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  • Hello bros, in case you haven't notice

  • There's a subscribe button down there

  • if you want to hit it

  • feel free to do so just- if you like the video, of course

  • which you haven't watched yet.

  • Just want to remind you guys in every single video

  • I ever make about that

  • roll the intro!

  • Last Week I Asked You

  • leave your entries in the

  • Oh, sorry, did I forget ever tell about my merch?

  • That's right

  • If you want to check out the hottest merch in the game

  • go to right now and check it out

  • keep the intro

  • in the sub reddit bros

  • and i'll wa-♪


  • did I forget to mention A.S.S. is coming out on every single console ever in May.

  • please do check that out

  • Sorry guys.

  • You can actually play the intro now

  • submissions

  • in the next episode of


  • I was getting lonely ?

  • where did you go? ?

  • the intro is so long ?

  • There's not enough me in LWIAY ?

  • just- you know what ?

  • just roll the intro... I don't care anymore ??

  • just LWIAY

  • I am wearing silly glasses.

  • Let's review LWIAY memes from last week

  • I've been sneaking some and

  • giggling to myself softly

  • that's about as funny as you guys get just so you know

  • we're on the same level (laughs)

  • We attract each other- there's a balance there, okay?

  • We have the same humor

  • and we're a group of intellectuals

  • There's nothing more to it

  • Now, let's review the memes

  • I've never been judged by your skin colour

  • Just was.

  • Take back everything

  • I just said

  • Earth angel.

  • PewDiePie is Johnny D's earth angel

  • wait what?

  • hello everyone, im back

  • uh, it's Johnny D's wife, Hellen

  • A pleasant good evening to all of his supporters and followers

  • I am here for two reasons

  • one of that is to extend our sincere gratitude to PewDiePie

  • For all the help that he has extended to us

  • he was like a...

  • guardian angel to Johnny D...

  • Man, I- I can't take this stuff

  • I really really appreciate this the positive sentiments.

  • I didn't do anything okay

  • if anything

  • I'm the one that got Johnny D in trouble in the first place

  • You guys were the ones that helped Johnny D

  • I just delivered the message

  • honestly, like I genuinely mean that

  • I feel uncomfortable getting this sort of praise when I-

  • I haven't earned it

  • Does anyone still remember Doki-Doki?

  • Honestly it translates so much better with doki-doki than stupid

  • whatever the show is called

  • Pewdiepie Neon Art


  • Did not expect that

  • goddamn that sexy

  • I like all the fan art that people have been working on for a long time

  • they're just all outdated now because I shaved

  • That's very cool, though. Thank you very much.

  • HaroldRevery

  • Now back to the garbage memes

  • Easiest way to suicide

  • Great..

  • Oh, it's Google vs. Bing?

  • (laughs)

  • What is Bing say?

  • Oh, no

  • 99% really?

  • Oh, that's brilliant

  • Well Done, Bing

  • Well, it seems like I'm gonna have to switch to Bing from now on

  • Alpha slav kid

  • I've seen this one

  • That's how you know you're alpha

  • if you're walking like- (laughs)

  • PUBG sucks

  • Fortnight too

  • Aw, they're best friends

  • How wholesome

  • When does the Battle Royale meme gonna die?

  • Honestly... like it's fun for a while.

  • Pewdiepie: what's the best thing in the world? Boi: me Pewdiepie: omg u so mean i haet you!

  • *pewdiepie commits suicide* *boi visits Pewdiepie's grave*

  • Boi: MEƎM review


  • Can we post another outdated meme?

  • That's right. I already reviewed it.

  • There's no reason to keep it going

  • The Adventures of Pew Pew

  • Aww

  • I'm not actually wearing the hat to promo my new merch (SURE)

  • check it out. (plese buy my merch)

  • It's just because

  • I don't wanna show my hair..

  • aw, I miss edgar so much

  • This will be the LWIAY I'm doing in Japan, by the way

  • Top 10 anime betrayals of all time

  • (laughs)

  • Yeah, it went south real fast, honestly

  • all great memes must die

  • all great memes must come to an end

  • I'm not one of you guys that just linger with old memes

  • "Oh why does he not say barrels anymore?"

  • "I miss when he said the barrel jokes"

  • Okay

  • I realized when things have to stop.

  • I'm not the one keep posting about the chair meme.

  • Can you do this?

  • Can you do that?

  • Super cringe to me right now, okay?

  • Don't even bother with chair memes cuz I'm way past them by now, okay

  • I bet you still like chair means, don't you?

  • Wait what?

  • It's worldwide shipping, what are you talking about?

  • Look, Ships Worldwide.

  • Are we lying about that?

  • Oh..

  • Oh shit..

  • Oh

  • (laughs)


  • (LAUGHS)

  • I'll talk to represent see when I do

  • jesus

  • My god. I love all these water-cooled CPUs.

  • Yeah, isn't it great?

  • Where is the Pewdiepie family? I miss them :(

  • That was a weird era of Pewdiepie

  • I don't know-

  • I don't know if we need to bring that back, to be honest.

  • I think the-the white walls really speaks for itself.

  • I don't need some flashy imagery and a bunch of distracting things in the background

  • to hide the fact that I'm-

  • I'm really not that entertaining.

  • i got the editors for that

  • (smiles)

  • Pewds Сука Блять notice me

  • ourcallboy- very cool, too bad it's outdated now

  • Honestly though, very dope.

  • I- I really appreciate all the fanart

  • thank you very much

  • This took me a lot of time

  • yeah, it sure looks like it..

  • That's funny, that's exactly what happens every time

  • Okay

  • Can we make ?

  • Yeah, we can make that joke

  • No we can't

  • Brad 2 will put it in-

  • against my will

  • that is so funny, you guys, honestly

  • this is- this is the top of stuff

  • I- I've been- we've been doing how many episodes?

  • 20? 30?

  • and finally we have some really good memes here as you post it as

  • two thousand nine hundred of you upvoted so funnily

  • hey..

  • Good- you know what,

  • good for you guys

  • honestly

  • that is so great seri--

  • I'm so proud I am so

  • Proud right now.

  • This is a father moment that I can cherish

  • That's right, I didn't even have to shave I just go back in time

  • That's one of my many many super special abilities.

  • The thief is back!


  • I didn't want to talk about this, but it is true

  • Jack's film has stolen my forehead

  • One of many things he will steal

  • How far will this man go?

  • At what point am I supposed to stop joking about this and be serious?

  • I'm sick of it. I'm sick and tired of it

  • oh

  • my

  • gAh

  • How about a nice cup of Pew News, anyone?

  • please brad one and brad two

  • please don't cut this out this is gold

  • who knows?

  • only Brad one and Brad two can tell

  • I'm merely just a messenge r

  • It's so annoying how its shaped

  • anytime I clap I'm like, now I gotta say it,

  • meme review

  • don't boost Brad's ego even further

  • Please, we don't need that

  • Proof of great handshaking skills

  • wait what

  • I remember that

  • He wouldn't he went in for a handshake, and I had to adjust myself, and why are you filming me?

  • Make me angry

  • We're gonna analyze every single moment of this okay, all right slow-mo way

  • Huh is he not going in for a handshake here, huh you see the angle?

  • It's like down. Not up. Huh look at that. He's trying to mess with me son of a garbage

  • Huh look at that. He changes I go in for the handshake as well. I'm like okay. All right. We're doing this

  • he

  • changes

  • He changes, but I'm like not fam nah. I got you

  • Wait what oh my god, it's super detail let me zoom out a little bit they're disrespecting women I

  • See it I take off my headphones

  • Stop a respect wow man

  • What what are you gonna? Do I have this he is right. I don't have a gun

  • Jesus Christ that is terrifying

  • Looks like a blood-borne character or something

  • It's terrifying

  • some Uzumaki sketch or something

  • rpgomes very nice a-very nice

  • Jack got married time to copy him pewds

  • Nice try Marzia

  • oh that's good

  • what? Next (clap)

  • Hello, it's me from the future

  • ah, the video just stopped working

  • I don't know what happened so I figured

  • Something happened in the meanwhile

  • You may have heard about it

  • That's right

  • Me and Marzia got engaged

  • Finally

  • (laughs)

  • What took you so long, felix?

  • So I thought

  • why don't I just finish this video off by reacting to your reaction to the engagement

  • South Korea and North Korea finally got together

  • They saw my proposal and they-

  • they were just so moved by it

  • She said she'll think about it

  • aww

  • What a beautiful moment.

  • She said yes.

  • Spoilers. She said yes.

  • Felix proposing to Marzia, leaked footage

  • I really wanted to do something cute like maybe, have maya involved

  • maybe like I could hide the ring in a little backpack or something like that but um,

  • Maya is there- the dogs-- the pugs are in UK

  • We're still in Japan

  • This is by the end of our trip

  • So I wanted to do it at the end of the trip cause it's been such an amazing trip

  • When Marzia says she's not gonna marry a bearded guy cause he looked like a terrorist

  • Hmmm

  • Come on,

  • if you're gonna propose, you got to look your best

  • Which is why I got the Zuck haircut, of course.

  • I planned this for a long time

  • There you go, everybody.

  • I don't know- this probably changed the whole mood of the video.

  • I don't know, but um, I'm just-

  • So lucky

  • I'm so happy

  • Like I said, this has been the best trip of my life.

  • I'm so thankful for everything

  • and especially right now..

  • I don't mean to get all mopey

  • I'm just very happy.

  • That's it for this video.

  • Don't forget to buy a merch

  • eight days left guys

  • Can we smash it good-

  • Goodbye

  • (smiles)

  • boi

Hello bros, in case you haven't notice


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日