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  • My flaws! Heh... flaws, we-we all have them. I have them, you have them.

  • *awesome music plays*

  • I remember seeing a video

  • Back-back before I did youtube and there were some youtubers talking about their flaws, and I-I thought it was pretty nice

  • I thought it was a nice

  • Humbling settling video that you can relate to so now I'm making it myself

  • *pewds officialy lost the ability to make original content everybody*

  • Original content, I'm almost there guys. Now where do I begin if in case it wasn't obvious. I'm kind of awkward

  • *dont worry tis obvious*

  • really awkward

  • It's something that

  • I had to deal with more than I thought I would ever would because somehow I got in this position of being a Youtuber

  • I think anyone in traditional Media

  • They're all extroverts they all feel extremely comfortable in front of a crowd or in front of other people or strangers in general

  • I'm just a fucking loser from Sweden who likes to play video games

  • I was never supposed to have an audience

  • And it's been so clear throughout my journey especially being put in situation I'm not used to.

  • You probably know about me being awkward. You've seen-we've all seen the video of me on stage

  • and dreamhack

  • *best music plays*

  • You guys ever had those cringing moments in your life that you just

  • Repeat in your head over and over and over and over and over and over again?

  • *God is a lie*

  • take

  • on

  • mee!

  • Me neither. It's great being awkward. I love it

  • It's also something I've been trying to work on, like I've been trying to put myself in situations that

  • I'm not always comfortable with and I think I improved a lot considering like

  • Looking back a few years

  • I'm really proud of myself, but I feel like it's something that I worked on

  • I think the message behaved for people is always "oh you should embrace your flaws, don't try to change, you are perfect ze way you are

  • I'm like yeah, yeah, yes yes yes, but at the same time, it's not illegal to work on your flaws

  • It's not something terrible to do but yeah, it's clear

  • I'm an introvert, and I'm awkward

  • Physical flaw - my nose. Maybe it's just in my head, but it's fucking huge maybe

  • It's too big for my face. Yeah, I don't know what to say about that. It's just I have a big nose

  • I have a big-ass nose, but embrace your flaws

  • *hand hugs nose*

  • What is this video? I don't know

  • haha... it's so shit...

  • It's good to be different

  • It's good to be... why I- you know what I'd love a fucking huge ass crow nose

  • That'd be awesome I could peck it people and shit. It'd be hella dope you know that's my only regret with this flaw is that

  • I can't, it's not even bigger

  • That's right. I'm kind of egotistical

  • Alright at least I can be

  • I noticed that whenever I really get into stuff that I really enjoy I kind of forget about anything else. That's important

  • are there other people or

  • Other things that's something that I definitely

  • don't like about myself like

  • Being in that position where you're like "Oh shit, what am I doing? I need to focus on other things", and "oh shit

  • I've been ignoring all these other people"

  • It's not a good feeling. I really wish I wouldn't get so caught up into things

  • that I'm doing but

  • It's also taking me to places. I never thought

  • I would be because I I really was so swept into YouTube

  • And it's something that I really love doing and I think if I wasn't this kind of personality, then I

  • Definitely wouldn't be here so it's a double-edged sword I guess

  • And it's something again that I try to work on try to remember

  • And be aware of these things because there's more to life than just one thing. I can't see for shit. I mean, we're getting really

  • Straw-picking, or whatever, cherry picking here, but I have contact lenses on I can't see okay

  • Thanks, Dad. Thanks for the DNA. Dad really appreciate it. I don't like myself with glasses either

  • I know my life is so hard

  • Boohoo!

  • Just thought I'd mention it my life is so hard. You don't understand okay?

  • Fine skip that one skip that one my beard doesn't connect okay. I have to fucking

  • Comb it in the right way, so it fucking does it right. Why beard? How much testosterone am I missing out on here?

  • Why can't you just connect? I thought I was supposed to be a viking, I thought this was part of being swedish

  • What the fuck man? WAAH!

  • Ummm...

  • I do a lot of things without thinking about the consequences I can be very sloppy

  • With things so the like "I'll be fine"

  • "Uhh, don't worry about it"

  • "Ah, I'm sure I can do this. There's not going to be any consequences to me doing this" May have noticed this one on me.

  • "Ah, I can keep making nazi jokes no one's gonna pay care

  • I, uhh, yeah, I have a bad tendency of not really caring about consequences. I've had it my whole life

  • I'm probably going to have it my whole life. I don't know how to fix it, okay

  • I always just see this is what I want to do now. This is good to me now. Whatever is in the future

  • Doesn't matter it's a really bad personal trait

  • But at least you'll have fun at least you'll have fun at

  • Some point in your life the last one this one is a tough one

  • I didn't really want to share this because it's really like

  • Personal but I really like anime and let's get real here anime is really fucking gay

  • Okay, we all know it you all you all know it anime is the worst thing that has ever come out of

  • Humankind is why I voted trump. So they could make it illegal already. God damn it

  • I'm joking I don't know. I don't know I'm not that funny. I guess as well

  • I always think someone else deserves to be in my position way more than I do like I don't get it

  • sometimes

  • Don't get me wrong sometimes. I'm like I'm I'm the greatest fucking youtuber of all time

  • What do you mean of course I'm number one, but a lot of times

  • I'm just like why how why why the fuck am I in this position what have I done to deserve to be here there's so many, there's literally

  • hundreds of other YouTubers that deserve to be in my position. I'm not that entertaining. I'm not that funny

  • I'm not that attractive. I'm not that great in general, I...

  • I don't get it. I don't get it man, but at least I'm thankful for it

  • I'm really thankful to be in this situation. I hope this video doesn't come out to mopey

  • I'm not trying to like bait attention like oh, you know

  • It was great. I got it. I don't care. This is just my personal thoughts

  • That I deal with my mind and I am I just wanted to share it because I know everyone has flaws

  • Everyone has flaws and everyone has I think everyone has similar ideas about themselves, even though I'm awkward

  • I try to work on it, and I think it really has helped me feel like I've grown a lot

  • And I'm really proud of that like I said and even though my nose is way too fucking big

  • it's not like I would ever do surgery cause I

  • Still think I'm pretty fucking hot. I'm joking okay that came out wrong. I still think I look pretty good, okay

  • It still matches my face. I'm happy with the way I look. And you know I try to watch less anime

  • It's something that I'm also trying to work on really hard

  • I also I guess the thing is I really think it's okay to work on your flaws

  • I don't think there's any wrong with that

  • And I think after that is people teach you the wrong thing about flaws like oh

  • You should just embrace them obviously things that you can't change about yourself

  • You should 100% embrace

  • but if there are things in aspects about yourself that you can improve by putting yourself out there in situations, or

  • Doing stuff that you don't typically want to do. Maybe you have a phobia. Maybe you're scared of doing something

  • Best way to get over it is to you know

  • Deal with it. Maybe this video comes out completely wrong

  • I can't tell and and I hope no one feels bad from watching this a that's not my goal at all

  • I don't want people feeling bad about your flaws. Embrace your flaws, work on your flaws and don't be ashamed of having any flaws

  • that's what I wanted to say with this ah

  • I'm getting an important phone call

  • Pewdiepie searching and picking up his phone

  • He found it

  • He's gone...

  • Oh please no!

  • not more...

  • please.

  • why.

  • stop with this please



  • Welcome back u nice man

  • Alright alright squad fam remember to stay awesome and jiu jitsu squadfam brofist brofist


  • HELP

  • US

  • WHY

My flaws! Heh... flaws, we-we all have them. I have them, you have them.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

私の欠点 (MY FLAWS)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日