字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント SKIP INTO 1:33 FOR VIDEO ビデオを始める前に自慢しちゃおう Okay, before this video begins it's time for me to flex on you. I have the stream deck mini everyone 俺が持ってるStreamDeckミニだ very nice for those you don't know this is basically like a 良いんだコレ Shortcut hotkey function it's super convenient. If you're a youtuber or a streamer Elgato always making my life easier 初めて見た人のために説明すると So right now for example, I have this button that lets me record with OBS Youtuberや配信者にはすごく便利なショートカット機能キーだ。 I literally just press this and I'm no one recording very nice. You can also turn it into a sound board Elgatoにはいつも助けられてるよ I only have one bed じゃあ試しに、このボタンはOBSで録画が出来るんだ Brad Brad Brad ここを押せば、 You can basically do anything it's very nice also もう録画が開始されてるんだよ Obviously control music there's so many different things you can do with this. Send tweets out right away すごく良いでしょ I have all my most commonly used apps as hot keys and サウンドボードにも出来るんだ Websites as well. I should not go into main there right now 一個だけなんだけど、 They are super easy to set up so many different functions. This thing is great ブラブラブラー! I highly recommend checking it out, and that's it. Check out the video now. Bye ブラ−! ブラ−! ブラ−! Okay ブラブラブラー! Don't they look slick so cool Elgato just keeps on popping out like the best products 基本的に何かを割り当てられる I would 100% buying these even if I weren't sponsored with them もちろん音楽再生とか色々できる They're really good obviously and they come with a clamp in the stand 即座にツイートしたり So you can adjust them change the height change the direction flop them on your desk and bam 俺はよく使うアプリのキーを割り当ててる You got good lighting in your videos. That's right. Pretty good あとウェブサイトだったり、今はやらないでおこうか Plus you'll save a lot of money if you go with another brand that I used to have for this 色んな機能をすごく簡単に設定できる 良いよコレは You're just gonna pay way more for no reason. Thank you Adam for sponsoring this video すごくおすすめだからチェックしてね。 Am I interrupting something here look under my skirt. I can't just lift it up boy here それじゃあビデオを観てくれよ、バーイ! You know some stuff you just shouldn't オケーイ!! 新しいElgatoライトを見せるの忘れてた; revisit カッコいいだろ?Elgatoはいつでも最高の製品だよね For obvious reasons. Nothing has improved Hey put it on put it on me. Bongo. Cat. Come on スポンサーじゃなかったとしても、 100%Elgatoを買うだろうね Come on give it to me put it on put it on ホントに良くて、クランプがあるスタンドが付きで Oh 高さも角度も変えれる。 Okay, the reason I'm playing this 君のデスクに取り付ければ、ほら! Shut up, please. Hey, what up pokemon? How you doing? ビデオに良いライティングできるんだ Anyone who places that isn't brain dead? あとすごくお買い得だ No, are you 俺もそうだったけど、別のブランドだと No 何故かもっとお金がかかってしまう。。 No, no no, no Elgatoスポンサーありがとう Okay good to meet you お邪魔かな Yes, ah スカートの中見たいの? 持ち上げれて見せられるのよ、ホラ Oh いくつか真似しちゃだめな所があります Oh 再訪問 Hey, hey, we got younger sis. There it is jungle jungle. So let me become お分かりの通り、何も向上してない I'm Chung goes. Oh my god, this changes everything ねえ、俺にかぶせて Oh, well, you sound like a 12 year old ボンゴキャット、頼む Jungle get it right, please かぶせてくれ never くれ、かぶせて I'm solid ass, please guys, he's got unsubscribe アァァーーン No, I did I'm banning your band, I'm sorry オオオゥ No, there's no apology am I interrupting something here my skirt I can't just lift it up boy here これをプレイする理由は… Is a penis run banished run? ちょっ静かに、おい Wait wait, you wanna see my penis? Oh hell yeah おぉポケモンやん、よう Yes, yes sure, of course 誰か置いたん、あれブレインデッドかな? Don't report me why? いいや、君は? Writer write 何言うとんねん Jesus Christ a good eventually pizza just abusers its ノー! pizza kind ノー!、ノー! What's going on spider main? ノー!、ノー! Not much, not much ノー! Not much. That's cool. Are you doing no, I'm sorry. I don't don't mean to interrupt keep keep doing what you're doing オーケイ!じゃあな You got a great ass spider-man イエス! You okay there buddy you all right there, buddy オゥ A big chunk is Jesus Christ. You never heard of me my オウ It's the real one you're going then big chuckles オウ! You're probably my name I gotta stay hidden two-time ninja I can't just not ninja おぉチャンガスやん No, no, I get that a lot it's a common misconception. Okay, people just say あったチャングルズや! I don't know the ins and outs チャングルズになってみよか Autism has become an epidemic ワシはチャングルズや!! Who said that? Okay, it's time. Don't worry plastic surgery can do wonders オーマイガーー! You'll I'm sure that you're right. I'm about to do it. You're about to do plastic surgery コレは全てを変える! Yes. Oh 君、ピューディパイみたいじゃない? My god, I'm here blue now. Oh, okay. Great. You're an anime thought like everyone else. Great. Hey, look, there's another one. I 君は普通の12才みたいやな Never played I Hey whoa, whoa ピューディパーイ! Ha-ah hey. Hey, Ukraine, I do ヘルイェーイ!ピューリパーィ Got it Oh what how おい、ワシはチャングルズやで This bullet I hit it right in the ass Oh ピューディパイが帰ってきた Get 無い Hello guys, what up, bro? Oh ピューディパイが戻ってきた Sorry, hey. Hey, what are you looking at you go in the corner? You're fine ワシはSALAD ASSや、ええか? Sit down sit down. All right. Are you the murderer? No, say that again. Are you the murderer? T-Seriesは神 No, cuz I would have killed you already. Oh, yeah, you would have how 俺登録してる Because because there's a knife right here アハハ 冗談、冗談 I can't don't shoot the gun. Shoot. I'm not shooting anybody. Ah ダメ、BANや、おまえはBAN Caterham ace I guess they never miss, huh? 冗談だって Alright, let's freakin do this guy's everyone have fun and good luck. Okay Oh, ダメ、謝罪は受け付けん Oh お邪魔かな It's CaptainSparklez my favorite minecrafter スカートの中見たいの? 持ち上げれて見せられるのよ、ホラ Hey, man, what's up? What's up? その娘、チンコついてるぞ! What's up, Oh, it's PewDiePie サノス、逃げろ、逃げるんや Hell, yeah. Bye everyone おい君、僕のチンコみたいの? Yeah, oh oh yeah, that's epic I am love PewDiePie. Hey, where's Peter fine, where did Peter by go? Oh オウ、ヘルイェー Oh, oh no イエス?ホントに? Not 35 もちろん Feet if I put on the gun PewDiePie put down the gun PewDiePie, don't do it 報告するなよ I gotta getta brofist from my time. Come on my hands なんで? Come on sing sing bases on your please, okay 報告しちゃダメだよ Now they これで良いの? Don't like it if I now you are you sound like やぁ、スパイダーマン The bridge and then you whinnies 別に Don't bully paid a pyre to do it 別に? PewDiePie, hey brah, but 別に We're gonna dive to stay here watch out for the barrels brah. Hey no a ええやん Petabyte. Hit me up with a broad face, bro 邪魔する気は無かったんや、続けてくれ、スマン Yeah, yeah ええ尻してるなぁ、スパイダーマン Be careful in there you 君、大丈夫か? Kidding me are you kidding me? You kidding me. It sounds like 元気か、君? How dare you oh my god, no one touches you ワシはビッグチャンガスや You are the real 聞いたことないの? That's the real Phoenix 君、別バージョンでしょ Is a real pretty spine. There's the real pretty pike place your hand if you bring it back 本物や、ウガンダビッグチャングルズや Who's the real 35? I took my guy? なんでSALAD ASSなの? You ワシの名前に文句あるんか? Tell me ワシはニンジャやから隠しとるんや What happened ニンジャて呼ばれんようにしとるんや We're gonna break the sub-game Jesus Christ. Yeah, we broke it great. You know, we broke the Sarah おい、サノスやないか All right, bro, it's been a pleasure 君ニンジャよりもピューディパイぽいな But I'm out hope you guys enjoyed that video smash like if you did ちゃうちゃう、よくある誤解やと思うで I also want to let you guys know we are accepting pre-orders みんなよく知らんのに言うんや For Itsuki the last collection for the final time. Okay, it will be one more pre-order and then it's gone forever 自閉症が流行しています I think at least so only today last chance check out Sookie link in description. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye 誰が言うた?
B1 中級 日本語 PewDiePie ピューディパイ ニンジャ 死亡 すごく 本物 VRチャット#8 - 私は本物のピューディパイだ! (VR Chat #8 - I'm the REAL Pewdiepie!!) 4 0 林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語