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  • everyone did an oopsie


  • *pew news intro*


  • oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • o o o o o o oo

  • *O I N T E N S I F I E S*

  • -ria Borger

  • and you're watching the most respectable news site outlet of all time

  • that is not our personal bias, that is just

  • Straight up

  • F A C T S

  • Now some news for-

  • *dramatic close up*

  • A lesser media outlet

  • Buzzfeed, everyone

  • H A

  • patheticc-

  • Buzzfeed prints a one-off magazine!

  • ♥ w o o w ♥

  • That's incredible! Wow how innovative! (Truly innovative)

  • Going back to print, what a great idea! (Captions agree)

  • And put-

  • M O M O

  • on the cover.

  • This is phenomenal work, Buzzfeed

  • Good job Buzzfeed you really did- you really outdone yourself this time Buzzfeed

  • Can I sound a little bit more condescending?

  • So this was on my Twitter news feed for some reason

  • Twitter decided "hey you wanna know about this?"


  • Its a- And I love all the responses to this basically

  • *N O O N E C A R E S*

  • (noonecares.mp4)

  • Good call moving to print! Booming industry!

  • So you're telling me that the creative director said:

  • "When history looks back at Buzzfeed's #1 issue,

  • we want the iconic MOMO to be on the cover..?"

  • Well well well, to bad there wont be any history for Buzzfeed

  • I know, this is so sad

  • Last month it was reported that as many as 2100 people have lost their jobs in the past two weeks

  • Buzzfeed having a cut of 15% of their staff This is SO. SAD. ok

  • I'm not giving my opinion, but I'm literally shaking and crying right now

  • Buzzfeed, who hires such amazing people like Joe Bernstein-

  • Oh, god no!


  • *smac*

  • *SmAc*

  • *S M A C*

  • Oh and not vice too, Vice!

  • Laying off 10% of their workforce?

  • Vice, that does such incredible journalism..

  • This is a huge blow for journalism...

  • How are we possibly going to survive?

  • Now, obviously people losing their jobs is not to be celebrated

  • but...

  • *dramatic closeup 2 incoming*

  • B U T

  • Kinda hard to feel bad for companies, that are running these smear campaigns

  • Not just against me, but other people as well.

  • Are you suppos- How long do they keep thinking they can do this kind of stuff without getting away with it?

  • Obviously there are many factors involved

  • But I find it ironic and funny how Buzzfeed two years ago after the wall street journal scandal,

  • uh, posted about my-my downfall

  • Writing: His downfall feels anti-capitalist, it feels nonconformist, it makes us feel all the things we love to feel to prove we're better than

  • Well

  • WELL

  • W E L L

  • what a downfall indeed

  • Have fun, Buzzfeed

  • I'll be laughing all the way

  • N E X T (clap) N E W S

  • Next news comes from Captain Marvel, that's right

  • y'all know I would talk about this.

  • the reason why I haven't done a few news in a while is

  • I haven't been too invested in what's happening

  • and it's been kind of nice to be honest

  • but this is one of those news that

  • uH-

  • you just can't- You can't escape

  • it's been literally everywhere, recommended in all the feeds

  • Rotten Tomatoes explains why it removed thousands of audience reviews on Captain Marvel's opening day

  • WELL

  • I don't even have to research this


  • that is not fact. that is just pure speculation

  • but it also

  • most importantly

  • is my opinion (which she's not supposed to have)

  • Basically, if you don't know what happened here

  • the Captain Marvel audience score review

  • on Rotten Tomatoes was at 33%

  • and then a lot of reviews just disappeared and got deleted

  • some people were estimating over 50,000

  • and now it's sitting at 55% like ratio.

  • Now, however still enjoys Marvel films

  • you know

  • that's up to you, but

  • a lot of people define this as 'trolls', you know

  • this is trolls and therefore, we have every right .

  • remove the review

  • if you're a troll then your opinion doesn't count, basically

  • ah, yes! Trolls! That's a good excuse to remove freedom of speech!

  • iF yOu'Re A tRoLl,

  • ThEn YoU'rE nOt AlLoWeD tO vOiCe YoUr OpInIoN!

  • mm-mm-mmh!

  • This s**t annoys me so much because it reminds me

  • of the goddamn Amy Schumer thing

  • I don't know if you remember her Netflix special

  • which was one of the worst things I've ever watched

  • and I watched that with an open mind

  • 5% liked this film according to Google users

  • After the bad reviews came out

  • on Netflix from the Amy Schumer special

  • they removed the 5 star rating system

  • which now makes it impossible to find something

  • that you actually like on Netflix.

  • I've just given up tryna find stuff on there

  • Rotten Tomatoes said that it was a bug

  • ?A BUG ?

  • that removed 10,000 audience reviews

  • Okay, Rotten Tomatoes, sure. Sure.

  • Are we expected to believe this?

  • Now, you might ask yourself, why?

  • Why was it getting bad reviews in the beginning?

  • Well, some people obviously liked the film

  • Some people described it as bland

  • and not that interesting and I mean

  • considering how many Marvel films they've done at this

  • point, it's probably kinda hard

  • to innovate. Personally

  • I think a lot of people disliked this film

  • becuase of the main charac- the main

  • actress, Brie Larson

  • who is probably one of the most unlikeable lead

  • female characters I've seen in a long

  • time. I mean , just-

  • and one more question. Um, what does it

  • mean to be a woman in film?

  • ..........

  • it means it's really hard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • ........ and if you're a woman of colour,

  • then it's really, really hard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • God, everyone just wants to be a victim, don't they?

  • Imagine being the lead- the lead of a...

  • multi million- what is it? Like

  • 500 million- what was the budget

  • for this- IT DOESN'T MATTER

  • and then say it's really hard (giggles)

  • Imagine being attractive

  • being paid millions and then

  • going 'iT's So HaRd'. Like,

  • Jesus Christ. Imaging being

  • the figure of female

  • er- strong character and going

  • 'it's really HARD' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) JESUS CHRIST

  • What's ironic about this whole situation

  • about reviews getting removed is that

  • Lee Larson herself

  • in the past expressed that

  • she doesnt like the way the

  • system of reviews is done because

  • a movie that she

  • like- what was it? A Tangle In Time

  • or something? What's it called?

  • A Wrinkle In Time ! bad

  • reviews. Her response to that was basically

  • 'well, it wasn't made for you'

  • 67% of white men

  • are making these reviews

  • That's why it got bad reviews

  • because it wasn't made for white men, okay?

  • They've released findings


  • ...that 67% of the top

  • critics reviewing the

  • 100 highest grossing movies

  • in 2017

  • were white males.

  • Less than a quarter were white women

  • and less than 10% were

  • unrepresented men

  • only 2.5% of

  • those top critics were women of colour.

  • It's important to know

  • the fact here that Brie Larson

  • doesn't hate white men - and I'm also saying

  • I don't hate white dudes! I'm just sayin


  • but I'm just saying...hehehe

  • Am I saying that I hate white dudes?

  • No... I'm not.

  • Let me try and unwrinkle this

  • she... hates white dudes or-I...

  • I--er-- I just- eh

  • I don't understand

  • and for the 3rd time, I don't hate white dudes!

  • Whether you agree with her or not, I think

  • her politics is what muddled

  • people's opinion

  • about her, at least and I think that's fair.

  • you know, not everyone wants politics

  • in everything and that-see... it's getting

  • kind of annoying at this point.

  • I think what annoys me most out of all this

  • is the strawmanning of

  • 'if you didn't like this

  • film, then that means you're a troll.'

  • or that you don't like seeing strong

  • female characters or yada, yada, yada

  • it's the same thing every time.

  • I stumbled upon this footage, for example

  • There are people who get very bent out of shape

  • about the fact that she's a woman

  • ...that Brie's a woman and wants

  • to see women moving into an equal

  • place in humanity to men.

  • sad. must be sad to be that

  • kind of dinosaur wandering toward

  • the tar pits.


  • YES!

  • THAT'S why Alita: Battle Angel was getting so much

  • hate as well! That's when people are bent out of

  • shape over that movie getting released

  • or Wonder Woman

  • or literally hundred of female

  • main character films

  • No one cares. No one is making this arguement

  • that people don't want

  • equality or seeing strong female characters

  • or whatever it was he said

  • and wants to see women moving into an equal

  • place in humanity to men

  • or that women can move an equal place

  • aside the men.


  • NO ONE

  • Maybe, like, a very small percentage

  • but of course anyone that- that

  • disliked this film

  • you just dont want to see women moving into

  • the same place

  • You know what? People dont realise

  • how hard it is being a female news anchor

  • but you dont see me complaining about it

  • Now for a 100 times more imoportant news

  • Dog showed up for storytime at

  • library but nobody came to read to him

  • Awwhawwahw

  • Unfortunately, nobody signed up

  • to read to Sting at the

  • White Bear Lake library

  • I'm shaking and crying

  • What? Felix, this news was posted

  • a year ago, why are you talking about this now?

  • it is ? still? relevant ? goddamnit

  • Uh, Forbs attacks Pewdiepie. That's right!

  • They wrote this article saying: "It's time to unsubscribe from Pewdiepie Vs. T-Series."

  • oKaY

  • ALrigHt

  • They're basically saying: "Both channels have been irresponsible, prioritizing the attention growth of their channels

  • instead of helping to create a wHOLesoMe YOUtubE cOMmuniTy"

  • OWww...

  • Forbes just care about creating a WHOLESOME YOUTUBE COMMUNITY?

  • support the creators

  • The community is what got involved with this.

  • I didn't even start this whole thing...

  • *laughs*

  • It's the community that keeps it alive.

  • And they've done so many incredible things that I'm so proud of.

  • And the reason why they're bringing this up is because uhh...

  • A few days ago, it came up that

  • someone defaced a World War II memorial,

  • uhh, by writing "Subscribe to Pewdiepie"

  • This has been covered in so many different places

  • and obviously, it's jus- uhh,

  • it's disgusting

  • You know, I don't think I've done anything to...

  • ...condone this sort of behavior.

  • Uhh, but of course Forbes... ...right- right after

  • that, I've said: "A good meme for a good cause"

  • And that's sort of implying that, uhh-

  • They even wrote it straight out:

  • The creator hasn't made any efforts to temper the extremes of his fan base

  • What am I gonna do?

  • *Confuzzled*

  • Like, first of all, that's just not true

  • I already said in... many times

  • that, don't do anything (il)legal because that would obviously look bad on me

  • but doing this sort of hack- print hacks

  • *uH-*

  • people doing protests, people being- holding up signs

  • all these things are amazing and really fun to follow and i think it's really cool

  • no, i don't think i've done anything to condone this sort of behavior

  • obviously it's disgusting, obviously i don't condone it whatsoever

  • i don't know why anyone got in their mind to do this

  • it's just stupid

  • most likely it's just a kid

  • it looks like they just grabbed a stone to scribe it in and the mix of large and small letters kind of signifies that as well

  • uh it looks like it's many different kids

  • it looks like you could probably remove that pretty easily at least which im really glad 'cuz uh...

  • i would hate for that to be there

  • if anyone knows if it has been removed please let me know, it's just terrible, honestly

  • don't do this, i don't know i- i- it's like i'm expected to say don't do this

  • obviously don't do this, do i rea- i shouldn't have to say it even

  • but of course, forbes has to go out of their way to *poof*

  • that's it for pew news, hope you guys enjoyed this episode

  • smash like, check out the merch

  • and i'll see you guys next time

  • gloria borger out

  • *borga borga boo*

  • *borga borga bye*

  • Tuber Simulator is now so relevant

  • That it's got a brand new minigame

  • Craniac

  • Drop the crane and get fresh items only available

  • in the washing machine-like game

  • And you say there's more?

  • Of course there is!

  • New knowledge perks

  • new quests

  • and new pixelings

  • and legs *legs intensify*

  • guys ....... legs

  • *ad for relevant game continues*

everyone did an oopsie



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