ya think? )

  • Yaaay!!

  • *Epic LWIAY Intro*

  • Fatality. ( Raiden Wins )

  • It makes me so mad ( Me talking about life )

  • that British people say the

  • "C" word in like every sentence (Is it C- ontent?)(Or maybe connect 4?)

  • Like UGH ( I know right? )

  • that word is actually awful ( Wow and here I was thinking it was content )

  • plz stawph (yep)

  • WhAt? ConSent?

  • (Pewds having Orgasm)

  • How to spot a slime-bag

  • people that tweet these things.

  • There you go.

  • It's always the one that say these sort of things (facts)

  • that are doing it to cover it up from something else (like low self esteem)

  • i feel like thats always the case ( and it is )

  • it's the same with that Projared tweet (I rate this a broken marriage out of 10)

  • "I'm a feminist!" like okay great, no one asked. (Yup)

  • TheFatRat is at it again

  • "YouTube SUSPENDED my channel with 3.6 million subscribers (dats tough)

  • WITHOUT any explanation or warning. And without having a strike. (thats a yikes from me dawg)

  • This is so crazy I don't even know what to say"

  • Wait didn't something else happen to this guy already

  • about like a copyright strike?

  • Alright, is it still down though?

  • It-- It's back up

  • We did it reddit. Good job reddit

  • "Just got the message that my channel has been reinstated.

  • It's been a rough Mother's Day and a sleepless night.

  • But it's also been heart-warming to see all this amazing support! Thank you so much!!!

  • See, this is crazy to me because

  • YouTube's algorithm is like, strike first, ask questions later

  • Can you imagine waking up one day and then your livelihood

  • what your livelihood depends on is completely gone

  • This happens so many times to so many channels

  • How is it possible?

  • By the way guys, the Pewdiepie glow in the dark shaker cups have sold out (Dammit)

  • I'm so sorry

  • This is you when you realized you never bought one

  • aAaaHHhhh

  • 5 million in 6 months never done before

  • 30 million in 6 months never done before

  • -3 million (So guys, we did it)

  • This is so outdated I can't believe he lost 3 million

  • IN 2 DAYS!!


  • You did it James Charles

  • Congratulations

  • It's crazy Logan Paul gains subscribers out of his controversies

  • *Random WTF Noice.mp3*

  • I..uh..I don't know. It's insane

  • OMG!!


  • I spent 24 hrs. straight in slime. (Original Content by Mr.Beast)

  • I spent 24 hrs. in slime....and it was a HUGE mistake. (More like: I spent 24 hrs. trying to copy Mr. Beast and making it more cringy)

  • It's like the original and then the cancer version of it

  • I spent 24 hours straight in an insane asylum

  • I spent 24 hours in insane asylum (finally found where he belongs huh)

  • ChALleNGe!!!!!!

  • I put 100 million orbeez in my friend's backyard

  • I put 100 million orbeez in my mom's backyard



  • Mr. Beast caught on

  • I spent 24 hours straight in prison, challenge

  • oh god and he just copied it

  • Jesus Christ dude

  • I think I pointed it out in my video, I don't know if it made the cut

  • but I was like wait, is he just copying Mr. Beast


  • Does he at least acknowledge it?

  • cause otherwise it's pretty f**kin' messed up dude


  • *chef's kiss*

  • Now that's bEauTiFul (wheezing)

  • thank you OldHousePedro


  • Jesus Christ this is staring into my soul

  • It's like he can see my beauty

  • I love it

  • *reads meme*

  • (gasping for air)

  • Most people didn't even know who they were before all this, honestly

  • best roast ever

  • Tati

  • *reads comment*

  • Can't wait for James Charles to hit 10 million so he can get his diamond play button-

  • play bun?

  • *reads tweet through intense wheezing*

  • I mean ... it is kinda funny

  • As much as I don't like to admit it

  • The memes are ????

  • *reads quote*

  • *vigorously shakes finger* nOt Me

  • *chokes* I still-

  • weLL, that is a ?ⅈ?ⅇ car

  • what did he just sa y?

  • That is a ?ⅈ?ⅇ vehicle, to say the least

  • Oh My God ,,, brofist statue

  • finally done

  • you gotta get it RED tho

  • It looks like a brain

  • *panting ensues*

  • I mean it's amazing, I love it

  • Thank you so much!

  • Finalized my prom outfit today!


  • Is that a Pewdiepie tie?

  • yell hea it is

  • OMG lets make out ?

  • *read tweets*

  • daYuuuummm

  • *sinister laughter*

  • goddamit I wish I could read it before I eheuheehehe

  • *reads meme*

  • Am I allowed to do a black man voice?

  • But he says it that way

  • (all mighty) Brad will decide

  • *reads meme*

  • what in the world

  • oH oKaY

  • cause all the different endings

  • yEah i guesS thaTs gOod

  • ionno

  • *reads another meme*

  • *chuckles*


  • me when i went after tati

  • *brain fart*

  • when everyone wanted

  • blood for james

  • (lowkey u were right though lmao)

  • oh. my. gHAHAH


  • *gasp for air*

  • lol

  • you see..

  • in my artificial legs..

  • we now introduce so i can feel pain

  • in them (what)

  • *reads meme yet again*

  • Hey maybe,

  • just maybe,

  • I have this cRaZy idea, maybe...

  • If you can be convinced,

  • to sleep with another man or make out


  • *reads meme*

  • yeah

  • That's usually when I cut the episode

  • 'Cause when you're on 20K, it's all..its the Wild F***ing WEst

  • *reads meme*

  • *Burps* where are your manners, Pewds?

  • The subreddit is fine

  • *reads meme* (kind of what he does)

  • That's weird

  • I don't think this character is in Tuber Simulator

  • Hhhhmmmmm


  • That's strange

  • Ending the "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" meme

  • "I broke my ass"

  • "I BROKE MY BALLS" *laughs*

  • I like how I premiered it as well

  • The chat just went "F" all the way

  • for hours... Oopsie doopsiee

  • ;)

  • Sorry guys

  • Gloria Borger is fired I'm sorry guys ;-;

  • She didn't do enough research, I had to let her go

  • I like how this is full blue summer and my face could not be any more white

  • I had not... I'd literally spent the whole summer just making videos

  • I remember it so much

  • I'm still worthy

  • Yeah ok sure whatever you gotta say to yourself

  • Worst youtube channels

  • 9-year-olds assemble

  • This is made like 5 years ago

  • When people used to hate me

  • Oh how things've changed.. Oh wait

  • *giggles*

  • Nothing's changed

  • What do you say? You're down

  • Well there's never been a more convincing argument of "Other people want you to be on our show"

  • so, I mean how could I refuse?

  • *giggles*

  • Other people have told us this so therefore I suppose we will ask

  • Wow really guys? You want me on the show? Why thank you so much!

  • I'm joking

  • Uh I would like to be but...

  • Podcast is like a double-edged sword

  • *loss of words*

  • Ok I'm committed to this analogy I guess

  • *chuckle*

  • *intense thinking*

  • I don't wanna do them

  • And I'll probably just get say something that gets me in trouble

  • There you go

  • *sips*

  • Mom, can we get Marzia at home?

  • wE hAVe mArZIa aT hoME

  • I can't even read

  • Marzia at home *chuckles*

  • (OwO) Oh she looks so much better

  • WoW

  • Gotta feel, gotta feel good to be the ugly version of the meme

  • The ugly version of the joke, how does that feel Dave?

  • *chuckle*

  • Dave you're beautiful but listen!

  • "I broke my balls"

  • "Hey, I remember touching your balls lol"

  • Thanks ball doctor

  • For at least remembering

  • Fame, power and fat bank account will change almost anyone

  • I love how that's a meme now

  • Oh there it is again

  • Fame, power and fat bank account will change almost everyone

  • *anyone

  • It's rare to see 96 million of anything

  • *chuckles*

  • I saw that video and I remember the title as well

  • I think it is like 96 million

  • I'm speaking the language of gods

  • 6 3 3 6 3 3

  • *phone sounds beeping*

  • *Realizing it kinda sounds like LWIAY theme song*

  • It sounded like the...

  • *Trying very hard to play the song*

  • *Failing miserably*

  • Ehehe I almost got it

  • *More beeping*

  • Leave you entries in the subreddit ehehe

  • *Beep* Bros... o...

  • ...ooos

  • Fuck

  • Leeeave...

  • Leave

  • yah

  • leave your entries in the subreddit brooos

  • oooh oh o

  • F*ck whatever

  • That's not what it is anyway I got sidetracked

  • oooh

  • ooh

  • mmmmmmmmm

  • Meme.. *realization*

  • God damn it

  • God damn it I'm so stup...


  • Edit that one out Brad

  • Pewdiepie, Felix Arvid Ulf KjellBUURG

  • Congratulations for surpassing one hundred million subscribers #ThankYouPewdiepie

  • Kjellbuurg

  • I'm a buurgr

  • This is the final draft okay I uh...

  • You might wanna *laughs*

  • Just another draft maybe. Maybe just one more

  • Can't you do the...

  • I mean I don't wanna criticize but like why do yellow...

  • ...font, and like... the font itself is kinda ugly

  • Eh alright I'm not being ungrateful

  • And also like the Brofist logo I know that's very popular but I don't generally use it that much anymore I think...

  • This is certainly interesting

  • 2016

  • 2019

  • That can't be right

  • I'll tell you isn't better: haircut

  • I went to this f*ckin hairdresser

  • And it was like: "Hey let's do something avant garde" and I'm just sitting there like: "...ok"

  • "Arghhh not again jesus"

  • Why does it look so bad, you're right it does

  • It does not look this bad when I sent out the footage

  • It does not


  • I created an 100mil subs play button concept for Pewds as a 3D model, took me 2 seconds

  • 2 seconds?! What (owo)

  • That's a lot of little seconds

  • That looks cool though, I like it

  • Why is millennial humor so weird

  • Why is Dr.Phil so beautiful?

  • 2016 Pewdiepie: Every company that makes a game free is just stupid

  • The game is availeeble for free and that's a great price

  • *giggles*

  • Well I talked about this before but everyone was so pissed

  • that we charged money for "Legend of the Brofist"

  • And we thought we did the right thing

  • We're like "Hey it's a full game, you can just play it right away"

  • And then it was like "It'S nOT FreE"

  • So I was like: "Well frick it then we'll just make it a free-to-play game"

  • Pewdiepie, I see you follow me that's good because I saw your video the day it came up

  • I'd love to do a Sonic meme review

  • I'll send my Skype info...

  • Okay, let's get the ball rolling

  • I'm sorry I've been very busy

  • It's happening, my mailman just showed up, okay...

  • probably just...

  • *teleports in* Okay that was it for this week's LWIAY

  • Thanks for all the amazing memes and all the amazing times,

  • and all this amazing support

  • and most of all, thanks Brad for editing this video

  • That's incredible that he does that

  • And I'll see you guys

  • tomorrow, that's right tomorrow

  • I'll be here tomorrow

  • I don't know why every time I do the outro I'm like: "I just wanna sit down"

  • Why do I even film these standing up

  • It's very tiring to stand up I don't like standing up

  • Okay, end of video, see you

  • bye bye, bye... Ey, uhhh

  • 100 mil, soon, so make sure to subscribe

  • It's over there

  • And finally the real outro :333

  • Ahh jeez just spent the whole evening doin this to support pewds

  • and also enhancing my English

  • guess I'll do the Vietnamese translation tmr :3

  • Support from Vietnam :3

  • have a great day :)))



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ジェームズ・チャールズのミーム(叙事詩)【ミームレビュー】 ??#58 (James Charles Memes (epic) [MEME REVIEW] ? ?#58)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日