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My flaws! Heh... flaws, we-we all have them. I have them, you have them.
*awesome music plays*
I remember seeing a video
Back-back before I did youtube and there were some youtubers talking about their flaws, and I-I thought it was pretty nice
I thought it was a nice
Humbling settling video that you can relate to so now I'm making it myself
*pewds officialy lost the ability to make original content everybody*
Original content, I'm almost there guys. Now where do I begin if in case it wasn't obvious. I'm kind of awkward
*dont worry tis obvious*
really awkward
It's something that
I had to deal with more than I thought I would ever would because somehow I got in this position of being a Youtuber
I think anyone in traditional Media
They're all extroverts they all feel extremely comfortable in front of a crowd or in front of other people or strangers in general
I'm just a fucking loser from Sweden who likes to play video games
I was never supposed to have an audience
And it's been so clear throughout my journey especially being put in situation I'm not used to.
You probably know about me being awkward. You've seen-we've all seen the video of me on stage
and dreamhack
*best music plays*
You guys ever had those cringing moments in your life that you just
Repeat in your head over and over and over and over and over and over again?
*God is a lie*
Me neither. It's great being awkward. I love it
It's also something I've been trying to work on, like I've been trying to put myself in situations that
I'm not always comfortable with and I think I improved a lot considering like
Looking back a few years
I'm really proud of myself, but I feel like it's something that I worked on
I think the message behaved for people is always "oh you should embrace your flaws, don't try to change, you are perfect ze way you are
I'm like yeah, yeah, yes yes yes, but at the same time, it's not illegal to work on your flaws
It's not something terrible to do but yeah, it's clear
I'm an introvert, and I'm awkward
Physical flaw - my nose. Maybe it's just in my head, but it's fucking huge maybe
It's too big for my face. Yeah, I don't know what to say about that. It's just I have a big nose
I have a big-ass nose, but embrace your flaws
*hand hugs nose*
What is this video? I don't know
haha... it's so shit...
It's good to be different
It's good to be... why I- you know what I'd love a fucking huge ass crow nose
That'd be awesome I could peck it people and shit. It'd be hella dope you know that's my only regret with this flaw is that
I can't, it's not even bigger
That's right. I'm kind of egotistical
Alright at least I can be
I noticed that whenever I really get into stuff that I really enjoy I kind of forget about anything else. That's important
are there other people or
Other things that's something that I definitely
don't like about myself like
Being in that position where you're like "Oh shit, what am I doing? I need to focus on other things", and "oh shit
I've been ignoring all these other people"
It's not a good feeling. I really wish I wouldn't get so caught up into things
that I'm doing but
It's also taking me to places. I never thought
I would be because I I really was so swept into YouTube
And it's something that I really love doing and I think if I wasn't this kind of personality, then I
Definitely wouldn't be here so it's a double-edged sword I guess
And it's something again that I try to work on try to remember
And be aware of these things because there's more to life than just one thing. I can't see for shit. I mean, we're getting really
Straw-picking, or whatever, cherry picking here, but I have contact lenses on I can't see okay
Thanks, Dad. Thanks for the DNA. Dad really appreciate it. I don't like myself with glasses either
I know my life is so hard
Just thought I'd mention it my life is so hard. You don't understand okay?
Fine skip that one skip that one my beard doesn't connect okay. I have to fucking
Comb it in the right way, so it fucking does it right. Why beard? How much testosterone am I missing out on here?
Why can't you just connect? I thought I was supposed to be a viking, I thought this was part of being swedish
What the fuck man? WAAH!
I do a lot of things without thinking about the consequences I can be very sloppy
With things so the like "I'll be fine"
"Uhh, don't worry about it"
"Ah, I'm sure I can do this. There's not going to be any consequences to me doing this" May have noticed this one on me.
"Ah, I can keep making nazi jokes no one's gonna pay care
I, uhh, yeah, I have a bad tendency of not really caring about consequences. I've had it my whole life
I'm probably going to have it my whole life. I don't know how to fix it, okay
I always just see this is what I want to do now. This is good to me now. Whatever is in the future
Doesn't matter it's a really bad personal trait
But at least you'll have fun at least you'll have fun at
Some point in your life the last one this one is a tough one
I didn't really want to share this because it's really like
Personal but I really like anime and let's get real here anime is really fucking gay
Okay, we all know it you all you all know it anime is the worst thing that has ever come out of
Humankind is why I voted trump. So they could make it illegal already. God damn it
I'm joking I don't know. I don't know I'm not that funny. I guess as well
I always think someone else deserves to be in my position way more than I do like I don't get it
Don't get me wrong sometimes. I'm like I'm I'm the greatest fucking youtuber of all time
What do you mean of course I'm number one, but a lot of times
I'm just like why how why why the fuck am I in this position what have I done to deserve to be here there's so many, there's literally
hundreds of other YouTubers that deserve to be in my position. I'm not that entertaining. I'm not that funny
I'm not that attractive. I'm not that great in general, I...
I don't get it. I don't get it man, but at least I'm thankful for it
I'm really thankful to be in this situation. I hope this video doesn't come out to mopey
I'm not trying to like bait attention like oh, you know
It was great. I got it. I don't care. This is just my personal thoughts
That I deal with my mind and I am I just wanted to share it because I know everyone has flaws
Everyone has flaws and everyone has I think everyone has similar ideas about themselves, even though I'm awkward
I try to work on it, and I think it really has helped me feel like I've grown a lot
And I'm really proud of that like I said and even though my nose is way too fucking big
it's not like I would ever do surgery cause I
Still think I'm pretty fucking hot. I'm joking okay that came out wrong. I still think I look pretty good, okay
It still matches my face. I'm happy with the way I look. And you know I try to watch less anime
It's something that I'm also trying to work on really hard
I also I guess the thing is I really think it's okay to work on your flaws
I don't think there's any wrong with that
And I think after that is people teach you the wrong thing about flaws like oh
You should just embrace them obviously things that you can't change about yourself
You should 100% embrace
but if there are things in aspects about yourself that you can improve by putting yourself out there in situations, or
Doing stuff that you don't typically want to do. Maybe you have a phobia. Maybe you're scared of doing something
Best way to get over it is to you know
Deal with it. Maybe this video comes out completely wrong
I can't tell and and I hope no one feels bad from watching this a that's not my goal at all
I don't want people feeling bad about your flaws. Embrace your flaws, work on your flaws and don't be ashamed of having any flaws
that's what I wanted to say with this ah
I'm getting an important phone call
Pewdiepie searching and picking up his phone
He found it
He's gone...
Oh please no!
not more...
stop with this please
Welcome back u nice man
Alright alright squad fam remember to stay awesome and jiu jitsu squadfam brofist brofist