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  • "Who is Jesus?"

  • For 2000 years people have been asking this question. Jesus Himself even posed it to His followers:

  • "Who do you say that I am?"

  • Some say He was a historical figure, a man, a carpenter from Nazareth.

  • Others say He was a prophet sent by God.

  • Still others say He was a philosopher, or a moralist, or a religious revolutionary.

  • Some even say Jesus was a myth.

  • But what does the Bible say?

  • The Bible tells us that Jesus was a man and gives us the details of His birth, life, and death.

  • But the Bible also tells us that Jesus is the Son of God, even God Himself.

  • In fact, the name Jesus means "Jehovah the Savior." He is also called the Everlasting Father,

  • the Mighty God, and Emmanuel, meaning "God with us."

  • So is Jesus man or is Jesus God? The answer is, He is both.

  • The Bible tells us that Jesus is both the true God and at the same time He is a real man.

  • This God-man Jesus lived a perfect and sinless human life on the earth.

  • After 33 ½ years, He died on the cross to take away our sins and to save us from the curse of sin: death.

  • He sacrificed Himself in order to save us.

  • But because He is also the eternal God, it was impossible for death to hold Him.

  • He resurrected after 3 days and became a life-giving Spirit.

  • Now Jesus can come into our human spirit and give us the eternal life of God.

  • He is available everywhere and to everyone who believes in Him.

  • So, who is Jesus? He is more than a historical figure.

  • He is our Savior. He is God with us.

  • He is here waiting for us to open to Him so He can wash away our sins and fill us with His life.

  • We only need to confess our sins and believe in Jesus to receive Him as our Savior.

  • You can do this right now with a simple prayer:

  • "Lord Jesus, I believe in You as my Savior. Thank You for dying for me.

  • Lord, forgive me of my sins and wash them away. Lord Jesus, I receive You right now.

  • Thank you for coming into me. Amen."

"Who is Jesus?"


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イエスは誰ですか? (Who Is Jesus?)

  • 469 53
    Precious Annie Liao に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日