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Hands going bros. My name. [I] am so late. I get it
I am so late to play this basically everyone's played it already
This is the finale of season 3 this is where it ends. What is going to happen with Clementine?
[I] hear it's a pretty good ending. I'm really excited to see how this end so
Here we go
[seeing] is between us. Oh
my God can
They thought that shading was good. [even] [is] back in our lives now makes this whole thing a little more
Complicated, but I can't I can't see her face
I'm in all the way with my gosh, really
[okay], here we go
Let's do this let's finish this together. That's right
Of course come on. I wanted to go back in the action. I'm letting the bone speak to me. Oh
my God
I think I can hear them. They're saying you're gonna lose oh, my Mierda
So play already, I must have inherited patience for mom. Oh
Come on, man calm down David. No one is ever in a rush to lose
So either 2 or 1 my beers getting warm
Drink last night
If he plays his last boom
How great I would have lost anyway
Kicked out of baseball [can't] play dominoes
What exactly are you good at again? Hobby who cares it you can I take Da man out a baseball?
Slugger that's enough both of you. It's not patty's fault. He's a disgrace to the game of dominoes
[I] won that's [ten] bucks. You owe me both of you. I know you're broke Javi
You should sit out the next game since we all know I'm Gonna win
No, shame and Surrender
You'd all understand now don't break your hand patting yourself on the back
I'll beat you next time
Should you even be betting on these games?
isn't [that] what got you in trouble to begin with
Do we mean to have an intervention?
I'll keep on talking David see what happens if we got banned from baseball because we were batting
Winning means you get to be a little bit of a little
Panda huh, but of course means if you can I'll go [be] in was [it] your turn to do that transylvanian. I lost track
poor helpless [Avi] get my wallet meal
Keep an eye on him. You don't [want] [to] snatch an extra 20 for gas money. It's on the convoy. It's so rude
I'm sure pop
All right
Huh, what's this?
Well, you don't go through someone else's wallet. What the fuck I?
Would never do that what I honor the wallet code. What song what the fuck is this?
none of your business
He has cancer
How can you read that from just the statement ha?
Really? I was a lot of text on there and [bill] get cancer [you]
[didn't] need to know that's not for you to decide
You look okay? God you really should have told us. It's the right thing to do
It's my cancer. I get to do whatever I want. You know now. What difference does it make how?
It's okay. Mijo [asked] me. How bad is it?
You won't have to worry about paying me back that [ten] bucks
Jesus ah ah
Settle David now
You haven't told Mama and neither will either of you. You hear me
Mouth shut that's not okay. Pop you have to tell her
When the time is right, I I will that's not good enough
It's good enough for me. You're gonna need her help with this pot driving you to the doctor getting prescription wait. What are your options?
treatment stuff like that
game [mold]
radiation all that expensive yeah
Great, when do you start? I turned it down turned it down
You don't get to turn it down
So much money in for what another month another game of dominoes to loose. It's not worth it. Oh
Still playing ball. [let's] [cry] and paid for it. I'll pay for it. It's not happening
Save your money fuck the money I can afford it. You can afford it David, but my bride can't
Let's play another game
[our] pride your power. Can you be a Selfish Coward?
Bobby can you believe this shit?
David [I] get it man. It's not fair, but come on. Take it easy
Sit down
both of you
You know I previously thought that became [islam] in the beginning every night your mother was pregnant with both of you
Please God my daughter
anything [but] a son
Anything but another me
Anything but another hot-headed idiot with his heart in the right [place]
Anything but another foolhardy handsome gambler?
Anything at all, please Papa
Don't give up
Fight for our name for our blood for our family
Please fight
It's your life, huh [ah] fuck. I don't know however. You want it as long as you want
You're both the same only thinking about yourselves
David felt betrayed oh no
Yet, don't betray me next time David. I don't [worry] [pah]. He'll come around you should have supported him wait what?
I'm on your side
I'm gonna be a name carved in stone before you know it have yet?
That'll be me
letters on a rock that nobody wants to visit
I know you think you're strong enough to handle that alone and so does your brother, and you're both wrong
You have to take care [of] each other you two are all I'll leave behind Like Gaben Mariana will be for David
Legacy xavier, it's all anyone leaves behind that and their
be brothers
Before it's too late
That's not too much to ask
One last favor for your old man, okay [pop]. I'll try as hard as you can and
Come on. Can we go back to the accident Jesus Christ I?
Still need to pay they with [pas] [weight] if you had just won the game. We wouldn't have had this problem
So you're blaming me for all this I'm depending on you Mijo
We both are
Wonder how if there's different endings in this one like what the outcomes are
Because there was a lot of different endings in that season to which. I really like that was really cruel
All right here. We go finally Jesus [all] right, jake
[zombie], [they're] so slow like how could you possibly [dive] on them. I don't get it
They always have like some fucking teleporting skill
It's always like Super quiet, and then there are
Jesus Christ all right well there we go shut the leg off
Hold this trick in the book
Everyone knows it take three bullets to shoot off a leg
You're wasting a lot of bullets there play
Hey, look teleporting zombies everyone
Shoot him in the face. Thank you. Oh, oh
That was more than bargained for I'm sick geek. That's right. Oh
Come on. It just ate
[Jase] treat
[hey], oh, she got how she bought okay [ding] another television
Chic Jape David clearly runs does he have a thirst cake?
She's not here. She must have gotten out
if something happened to her if you've gotten her
You better hope she's alive. How about it. You're welcome. I just saved your life
Is that what you're thinking about Kate's more important than your ego?
County fuck did she go seriously she was in the car
She was driving the day audition
Hey, wait, Danny
This is it you finally died. I wonder what's gonna happen. I'm sure I
Found you [uh] weird ha ha ha thank God
Hey, Kate next time we yell out fucking cave peace
Thanks for making it back to me co she hugs though. You're alive. That's right. That's right. I thought I lost you back there
What the hell's the matter with you to focus on your surroundings?
There's daily looking. Oh come on, please. That's the day game should finally die oh
That was a good
Got a great teacher. [oh] my God kill yourself. Sorry. I I just [hate] him [so] [much] [that] that I him so much fine
Look at them. There's so many will be safer inside get in
Get a great teacher [geez] that game so much
Stupid [alright]. That was chapter 1 of episode
Episode 1 now we're inside everyone don't shoot. What's gonna happen
You put up a good [fight] out there
I'm glad you made it out that sounded really generating forest no she isn't
Hobby shot her what?
good riddance you
[were] negotiating. I heard you you didn't have to shoot while I was a good shot
I shot her right in the eye panicking and shooting we almost died
I shot her so we could save David end of story. So why didn't you shoot you you were outnumbered?
They only attacked after you pulled [a] trigger
Do they shot like this?
Joan had to go. I would have done it too. That's because you don't mind killing people. Do you my God?
They were your friends
Gabe, that's not fair game. I will kill you I
Will pull out every wrong you're not wait for me when someone speaks to you you stand up and answer them
even if you don't want to
David that's enough
He's not a little boy. He doesn't need that from you. What'd he mean?
Why am I defending him his opinions to himself until he understands what the hell? He's talking about?
I'm just
I'm trying to protect you gabe. [I] lost you once I
Won't let it happen again
Okay, we made it through alive. Let's just be glad about that
We need to check the other entrances make sure we're safe, okay
[want] to help me out?
Yeah, go with Dave will help him gabe. It's okay. He doesn't need your [permission]
I'll help too
Okay, [Nicki] stupid game
[hey] cleanse with back. It's fine. It's not that it's let's just
I'm all over the place. [I] need to focus on something anything
[Mod]. Yeah focus
I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. Let's just go upstairs the further we are from these doors
Happier, I'll be. I just want to get as much distance between us and [the] Muertos as I can yes
Yeah, okay
let's go, oh
My God, this is fucking nightmare. I
think fine
Mommy it's fun
I'm glad Mariana didn't live to see this
To see what her father's become oh my God to see what?
I've done
She'd be just like that little boy
Scared that the monsters are coming after her next
She would never trust us again
Hey, come on
We're not monsters. [I] don't know who we are anymore
But it's not the people she knew
Well come on. We did what we had to do Jesus Christ
Don't push the out on me now. What's the big deal here? We killed some people
That hole is there because my God I hate when character blamed himself. It's so annoying. What happened was an accident
Still it happens all the time in TV shows and he kind of stories one of the characters
Blamed himself for something that they clearly didn't do and then it's always like no, it wasn't your [fault]
[and] then anyone that watched it knows that it wasn't their fault, but they're blaming themself because they're a good person
Just shut up. All right. [cue] let's make things right. I don't know if it's actually possible
like one of those boring personality
Traits or like a feelings or whatever it's so like whenever they feel guilt. I'm like just shut up, just shut up
It's so boring
Sorry my little rant of the day about guilt in movies hey, how about that?
oh it you
Traitorous gun was my best friend's hobby yeah, well he died because of you he died because of you you dumb, bitch
Fuck you
You have no one to blame but yourself
You'll [action] betrayed trip exactly you motherfucker of how much he cared about you. I never thought
It would be like this yeah when you fuck don't have to believe that
I don't believe shit [won], Prescott is Dead
everyone but
Me you should be dead instead of trip trip for the beautiful man. Did you see in [Speared]? I don't have to like it
but I can't change it, but
You've got a lot of nerve [showing] up [here] after the bulls that you pulled
You're unbelievable absolutely unbelievable
Yeah, I've got a lot of nerve everything that happened is because of you
Yeah, something back that on the plan right. I told you I didn't want to leave you didn't listen
Joan did
Why did you tell Joan what we were doing?
I was triaging a bad situation [the] doctor is dead and before you guys fucked it up their walls worked
Triaging a bad situation yeah, well you made a bad situation worse. I can actually save lives here
Not just stitch them up and hope for the best
These people will die without me Javier. [I]
know she
Well fucked us over, but she's trying to help him she's trying to make something, right?
That's worth forgiving, right?
How they talk about she's talking like he's not there
She got our thing now, but she's got a long way to go before I forgive her. You're one to talk
We should try to help not everyone here is guilty
Why are we here? Did you see a little girl out there? She was right behind me
I'm sorry I
Haven't seen any little girl
She knew rufus. He was her husband until you shot him and back
[Mr.]. [Clay] one of my People, Illinois. What's going on with her? She'll be all right?
She's not bitten or anything
She lost her daughter out there
Christ there's nothing worse than losing a child
Tell me about it
Give her some privacy. It's the least we can do I
Want to help you, okay?
[well], what what what am I I wasn't like a happy together?
little Girl gel
[Riesling] was fine until [you're] you can't even aim properly
We're just fucking me David might as well take out this asshole while I can she's not even aiming at me
We're shaming look at you
Put it down. I don't want to hurt anyone just like you put it down for Joe
stand down look [where's] [you] [save] a
tree no [fern]
This is all because of me
This is when you cackle air explosion [I] killed your daughter
forgive me
It's my fault
Please I am begging you. [I] hardly have any family [left], please don't take any more away from me
[haha], you got but my gosh
God yeah, you're welcome [Bobby]. I'm liking this guy more and more hell. Yeah, what are you doing?
Isn't right even thank you my man daisy my life. She was just a scared woman, David. It's done
Get over it
Hey, hell, yeah, no
Okay, there you fucking pussy. I'm sorry that was an accident you were going to kill her. She [was] gone forget her
Escape she can't even stand up what the hell is wrong with you. It was [over-the-line] game. You're right
Gabe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that to you you know that
Why [you] want to looking at me that way they're checking?
They're scared, [baby]
But what I'm protecting them. Why are you pointing a gun at us?
So I'm all alone
No, you can have [game] five
[minutes] you people on your own come on. II saved you
[feel] [him] [that] look in his eyes before you should go after her
hey Great more more talking about feelings and
We're on [chapter] two everyone on the last episode of the walking dead. I'd like to call it
I think that's the title that they wanted to name it, but they didn't insult me. Oh [geez]. [what] are you doing?
Just jump oh
That's a long way down
You'll fall back, but you'll fall all the same
Come over here, or are you afraid of me - I?
know the rest of them are
right even
[if] they are
I'm not I'm dumber than you like him. There's no if Hobby
they are
My wife Javi my son they look at me differently
Maybe [named] [Susan] I meant differently. I want to show you something stand with me
that's a lot of [sammys] ah
Why the hell are you smiling?
See that sewer line over there
perfect placement for a Trench
That hill about a hundred paces west of it
Snipers wildest dream come true
I'm a soldier, Hobby [I]
See this landscape like a painter sees a blank canvas like how you used to see a baseball diamond
I'm a soldier
this makes sense to me I
Was made for this I thrive in this maybe it's crazy
but sometimes crazy things make sense [an] into thing and
I'm surprised you understand
Concept soldier isn't a husband
or a father a
Soldier is a soldier
Nothing else nothing nothing at all
Call yourself, whatever you want. [I] still see you as my brother. That is kind of you to say Javi. I wish I
Wish I had your heart sometimes I
Want to change Javi. [I] always have really
All you ever tried to do was get me to change
Only because I couldn't bring myself to do [it] first. It's the one war I could never win in a wondering why?
Is it because I don't know how or because it's impossible to change who you really are
There's a way if there's always people. You know that are just genuinely violent
I'm like you just have I said thank you find it looks pretty messy
They're better off like in the medieval ages or some shit. I guess that's the thing the nice guy
Just got to live long enough to find out
just like with anything else [I]
Did what you asked you did thanks for that? So now will you step back?
sure, I
Problem they're up here. You asked me to go see him cancel. Hobby [I] ran into [oh] oh
Not Jeff oh, it's harry
She was still outside when we checked on the entrances there are [mortals] everywhere. We got her inside just in time
Seriously, I've never seen so many [mark] [toes]. It's awful out there
Well this won't be awkward whatsoever
Ava about earlier. [I] guess I owe you an explanation
About what happened on the stage with joanie trip. Yeah, what happened anything to me?
your actions said Plenty [I]
Read you loud and clear
But go ahead and say whatever you want
Don't get mad at me. It was a total no-win scenario. [I] actually don't know why she's pissed at me
Just be glad the situation was little [once] you know that she didn't make me pick between you and your brother
There's so many, they're pouring in
You don't know the habit the herd has taken over Richmond. The streets are filled with walkers with that hole in the wall
This City is fucked
We're not safe here. No one is
What the fuck can you go to an island looking like that? I don't want to die up here none of us do gabe
Take out each and every one of them the ad [team] that I've done my day loss
I saw construction vehicles when the game likes your plan. I don't like to fight anymore
What if we use one of those you just I don't know run them where it goes over
That's over by the motor pool [at] the water tower
We could use the highway overpass to get to the water tower
Come on. Let's jump if Gabe dives in this episode. I'm going to be so happy
I'll forgive everything bad [that] this season is then come on good easy jump. Oh, that's not [gonna] break
It'd be fun if we saw someone really really fat [I]
Don't know why that's funny to me
Just like one character just been living off their popular keep your eyes open stay aware of your surroundings all of you
Let's move out like one guy [found] like a storage
Unit with a bunch of food or subjects that are living the life she hugged you
Why do you think she hugged you?
What do you I would think?
Just wondering you really want to know then ask her [she] won't even make eye contact with me
I'm liking this episode more now. Is that guy wearing a fanny packs. I thought oh
It wasn't a zom-baby or else the exact same thing will happen to us
Stay [Sharp] and do not fire your guns someone's going to trip and they're all going to almost that guy was all alone
we're not
Yeah, someone's definitely Gonna trip I
Was like ah that's awesome. A zombie with a fanny pack because all the zombies look the same they never have a personality like
They all have generic clothes. You know if we were out these walkers [ah]
You got fucked [boy] good to go. Let's move
It'd be cool to sit like a zombie with like a blazer or some shit, adam. I don't know
I don't know I guess no one found by the way
You okay [bug]?
You [find] I was little dad used to ask me what I wanted to be when I was a man
And I pointed him
But now and we like that I [put] a year it was such a great guy
Would always make him smile David may not be perfect, but he's not the worst role model in the world
Hey teleporting zombies everyone not [geez]
It looks hurt to hold a crowbar and [I] hit a really hard object. You know that was really fuck your hand. Oh
Don't be a man who relies on other people
Then you're not a man at all I
Used I can't agree thing
Not anymore though, hobby can only [help] my girl to be like you
here's hoping oh
Thanks, buddy. It means a lot. Sorry. I never really said it before
Should happen Don't make me like you gabe welcome
It took such good care of me now. We need to take care of dad. He's the one who needs our help
Then go [-] don't go ahead not [clem] get it go away from clem, please
I'm gonna have to go around the side. There's barely any room
how to fucking roads just collapse like that like what happened
Not like there's bombs and shit no time to waste
Come on
You know I didn't [think] there is much. I could scare me anymore
She's not bad, [but] we she's gonna. Go rogue on it didn't she [I]?
Got to just walk across hey everyone. I'm playing a video game. I'm pressing w
Holding down [w]. It's almost like [a]
If you do it yourself, you can do it
That's pretty good
You could just climb over the carpet be more careful. [oh]
Yeah, you gotta fuck hahahaha
Cut [dammit]. No. How did no one see that?
she died I hear her sacrificed herself to save me she was a fighter and
Take shit from anybody
It was lucky to have her
We all were I
Would have died a long time ago without her. Thank you ava
Goodbye my friend. Oh
No, not [a] vine
Crying [I'll] look at an escape plan we have to [get] across
Oh my God, gabe. I know gabe doesn't see it, but David really is trying to look out for him
He's not doing the best job, but no one gives you a rulebook to raise a kid, and he sure should go
One thing I don't get though
David really think he was helping aj by letting him. Go. Why did he stop guarding him?
He was afraid
Holding a baby in his arms probably scared of [10] times more than anyone thought I
Don't understand
After [you] put in all that work
Much of your heart Aj was brad
He lived with me after we kicked you out [club]. Oh shit. I already raised two [kids] ought to be a piece of cake
And with that tyrant is that why you gave him away?
Wait a bad winter destroyed every [cock] we had I
Couldn't leave Richmond and Aj couldn't stay in Richmond. I
Gave Aj to lingard and told him to do whatever he had to save his life
Mr.. Brett
Never a sling guard about it again though. I've wanted to
I'll bet the little brat misses you do
both of you
While quali [doesn] [t] [clem] remember claim remember far as I knew had already lost two children?
Wasn't any [easier] with number three. It's never easy
I'm going to keep you alive. Keep all of us alive and hope that that's enough enough for atonement
He was a breath, huh that goofy little brat you were trying to take care of him
Sometimes [that's] not so easy
Reminds me of someone who did the same thing for me? [oh] did the right thing?
a surprise Kenny didn't show in this season like I know he was in a flashback or something like that, but still like
Couldn't [may] have brought him back. I know that for some people he died. She though. It's complicated or whatever [that]
We barely see anything of clementine ended. She's such a small part of it
she's literally just a side character if any if even I mean
What are they gonna do with a propeller swing across? Oh she let seems like a terrible idea?
You're not thinking. It's that or go back
We should go lightest to heaviest that way it won't break on the first swing I'll go first claim
That yeah, cuz [you're] lightweight, bitch
Get a long run-up
But not too long [if] you take too many quick steps to propel yourself upward instead of out same with your jump
Just run off the end. Don't even try not to you've got this shut the fuck up. He's giving you super useful advice
That's like good advice
Why not? Why not? Why [not]? I hope you die game. I hope you know that
Dime Dime Dime Dime Dime
Thank you. How are you going to get back now?
Come on pricing the Ez return
Gabe you had a chance to like grabber grabber. They're not at all
[God] is such a fucking hood the kids to swing across, but I
Just don't die. You've got this I've seen you do things that are way scarier
Okay, I can do it
Man, I'm still sick like I feel it in my stomach
All right, David you're up. There's a little brother. You should go first. [oh], you're definitely lighter
Maybe I am younger
I really enjoyed this part so [much] more than all the fucking talking and all the bullshit because you have a sense of
Something might happen anything you know there's the sense of something could go bad very soon
And it makes it so much more interesting to be playing this rather than what do you feel I feel guilty about this thing oh
Hey, baby, how you soon?
[alright], I gotta just climb up here. Just grab the Dom be
Pretty sure that was physically impossible, but hey
Hey, buddy. How you doing? Don't mind me. Thank you
Hey, you didn't grab the hand awkward are you okay? I'm fine
Fuck helicopters, just like plan good work everyone
Just like we rehearsed. [I] don't know I think we can do better
Head back [over] let's try that again. No come on [now]
[fun] mode
Almost there
All right, and that concludes episode. I mean chapter. Three of episode 5
What's going to happen? Who's gonna live who's gonna Die tractor hurt? It's been [going] [to] land from a safe distance
We need to get down there
We're not getting anywhere without one [of] those vehicles. It's not like we can just ask all those walkers to move out of the way
How about we make some noise in this tractor? We could use that generator?
That's a great idea
When'd you get so smart [gabe]? You're such a fucking idiot gabe? You really aren't the same kid. I remember
I'm impressed. Hey, don't give him too big of a head he still got some learning to do
Don't listen to him gabe. You're doing just fine
We should still gotta get to the generator somehow Gabe
You're [a] fucking idiot kind of want to open and cover yourself with its guts and you can [fit] right through them
Hi, all right what the fuck climb. That's a great idea gross idea, but great I
Could have saved my water bottle
So who's [Gonna] Do it?
You know you do kind of owe me one you let conrad use me as trade that wasn't very polite
If it makes us even look it smells really bad like way worse than you think
That's fine. I'm fine. [all] right. So here we go
Chop but I'm [on] [to] [Ya] laddies
you'll do
We're going to do the old smearing yourself with shit trick. The good old good old classic
Really like the sharing key you could do this on here
[Fuckin] [God] oh yeah
Shit all day long exactly you smell so bad
That could have been more gross though. There's definitely good in me that more gross. What the fuck look he's fine
[it's] not even going to do some comic old zombie noises. [hey], that's my zombie. Yeah
Actually, that's just what I want my teddy give me food
Hey by the morning - that's my zombie
Hey, you a zombie. [hey] alrighty day
Fuck ooh and so scared. I wonder what's going to happen is that [Porta] paw
Hey, you teleported [you] teleported. [I] told you teleporting zombie
What the fuck would you saw that right you serious again?
There is again. What the fuck [I]?
Don't fucking touch me me
What [oh] uh, huh?
What what the actual fuck happened there?
That was so fucking glitch, okay?
So I got actually fallen my bad
Okay, well we were literally. They're so great
Hey, it's Amnesia Monster
anyone more else [want] [a] teleport [oh]
God look at that guy's face. Oh
Don't touch me
What the fuck ridiculous?
It's got no muscle on this boat and you [literally] just made out with you like a vampire
It's part it's ridiculous
It's [not] my fault. It's the game's fault you don't understand
okay, I'm here a
Lot easier if you just go for it
That shouldn't attract anything
Speakers must be so useful here like if yet a couple batteries and a portable speaker like barely
Now that we're here. Let's find something. We can take our autumn work
Goes with or just accept a guide you can just get a jacksepticeye and throw him can find something
I would just try to all the zombies as well. We needed some right view
Well that one looks all right. Not gonna do the job man. Yes it is
What are you doing? The right thing? I'm leaving. We're all leaving what and
Going where?
You saw it yourself. We're surrounded by the heard I'm taking my family out of here. You [helped] Toeloop safe clem. You're coming, too
Let's go everyone
We can't wait around. This is bullshit David absolutely not everyone in Richmond will die without us
They don't matter Javi. Don't you get that?
This all started the day we knocked on Richmond's door. We brought this on these people all of us
We can't abandon them not after what we've done. We're going home. Take back to the last place. We were a family
We're starting over. We're all together again
We'll actually don't know what to do here all of us a new day a new life
What am I here man make richmond our new home Richmond is Gone [Bobby]. I'm not going to let the people
I [loved] [died] trying to save a dead dream
I'll go with you Dad
He's my father clem
I'm sorry, but you really wouldn't understand think this over buddy
Is this what you really want [I] know it's scary [allow], but I have to you don't have to be afraid Gabe. I
Won't let what happen to money on a happen to you
[who] [ever] were I will protect you [the] right way?
That's fucking bullshit David. She was lucky to have us at least we were actually around a race Javi just
Stop he wouldn't stand for that. Loki [burned]. Huh, this is what I want I
Understand gate I'm so sad gabe. No, please don't go yeah, [I]
Won't be able to live with myself if I don't try to help the people in Richmond
You won't be able to live at all if you do then
Richmond is compromised doesn't matter if there were five of us trying to save it or five hundred
We'd all die [I]
Know a losing battle when I see one
We're moving out everybody get in that's an order
How dare you [what] will it take David?
What will it take to show you that you do not get to do that we are not your soldiers
Run away home be a deserter. I
am done with you
Let's [throw] the ring throw the ring at him. Why don't you think he would go with you? Oh?
Oh is she gonna. Oh, oh that's cringe dude. Tell him [ah] what the [fuck] is this
Papi, [I] love her man. We are in love [oh]
Yeah, you're actually you should have picked up on it the night you weren't there
Blood is worthless to you. Just like he was to you
Just like I am to you well it's time for you to finally learn the blood really means
Hey, Dad
What do you have to say [for] yourself brother?
[stop] it. I
Love you. Oh shit. [no], [you] don't get to say that
Christ Stop
Oh my God, how fucking dare you no stop it [stop] I?
Love you, no, oh
Oh, oh hell. Yeah
He was up. What would happen without the holes in the back well is that?
So what I feel like that could have been emotional, but it was just a little too cheesy for my taste man
I don't [know]. It's same
David Bye. What the hell is he doing?
Ava took him we can't wait any longer. We have to go help Richmond. Well. He didn't take him
He wanted my gun on that bulldozer [a] date. He wanted to go. He did we all hurt
You're you're right. Oh shit clamp. Oh shit [clem] Richmond someone has to
Let's split up. Hobby. I'll go after gabe on that motorcycle if you don't another well
Yeah, I'm gonna mullet I go you sure you'll be okay without me. [I] can take care of myself
We're out of Time Bobby. I'm sorry
I've been here before more than once it's not gonna end well for everyone. How did [she] know you have to keep fred?
go up, oh
I know that. I can't let kate go by yourself. It's too dangerous. [I] was an easy choice a pussy
Okay, then I'll go after gabe
Smart idea be careful out there [quick] you two don't die for if you--if [climb] [die] for Gabe
I'm done with life if we're going to drive into the herd
We're going to need these hey [conveniently] [placed]
That was the end of chapter [3] okay fuck. I'm so out of it. Jesus. Where is this Gonna? Go? [how] [is] it going in?
My gut that's [a] horse
That's a badass
Beside can you help us get the gate open?
I almost didn't recognize Jesus once I guess Jai's dad. Well. I had it right back how to make sure you folks were safe
I think I'm getting the hang of it [will] keep the Muertos one. Just get me to the gate so I can open it up
Hell, yeah
Hell yeah [mate]
I'll be getting the busted now. Let's do the top of the gate plus two in the private being whatever
I'm going to go enemy
The good Ol Q and a [t]. Huh, I mean Ii
Nice, nice. [Hobby] the market right yeah, fuck
Yeah, it's a [fucking] sword
Dude, how are you so slow? I'll have it open in a second
You could just have opened a button
[well] what you see here, you want to do it. No? I want to click the [blop] ah
I get it hey. Hey
Let me go. Let's get inside our very own waters together if we get up in one group. We can lead them [right] out
Let's lead those zombies out of mud, or we could do it in one
follow me zombies
Fuck is it
[ah] shit. That's a lot of zombies man. Full steam ahead
That just seems like a waste of ammo
Like not unless they're close I would [cheat]
They'll shoot these guys
Think no, I'm not. I'm not going to wait that one. Oh, and then you die. You die if that happened. Oh great I?
Thought maybe I could deserve a survivor, but I don't know okay. It's that kind of nice. I can make it spring
All right start a game. I didn't play exactly how you wanted it
You're piling up on the things the market
Hey, she learned what it was called. How about that?
Shit, I'm up dude
Hey, I get to drive everyone thought but I monitor your lattice
Pivoted cabinets there you go there you come
your [well]
New diet looks so for Super social
That's not bad man
Excuse me zombies just kind of put this car down right here excuse me
There's cruel
How can [the] [bulldozer] carry that?
Well that did the trick
That's it. Let's get out of here. That was it that was [fucking] it. Hell. Yeah
Jesus Jesus everyone [can] [afford] [you] kate
Welcome back. I appreciated Mandarin - what well not too bit
Just a little surprising. That's all
I'm just glad you didn't give up on us real glad I gave you my word
Hobby look it's clem. Oh
Fuck's sake [it's]
[Gabe] dying he no no
He's just banged up. What's happened clint your car got overrun with walkers and crashed. I was barely able to save gabe
What about David?
David's Dead ah
I'm just glad you found cave in time
Are you serious? I'm sorry no, no
David I
Was that we didn't even get to see him die it looked like [we] [had] turned and that gabe's had to
Stop him. Oh, [God]
Like my Dad should have been you named bunny. He's gone. It should have been you wanted me to tell [you]
Just terrible [joke] oh
Goddamnit, [where] did you find them little ways outside of town too far can we take you some more things?
Can you not touch anything?
Come on, Hobby
Where are we going funeral?
Over here [king] is this way a lot of that people in their part?
Good plan there dave. Good plan totally [worked] out for you the [neck]
[huh], I guess if you choose something else if you went after him you would have been neat dear friend, but I can't imagine
Gabe's come a long way. He's really grown. Did he really need to learn this lesson though?
He talked about this every day what to do when he died?
She was convinced it would happen in the field
Every day as common is talking about the weather. I'm surprising. He was a soldier [I]
Used to hate talking about it, but it seemed to soothe him
He'd talk about his [military] funeral the way that other people talked about retirement plans
He'd only changed the subject if I promised I marry thee he didn't care about burying his body
As far as he was concerned this was him
Help me dig. It doesn't have to be much
You should probably say something and what you do
usually when you see Pop
Tell them I said hi
And then I'm sorry for not paying him back at 10 bucks. Ha ha ha. That's you
Say something
Maybe she should be alone with oh in front of the grave. Hell. Yeah, that's not weird
[oh], [if] she did it she left the ring
Hell yeah, and that's chapter for everyone. We got the final chapter coming up
We're back in Richmond
It's the real Jesus oh
[same] thing
It was his own fault [if] [you] regret helping me
if you're feeling any kill
Bury it I
mean it
Don't let it eat you up inside
We need to Empower
Exactly because I don't feel guilty [ward] that's not a feeling. I really know I'm not a psychopath we will
persuade that's why
Guilty is for pussy
Guilty I so bad
Usually the [Clients] [Bears] me
What about now there's a lot of teleported zombies [everywhere] [the] herd could come back
Why do you say so positively the herd could come back everybody? Tell me that I feel more calm here than
And I ever did an old van on streets with no streetlights
[we're] in this hobby. Why did he put those iron feeling calm in the quiet?
planks on the glass that that's so poorly played part of family you and me a
Fresh start
What are you saying? Well? If that means, we're gonna it be good for [us]
you're on
Let's start a family [you]
[don't] think it's selfish. It's not the safest world outside of Richmond. We're inside it truth be told
Life goes how long as I got you?
I'm not too worried about it, [so]
[Cheesy] oh
We'll be up there before we know it better do something worthwhile in the meantime should name the kid orange
or banana or grapes 50 oh
He teleported again. Have you a yes indeed fucking lot my water
Rating looks like that's been done
Glad we got it settled got a move on [I'd] like you jesus. I gotta admit man [fuckin] badass
You're a real charmer
You know that through and thrill meant to tell you that a armor you got is great. Oh
Well um, thanks um Nick. It's a job
What the fuck is worried about you Javi the [fuck] was that you are inside
You help save these people though that goes a long way for me
Second Chances are in short supply these days
That's what this place can be if you let it
Trust me though life within walls is a hell of a lot different than life on the road
Don't take shortcuts like jump you got to do the right thing
Good days and especially bad
Absolutely the right thing
No matter what?
Good to hear I
Read people [pretty] well no gift of mine. You're capable guy Javi change is in the air here
You can lead that change and I think you should
For the better. God knows it's not into you this you know what I'm Gonna step up
Leave this place in the right direction as far as I'm concerned Richmond is in much better hands, and it was
[hey], oh
Can I go with you? Yeah, gabe? Yeah? Hey your name is you know?
Not letting me get killed and for coming back to help us yeah, thanks for that man
pay it Forward
Be vigilant trouble never stays too far away
You're out of here [too], huh? [yeah]
It's time I
Have to find a jay hobby I've waited so long
But could you do me one last favor before I leave
What what do you want anything for you climbing my clem my sea girl sea dog
Clemmy clue
Call him at a climatic clickety-Clack at a Clementine [I]
Used to do this from my knees. Oh, I never I never seen her without the hat [who] [are] you it's so weird
I'm really gonna miss gabe. Why he's super annoying sometimes, but all the time that I'm used to having him around
at least to have someone to talk to
[even] if he is a total dork, not that he said anything to me in particular, but
You know the guys got a mondo crush on you, right? He does not my gosh. You have a crush on him, too
I do not well you both have my blessing
Nothing, what stab you with those scissors
How did this Happen [I]?
Have to caj Javi. [I] have to see that. [he's] okay
Do you think he remembers me?
at least a little
Maybe who could forget you climb no one who knew you I guaranteed
yeah, maybe
Everyone told us. He was better off after everything that's happened. I'm starting to think they're right I
Don't know if I was a good mom or not I
Can't stop thinking about it. I
Really wish I could
Did you love him why all of my heart and of course you were?
Now at [3:00]
[gave] told me you used to play baseball. [I] did I loved it
he told me you fucked it all up -
Sure, did
Well, you survived I
Have - but you loved it. How do you survive that?
That's what's good about a broken heart when [you're] looking at it all broken and shattered on the floor
you figure out the pieces you need versus the ones you like if
You're ready to move on that is
We're just gonna have fun American Pop. How's it look oh?
So cute. Hey, you know what oh grab your hat what?
Come on
Remember this team [did] that ever teach you about baseball?
No, not really
[now] you come back
I'll tell you all about it
It's a deal
It's a shit team by the way, I bring Aj back with me, but will you teach him to?
You bet he belongs with you clementine
Bring him back
Seemed like that was the plan anyway, but you know who cares what I think? I'm just a [meryl] put a pad
Oh, I like your jacket
Like sending your kid off to college there she goes
they grow up so fast and
[then] the best part is gabe never got to tap that what a beautiful ending
Hey, that was episode five everybody the season finale
[alright], so and that was a cool scene. I like that
half of the people, okay most of the people fought him okay, and
Okay, very similar choices. It's interesting, ooh
Oh, yeah, there's always something after the credits aren't they
Claim is [fuckin] [badass] [Jesus] Christ
man, and
How is this going to [end]?
because I remember it season season one had like a
Nothing really happening. It'd be cool. [if] something actually happens now
Clem you, don't even have a backpack like where do you keep all that ammo?
That was a okay gray
Clementine story will continue. Well that's what it should have been from the beginning. I'm sorry this really felt like a
Prequel to season 3 they didn't feel like its own thing at all. It didn't make any sense to me
Why they focus on this story?
it makes sense to building up, but like
It felt like the Michonne DlC it felt very far off. It would have been cool
[if] this was like a DLC that kind of built on that on the [walking] [dead] the next season, but man not my season
okay, I I thought this one felt kind of short compared to season one and season two because they were so great and
They were by any means it wasn't bad. I enjoyed this last episode. It wasn't it wasn't bad, but I
I definitely
Expected a lot more. I think
a lot of the happenings and characters were pretty insignificant [and]
They sort of lost their charm didn't they I?
Maybe the company grew too big for their own good and the [zebes] yeah, I don't know what?
but like I
Really hope they bounce back with that the next one with clementine. [I] think [climbing] time story is so much more interesting
And it builds on the other seasons
but you don't need to see the whole season to build on characters like I
Remember in season one just when ben died it fucking made me sad, and I hated been
Here, it's like someone dies and [you] don't really care and the outcome it's pretty much the same and I
don't know I've talked about this a lot, but I still think they can make a really really good game and
I'm still I'm still a fan of them, but I
It's just a bit of a shame. You know what else can you say but [I've] never nevertheless. I had fun playing it
I hope you guys had fun watching it as well
[let] [me] like if you enjoyed watching a really quick. I'll see you in the next one and
Yeah, let me know what you think as well, and it's always
sister Finn