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  • [muffled audio] Good Evening, I am Poppy Pewdiepoop and you are watching Pew News,

    こんばんは、Pew Newsです。私はPoppy Pewdiepoop(?)

  • the most respected news source, Back at it again with amazing quality.


  • Feels good to be back man


  • PEW NEWS INTRO \ (^_^) /

    *PEW NEWS イントロ*

  • Now lets just jump into it. Pewdiepie did an oopsie.

    じゃあ早速見ていこうか PewDiePieがしくじった

  • Can you believe this? Pewdiepie did an OOPSIE? WHAT?!


  • There's definitely not been any shortage of calling PewDiePie a racist over these past couple weeks.


  • There's now a petition calling for his removal from Youtube due to 'white supremacist platform'


  • Oh, frick! Not a petition


  • I might as well delete my channel right here and right now


  • I might as well start finding a new job because

    もう次の職探し始めなきゃ だって

  • Petitions are the most effective way to make a change in the whole world


  • I mean it's not like Article got 5 Million signatures to stop


  • And it did nothing! [Laughs]


  • Okay, So let's check out this petition.


  • Remove white supremacist content from YouTube


  • Yeah! I agree


  • I think that's good. I think it looks bad on everyone

    いいことだと思うよ サイトにそういう

  • If there is white supremacist content on the platform


  • And it could possibly just lead to another Adpocalypse


  • So, I will actually have to sign this petition, and... Oh!

    だから俺はこれに署名しようと思うんだが....  おっと

  • It's literally just calling to ban me from... the website, and nothing else


  • Oh! Okay, that will stop it [Sarcastic]


  • We need to ban PewDiePie from YouTube!


  • That will stop all the bad things


  • It's literally just calling them to ban me, and nothing else


  • I'm sure a lot of people just read these headlines:


  • Stop normalising or stop...


  • Or remove white supremacy and be like


  • Eh, I'll sign that. Sure... Sure, I'll sign that

    「まあ、署名するか いいよ、署名する」って

  • Just by glancing over the points that they made against me


  • It's so blatantly misrepresenting and misinforming people


  • A lot of these points are just flat-out lies as well


  • context who needs that? Unimportant. I don't care!

    文脈?そんなのはどうでもいいんだよ 大事じゃない

  • why would I need to link sources to any of the claims that defames a person, no!


  • I mean honestly like it's surprising how changed our org is even letting this


  • up cuz there's no nothing to back up any of the claims but let's just go through it

    だって裏付けるものが何にもないんだもん まあでも見ていこう

  • PewDiePie in the past used the N-Slur twice in two separate videos and


  • has hired people to say the n-word


  • What! When have I hired people?


  • That implies that I've hired multiple people to say the what are you talking about I can't even

    これ俺がN-wordを言わせるために複数人を雇ったって事だろ? 何の話してんだ!?

  • defend myself I don't know what they are talking about


  • why would I do that I used the n-word twice I did it in the live stream okay

    そんな事する訳ないだろ 俺は生放送で2回だけN-wordを使ってしまった

  • it slipped up it was incredibly irresponsible foolish and stupid of me


  • to do that and people know about this I've acknowledged this wrongdoing and I

    俺はバカだった でもみんなこれについては知ってるし俺もこの間違いは認めて

  • moved away from it I think it's been almost two years now but apparently I've

    そういうのはやめた それからそろそろ2年経つ でもこれによると

  • done it in two separate videos and hired people that's what I did remember that

    俺は人を雇って別々に2つの動画で言ったらしい 覚えてるか?

  • remember next point he has promoted videos that contain Adolf Hitler

    次! 彼はヒトラーの演説や反ユダヤ主義的

  • speeches and anti-semitic cartoons The Wall Street Journal article about me had

    な内容を含む動画を推奨した WSJが俺について書いた記事には

  • a Hitler speech in it is that what their reference is that what the referencing


  • Disney has a famous anti-semitic cartoon or at least that contains Adolf Hitler


  • type of propaganda is that what they're referencing Wall Street Journal and Disney?

    プロパガンダを含むアニメがあるけどその事か? WSJとディズニー?

  • Does context matter. Uh.. clearly it doesn't. He paid Indian men at the website, Fiverr to

    あいつら脈絡は気にしてるのか?してないよな 彼はFiverrというサイトでインド人男性二人に

  • hold up signs to say death to all Jews did you know about this has anyone heard

    「全ユダヤ人に死を」と書いた看板を持たせるのに 金を払った。知ってるか?

  • about this did he know PewDiePie did this has anyone ever told you this has

    これ聞いた事あるやついるか?PewDiePieこんな͡事したんだぜ 誰からも聞いたことないか?

  • every single media news media article in the past three years that mentions my


  • name not mentioned this enough already I don't think so

    これもう十分載ってないか? 違うみたいだな!

  • another thing that is never mentioned is that I also wrote to subscribe to


  • keemstar as well it was so obviously me trying to come up with the most horrific

    とも書いたんだよ  明らかにに俺が考え得る最悪の一文を考えて

  • sentence I could think of like the worst thing I could get to pay people to do on


  • this website this Fiverr because people were literally doing anything and it was


  • proving a point of that and I was shocked by the results as well it wasn't

    だからそれがやばいって証明しようとしてた 結果は衝撃的だったよ

  • like yeah awesome we did it it was shocking and I thought just that


  • in itself was interesting but clearly I stepped too far

    俺はそれが興味深いものだと思ってたけど まあやりすぎだよな

  • I've definitely paid the consequences and I've learned from that mistake but I

    俺は確実にツケは払ったし失敗から学びもした でも

  • guess we're just gonna keep hearing it for the past 60 years he


  • form the Nazi Heil in one of his videos where show it please show it cuz I don't

    彼は動画の中でナチスの敬礼をした どこで?見せてくれ マジで見せてくれ

  • think I've done it I've hold up my arm as a way to prove a point that people

    だってやった覚えないから 腕を掲げるのはやったことあるけどそれは俺を本当にナチに仕立て上げたい

  • wanted me to be a Nazi so badly but they'll use anything against me and you


  • just proven that point yourself thank you very much

    んで今自分でそれを証明してくれた訳だ ありがとうございます

  • it's such a broken record at this point I'll hearing all these points like yeah


  • we've heard that a million times he used images of famous african-americans

    もうそれは何百万回も聞いたよって 彼は有名なアフリカ系アメリカ人

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson, Barack Obama captioned with the wrong names oh my god how could

    Neil deGrasse Tysonやオバマなどの画像を間違った名前で紹介した マジかよ

  • he do this confirmed white supremacist everyone we do this with everyone

    よくこんなひどいことできるなァ 皆さんこれは白人至上主義者確定ですね

  • white or black no one cares it's just so stupid what does it mean it means nothing

    白人黒人関係ないだろこれ 誰も気にしないし 何の意味もねえよ

  • he made a clip of a man dressed as Jesus


  • holding a sign stating Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong I did not do

    と書いた看板を持たせる動画を作った 俺はこんなことしてない

  • this this is a false information that has just been constantly told by people

    これはずっと人々の間で言われて来ただけの 虚偽の情報で

  • and no one checks up on it I never paid him to hold up that sign that was

    誰もちゃんと確認してないだけだ 俺は彼に看板を持たせるのに金は払ってない

  • someone else there's no source I can't even like dispute it but I remember that

    やったのは別の誰かだ 情報源がないから反論すらできないが

  • showing up a few days later and I'm like I didn't do that look this is what I

    数日後にあれがでてきてそんなんしてないぞってなったのを覚えてる ほら

  • told him hi this juices I want to say subscribe to my favorite channel on

    俺が言ったのはこれだよ 「こんにちは、イエスです。今日はただ私の一番好きなチャンネル、

  • YouTube jacksepticeye - I love jacksepticeye - that's what I told him

    Jacksepticyeye2にチャンネル登録して欲しいと言いたいです。私はJacksepticyeye2が大好きです。」 そう書けって言ったんだよ

  • to write this is just false I never did this he makes rape jokes

    これ単なる嘘だ俺はこんな事したことない レイプをジョークにする

  • he makes rape jokes yes six years ago you're implying that I do it now and the

    ああしたよ、6年前はな  今もしてるみたいな言い草じゃねえか

  • joke was that this monster was gonna rape me in this horror game like yeah

    しかもあのジョークはホラゲの中の 怪物にレイプされる~とかそんなんだ

  • extremely childish stupid humor I don't do that now like why bring it up I said

    すごい幼稚でバカなユーモアで今はもうそういう事は やってない なんで今更持ち出してきて

  • it's a constant thing on my channel in his face swapping video he repeatedly

    ずっとやってるみたいに言うんだよ 彼の顔入れ替えの動画では繰り返し

  • uses an image actress less of a Leslie Jones to represent Harambee there were a

    女優のLeslie Jonesの画像を去年シンシナティ動物園で殺された

  • gorilla killed in the Cincinnati Zoo last year it seems like they're more

    ゴリラのハランべの画像として使っている こいつらLeslie Jonesより

  • sympathetic about the gorillas than Leslie Jones


  • the famous wobbling video was an AI that face what different things the AI did

    顔入れ替えの動画はいろんな物の顔を入れ替えるAIの動画だった やったのはAIだ

  • this I had no control in it next time next time I'll be sure to control the AI

    俺にはどうもできなかった 次からはAIの事ちゃんとコントロール できるようにするよ

  • I'll do my best I'll do my very best the thing is like as laughable as these

    全力でね。全力を尽くすよ。 いま問題はこういう点がこれほど馬鹿馬鹿しくても

  • points are a lot of people are obviously taking it seriously it's accumulated

    真面目に受け取っちゃってる人が少なから ずいるって事なんだ

  • 76,000 signatures and if you don't know anything about me and you don't know


  • anything to challenge these then obviously it paints a really bad

    を否定できないと俺の本当に酷い人間像 が出来上がっちゃうんだ

  • picture of me that just isn't true or at least accurate or anywhere near accurate

    そんなのはただの虚像だし最低でも正確ではない いや正確からは程遠いって

  • I would even argue then further on in the comments they even admit themselves

    俺は言いたいね んでコメントを追ってくと自分らで認めてるんだ

  • saying like even if PewDiePie cleared up his act, his comment sections are still a

    PewDiePieは良い方に変わったとしても 彼のコメント欄は

  • cesspool of white supremacist activities and commentaries that's a pretty bold

    白人至上主義的な活動とコメントの掃き溜めであると 結構大胆な発言だなこりゃ

  • statement I really enjoy this part because it's like you've argued this

    俺この部分はすごい好きなんだ だってここまで

  • point that I'm a white supremacist that need to be stopped or at least a

    俺が止めなければいけない、 最低でも正常化しなければならない

  • normalization of it that's the argument here but all the sudden it's like oh


  • well even if the comments section that's right the comment section is the problem


  • the comment section on my channel the cesspool I mean I agree that it's a

    俺のチャンネルのコメント欄だよ まあ掃き溜めだってのには同意するよ

  • cesspool but not of white supremacist commentary let's just look at my comment

    でも白人至上主義者の集まりではねえぞ ほらコメント欄見てこうぜ

  • section let's just check out it's a cesspool of not - commentary let's just

    ナチズム的なコメントの掃き溜めらしいから まあ見てこうじゃねえか

  • look at it okay I mean this could be Nazi stuff I don't know there's a bunch

    わからんけどこのコメントナチズム的 かもしれないなめっちゃ

  • of Russian comments - series more like teary rash haha

    ロシア語のコメントきてる T-series? T-rash(ゴミ)のがお似合いだな はは、

  • that's good send them to the range I think beautifier wants to live it there

    そりゃおもしれえや 「農場へ送れ」PewDiePieも住みたいだろうから

  • like if you have a problem with my comment section by all means feel free

    俺のコメント欄に文句あるなら どうぞご自由に批判してくれ

  • to come feel free to criticise my comment section but don't use the

    別に好きに批判していい でもこういった点を

  • listing of all these things as some sort of shield for your point don't attack me

    自分の意見を守る盾には使うなよ お前らの煽るような脈絡のない

  • with all these inflammatory claims within lives with no context - then just


  • go well the comments section is bad it's so weak it's so measly it's so tiring

    そんでもってでもあいつの コメント欄はひでえんだって言われても弱いんだよ ちっぽけ。疲れるし

  • this someone pointed out that this petition is so inaccurate that they even


  • used - they even used to list a satirical article about me as as a claim

    俺に対しての皮肉で書かれただけの 記事まで持ってきて

  • that I was a white supremacist saying that I dressed up in an entire Klansmen


  • robe while streaming so they actually believe this Jesus Christ there's a

    をしたって言いやがんだ おいおいこいつらマジで信じてんのかよ 勘弁してくれ

  • satirical website that did this they wrote PewDiePie accidentally puts on an

    そういう皮肉的なサイトがあってな そこが「PewDiePie、ゲームを生放送中に

  • entire KKK uniform in the middle of a game stream hey listen it was an epic

    間違ってKKKの制服を着てしまう」って。 聞いてくれ、

  • gaming moment, I could not help myself it happens to the best of us this is

    ゲームしてる時そういう瞬間ってあるだろ? みんな経験あるよな

  • clearly just a Photoshop and a joke it's a satirical website but they list it as

    見りゃわかるじゃんただのフォトショとジョークだ そういうサイトなんだし でもそれを

  • it as an actual claim that I'm normalizing white supremacist like Jesus


  • Christ it is laughable but also it's like people do believe it so it's kind

    ほんとマジかよ 馬鹿馬鹿しくはあるけど同時に 信じてる人もいるって考えると

  • of sad at the same time next news that's right everybody there's

    悲しくもあるな 次のニュース!

  • no shortage of PewDiePie is a racism this week


  • Wil Wheaton attack speed by calling him a racist piece of a shit

    Wil WheatonがPewDiePieを 「差別主義のクソ偏見野郎」と呼び攻撃

  • Wil Wheaton, for those who don't know is a child actress he was a Star Trek in some other movies

    Wil Wheaton、知らない奴らのために言うとこいつは元々子役としてスタートレックとかの映画出てて

  • and then he sort of became popular for being a nerd doing board games and all


  • that kind of stuff and then he sort of dabble into this really strange politics

    で、そこからまたよくわからん政治的な世界に 入って行って

  • I don't really know what's up with Wil Wheaton but apparently he posted this on

    まあWil Wheatonがどうなってるのかは よく知らねえんだが彼フェイスブックに こんな事書いてたらしい

  • Facebook saying hi Facebook on one hand I'm heartened to discover that you know


  • similar so little about me your algorithms seem to think that I want to


  • follow a racist piece of shit bigot on the other hand f you for coming for

    差別主義のクソ偏見野郎をフォローしたがる と思うなんて。でももう方や

  • recommending and providing a platform for this racist piece bitch bigot


  • Facebook provides a platform for a racist piece of shit I'm not even on facebook

    フェイスブックは差別主義者を推奨するだって? 俺フェイスブックやってすらねえよ

  • you dumb schmuck this is a this is a fan-made group ah well we didn't want to

    このドアホ これ俺のファンが作ったグループだよ (´Д`)<あーあー

  • whack my fan group Oh so anyone who wants to or feels a need

    Wil Wheaton俺のファングループ入りたくなかったんだってェ~ 「この男の

  • to defend this guy's words in action as just being jokes please ask one of your


  • non-white friends if they think it's funny when someone uses racist language

    どうか白人じゃない友達に人が差別的な言葉とか 比喩が使われたとき

  • of racist tropes I bet you well I have more non-white friends than you okay but

    面白いと思うか聞いてみろ」 まあお前より俺のが絶対白人じゃない友達多いけどな(DAB)

  • I thought I was a racist bigot now you're saying that they're jokes and

    さっきは俺が差別主義者って言ってたじゃねえか 今度はただのジョークだってか?

  • making it about how people feel about jokes if you want to criticise me feel

    で人がジョークについてどう感じるかを問題にしようとするのか? 俺を批判するのとか

  • free to do that again or anything that I've done but this is such a straw man

    俺のやった事を批判するのは構わんが 弱いんだよこの論点

  • argument saying ask a non-white what they feel about its videos if it's just


  • a joke there's in place that all my content is just filled with racial jokes and


  • slurs it's like no obviously not that's not the case maybe you could add

    でも違うんだよそれは。そうじゃない まあそういう

  • a compilation of all the edgy racist jokes that I've done and to prove some

    ジョークとかを寄せ集めた動画でも作って 自分が正しいって証明的な事も

  • sort of point like oh look yeah well he might be not be a giant racist but he's

    できるだろう 「差別主義者じゃないけど差別的なジョークはいっぱい言ってるぞこいつ」って

  • sure made a lot of jokes like yeah I have what five thousand videos I don't

    そりゃそうだろ 俺の動画って5000本ぐらいあんのか?

  • even know how many videos I have I'm pretty sure you can make it you can

    何本あるのかもわかんねえよ こんだけあれば多分どんな事でも

  • prove any point what you can prove whatever point in the world just by

    証明できちまうよ マジでどんな事でも過去の動画漁ってりゃ

  • going through this library you can make me look whatever way then there were

    俺をなんにでも仕立て上げられる そんで

  • just a few people defending me in the comments saying like

    コメント欄で何人かが俺の擁護をしてて こんな事を言ってた

  • [The] Dude has donated more to...


  • saying like maybe looking to the guy a bit more

    もっとPewDiePieについてもっと見てみたらどうだって 言ってたんだ

  • pretty reasonably claimed dude has donated more to even just India this

    結構まともな意見だよ PewDiePieは今年だけでたぶんあなたが

  • year then maybe you have your whole life never mind record-breaking charities


  • Despite the fact that he makes crazy amount less than billionaires and then

    彼がほかの億万長者と比べたらそこまで 稼いでないのにとか

  • Will Wheaton hits up with that you know who else donates crazy amount of money

    それを聞いたWil Weatonが言ったのがだな 「差別主義者じゃない人たちもすげえ量の

  • to people who need it people who aren't racist, so you do Will, is that what

    金寄付してるぞ。」だ。 じゃあお前がしてるのか?そう言いたいのか?

  • you're saying or are you a racist now I never list the the charity work

    それとも自分が差別主義者って言いたいのか?w 自己愛的だからこれまで俺らが

  • we've done in this channel because I think it's very self loving itself

    やってきたチャリティーをリスト化したことは なかったんだが

  • gratifying and but now that I'm being so frequently accused of being white


  • nationalist and racist into constantly having this list of the bad things that


  • it's been a paired about me in the media constantly reinforced I feel like I


  • should at least bring up that if I was a racist then why


  • and even then even if my channel was racist or my comments were racist or my


  • audience was racist then why would we raise $600,000 to build wells in Africa

    そしたらなんでアフリカに井戸を 作るのに600,000ドルも寄付できるんだよ って言いたくなる

  • we raised three hundred forty two thousand toward saving the children


  • which helps children all across the world we raised 1.3 million for the

    342,000ドル寄付したしREDっていうエイズ予防の チャリティーには

  • charity read which fights against AIDS stoping aids all across the world


  • I think we raise even more I don't know exact amount because we also did the

    もっと集められたと思うあれだけじゃなくて チューバー・シミュレーターを通して

  • Apple red campaign as well through to birch simulator which I know was a


  • pretty significant amount of money and also two hundred what was a two hundred

    結構な金額になったと思うよ あと250,000ドルを

  • fifty thousand towards helping kids in India I get a better education know

    インドの子供たちにより良い教育を 届けるために寄付した

  • doing charity work does not resolve your shortcomings or wrongdoings

    チャリティー活動をしたからって 悪い部分や間違った行いがなくなる訳じゃない

  • that's not what anyone is saying people are just pointing out how constantly

    誰もそうとは言ってない みんなはただ常にこういう

  • having all these negative fittings listed without acknowledging any of the

    悪い面のことばかり鵜呑みにしていい面を 全く知らなければ

  • positive is gonna paint a bad picture of anyone and if just for the sake of just

    どんな人であっても悪い人物像が出来上がるに決まってるだろ? まあ一応....

  • being ridiculously clear at least in my opinion


  • Fuck anyone who's racist and fuck anyone who's white nationalist that's not what I'm about

    差別主義者なんて〇ね。 白人至上主義者も〇ね。 俺はそんなやつじゃないし

  • and that's not what this channel has ever been about it's so crazy to me how

    このチャンネルがそんなんだったことは一度もない 俺がやばいと思うのは

  • it's even still a topic of discussion do people really need an enemy that bad

    これが未だに議論されてるって事だ こいつらそんなに敵が必要なのか?

  • that they need to force it upon me it's like they wanted me to be an enemy so

    無理やり俺を敵にしなきゃいけないほどに? 俺にどうしても敵になって欲しくて

  • badly to just bruised their own morale moral virtue oh well this successful guy

    自分の道徳的価値観を傷つけてまで 「YouTubeで成功したやつ?

  • on YouTube well he's actually just a racist it's like people can't handle the

    ああ、あいつただの差別主義者だよ。」って言う まるで人々が

  • fact that I'm successful that's kind of a strong argument but still it it

    俺の成功を認められないみたいだ 結構大胆な言い分だけどそれでも

  • feels like it it feels like a very spiteful reaction to what I do in this

    そう感じるんだ。俺がここでやってる 事に対してすごい意地の悪い反応に感じる。

  • channel it's almost getting to the conspiracy level at this point where


  • like he played a video game with a guy that had like a mocking avatar so he


  • must be a Nazi oh well he gave a shout out to this one channel that had Nazi

    ゲームをやってたからナチに違いない」とか 「あいつの宣伝した30のチャンネル

  • imagery in it out of 30 channels so he must be a Nazi or at least he was

    の中にナチズム的な画像を使ったことがある1個 あったからナチに違いない

  • secretly be a Nazi that's right secret Nazi everyone

    最低でも隠れたナチだ 隠れたナチですよ皆さん

  • finally I just wanted to finish up with I I read this comment on a Verge article

    そして最後はこの話題で終わりたい 友達が送ってくれた

  • article a friend of mine sent it to me I know verge article comments big hikes

    Vergeの記事のコメントで読んだんだが Vergeのコメントの質は知ってる びっくりだよな

  • but I think it summarized things pretty well and why some people are so heated

    でも結構いい具合にまとめてくれてるんだ 俺のことを守ろうと

  • about defending me I had not watched a single video until the verge began

    必死になってる人もいる中でこんな事を書いてた 「Vergeが彼についての記事を上げ始めるまでは

  • publishing multiple articles about him I was initially under the impression I


  • thought this is interesting because this person is clearly not a fan of my videos


  • I was initially under the impression that his videos would turn out similar


  • to the horrific Alex Jones show however after watching a few videos I

    Alex Jonesショーと似たようなものになるんじゃないかという印象があったが、数本動画を見てみると

  • found them to be less sensational than described in various articles it's

    あれらの記事に書かれていたほど 煽情的ではないことがわかった

  • incredibly obvious to anyone with a brain that these interjections aren't


  • supporting racism and are instead of taking cracks at Vox media for labeling


  • him as a racist when I look back on the past evidence against him it honestly


  • said more about the poor journalism surrounding the situation

    正直彼のやった行為よりもこの状況を取り囲む 乏しいジャーナリズムが見えてきた

  • Than it did of his behaviour for example he recommended an anime reviewers


  • channel along with other channels because he liked one of their anime


  • reviews the channel happened to have bro white supremacy videos buried in his


  • history was that really a secret plan to subscribe kids to Nazi ideals obviously


  • not a lot of people do think that it seemed like an obvious and

    普通に考えれば違うでしょう。」 でもそう思う人多いんだよ! 「明らかに単純な

  • understandable oversight no one with a life goes through every single video of

    見落としであり、理解できる範疇でしょう チャンネルを勧める前に

  • a channel before recommending it well people are saying well he should have

    過去動画を全て漁る人なんてそうそういないでしょう。」 人々は俺がもっと

  • been more responsible but they always follow it up that's just a

    責任を持つべきだったって言うけどそれは いっつも2番目に出てくる点なんだ

  • counter-argument to their initial point well he's a Nazi well not really oh well

    最初に言ってた点が否定されたときのね 「あいつナチだ!」 実際は違いました

  • he should be more responsible that's not the argument you're making that was my

    「でももっと責任は持つべきだろ!」って お前が最初言ってたのはそうじゃないだろ 俺はそれが言いたいんだ

  • point the other accusation against him regarding Fiverr comes off as a big


  • mistake on his but I also understand why PewDiePie felt it


  • was a good way to highlight his point it's point being that people on Fiverr

    わかりやすく証明できる方法であった というのも理解できる。

  • will go to extreme lengths to provide a service even if it means acting


  • immorally in response to these issues that you should an apology the leader

    たとえそれが非道徳的であってもだ。 これへの対処として彼は謝罪をし、

  • the content something you have to twist tech companies arm to get yet the issue


  • seems to arise every time his channel is listed in article I'm probably a good


  • example of how frequently it's mentioned because I have no interest in YouTube

    いかに頻繁に出てくるかわかるいい例だろう。 私はYouTubeの文化に微塵も

  • culture but checked it out because it was mentioned so often I wondered how


  • someone so supposedly racist and carefree could generate so many


  • subscribers as it turns out the articles were deceptive and sensationalist to my


  • disappointment that's it for this week's pew news hopefully we can talk about

    人を騙して煽るような記事だったのだ。」 今週のPEW NEWSはここまで

  • something more interesting than hey guys I'm not a racist I swear but that's it

    次は「俺は差別主義者じゃない、誓うから!」 なんてのより興味深い話題について話せるといいな

  • for this week's hopefully you know this video will probably have some tabs if

    まあでも今週は終わり 多分この動画クソみたいな広告 しかつかないだろうから

  • you want to support the channel I highly recommend it this very epic merch is

    チャンネルを応援したいならこのめっちゃ かっけえグッズを買うのを強くおすすめする

  • available right now on represent icon 90 million club merch let's get it thank

    今ならRepresent.comで9000万人記念グッズが お買い求めできるぜ!

  • you guys for supporting the channel I see you guys next time

    いつもチャンネルを支えてくれてありがとう また次回、じゃあな!

  • what super simulators becoming relevant


  • no no don't leave no please sponsor eagle please do


  • something

    よし!よっしゃー! このゲームはまだいけるみたいだな( ̄ー ̄)ニヤ

  • yes yeah this game is still relevant God dammit.

[muffled audio] Good Evening, I am Poppy Pewdiepoop and you are watching Pew News,

こんばんは、Pew Newsです。私はPoppy Pewdiepoop(?)


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