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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • The time has come!


  • For me to lend my infinite, perfect wisdom


  • on this planet.


  •, the game of would you rather?


  • That's right. We're doing another episode of this


  • on my own free will

    ( ゚∀゚)<ウェッヘッヘッヘwww

  • not because I saw someo- some other youtuber


  • recently make a video about it

    “どちらを選ぶ?” ゲームだ

  • And I'm like

    そうだ またやることにしたんだ

  • "Yeah those used to get pretty good views.


  • Maybe I'll make another one of those"

    別に 他のYouTuberがやってるのを 見たからとかじゃないからな

  • But you should be thanking me


  • Okay?

    「( ゚∀゚)あぁ!」

  • My morals are absolutely perfect


  • Okay, let's begin this stupid game. Okay

    「俺もやろう」 とか考えてないぞ

  • Would you rather become a superhero or become a supervillain. To be fair,


  • there's no cool supervillain. There's very few of them. They always make them so lame


  • I think that's the problem with superhero movies these days. Is just the villains are so lackluster. Back in the day, you know Joker, Bane


  • Badasses, you know, what are they now?

    さぁ このクソゲーを始めようか

  • Sergeant birdman


  • sergeant

    「スーパーヒーローになるか スーパーヴィランになるか?」

  • squad Fam Bird

    正直 カッコイイ悪役っていないよな

  • Turtle man

    本当に ほとんどいない

  • cat killer

    製作者が わざとダサくするんだ

  • Nah, I'll become a superhero, easy. Moving on

    最近のヒーロー映画の問題は そこだと思うな

  • oh and please do


  • Leave your comments and thoughts in the comments in the comment section.

    昔は “ジョーカー” とか “ベイン” とか…

  • Would you rather be able to fly or be able to breathe underwater?

    かっこよかっただろ だが 今はどうだ?

  • What do you think I'm some sort of fucking fish? Do I look like a fish to you? If I can fly,


  • then that means no effort, okay?


  • At least that's how I look at flying. If i- flying means I have to do this all the fucking time, then nah, fam


  • I don't want to fly. Okay, I'll take the breathing underwater


  • I'll take the option where I don't have to put any effort, but if flying just means "Hey, I would like to go there" *Bzzz*


  • I'll take it. Thank you. Easy!

    嫌だね スパーヒローにするよ

  • Can you get me some tiff- difficult questions please? This is too easy.

    簡単だ 次いくぞ

  • Would you rather never be able to make a compliment?

    あぁ そういえば

  • *thinks*

    コメント欄にコメントと お前らの意見をコメントに書いてくれ

  • This is the easiest one I ever heard

    「飛べるようになるか 水中で呼吸できるようになるか?」

  • Why would I want to make a compliment? I'm trying to wrap my head around- never be able to compliment

    なんだよ 俺のこと魚だとでも思ってんのか?

  • *thinks again*


  • That.. supposed to be a bad thing? I don't.. Or never be able to complain. Well I think the choice is pretty obvious


  • *laugh*


  • What?!


  • *surprised*

    もし「飛ぶ」ってのが ずっとこうしてなきゃ いけないっていう意味なら

  • What?!


  • What are you, pussy boys?! 77% don't want to complain?! What are you, fucking b-b-g


  • Gay? You never want to complain? Okay well then you can't complain about this: you're a little bitch. How about that


  • Are you going to complain about it? You can't


  • Jesus Christ

    だが「飛ぶ」って アレだろ?

  • Would you rather never have sex again or never learn anything new?


  • Well again, the choice is obvious. Masturbation


  • Does that count as sex? I change my mind. I change my miiiiind!


  • Fuck you. Would you rather be visited by Ancient Aliens or


  • by mole p- what the fuck is mole people?


  • Is that even a question? That's-

    ムジュ… [ 噛んだ ]

  • *laughs*

    難しい問題 よこせ!

  • Great, great. That's like asking someone


  • "Hey,

    「一生 人を褒められなくなるか」…

  • would you rather meet the president or this homeless man?


  • I will be visited by the mole people.


  • The people living in our dirt and ground instead of the ancient aliens that can borrow u- that can borrow to us

    今 理解しようとしてる…

  • Ancient technology, which y- could save humanity. No, thank you. I would like the mole people. I'll pick the mole people."

    「一生 人を褒められない」…

  • Would you rather be part of a real giraffe?


  • Would you rather be part of a real Jurassic park scenario or be part of a real day-after-tomorrow scenario?

    「一生 文句を言えなくなるか」

  • Jurassic Park. It's like, "Would you like to be cold for a couple hours or would you like to be eaten by a badass dinosaur?"

    答えなんて 決まってるだろ…w

  • I'll- I'll take the dinosaur. Would you rather glue your eyes shut with Superglue or


  • spill hot glue over your naked lap? Easy


  • Spill a hot glue over my naked lap. I've done it a couple times. It's a very sexually pleasuring experience

    お前ら 何考えてんだ!?

  • I did it once by accident, and then I'm like, "Huh, that was pretty good." Would you rather live in a homeless shelter

    77% は一生文句言いたくないって!?

  • with internet acces


  • Okay. Or live an amazing house isolated from any outside contact? Well, you didn't say that I can't have internet


  • Okay, you just said no outside contact. How amazing is this house?


  • You know? Does it have a bowling alley? Does it have a private helicopter?

    じゃぁ コレにも文句言えないな?

  • I- I- It's too vague. I'm gonna have to go with a homeless shelter. Well


  • I guess you're all a bunch of fucking idiots, huh? 2% of you are a bunch of idiots


  • Congratulations. You want to live without Pewdiepie videos? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Moving on.. would you rather kill someone? Yes


  • Oh wait, maybe I should read the full thing. And have nobody know? Yes


  • or

    「一生 セッ〇スできなくなるか 一生 新しい事が学べなくなるか」

  • Not kill someone but have everyone think you did. I'll just fucking kill someone. What are you, stupid?

    まただな 答えは明らかだ

  • I thought about this the other day, okay? People say, "I will never kill anyone" But I'm like


  • "Mm-mm." No, I think everyone will kill someone. I think it's in our blood, okay? I think if


  • If given the right circumstance, you would kill someone, okay? If there was a button in front of you, and it said, "Well,


  • If you don't kill this guy, all the people in the world is going to die", okay?


  • You would kill it. Anyone would kill with the right circumstance, okay?


  • So don't fucking bullshit me with that shit. "I wouldn't kill anyone." Yeah you would


  • Okay, you would. You would


  • I'd kill you for having shitty opinions.


  • Moving on,


  • would you rather fight the entire Smurf Village


  • Or fight the full collection of Care Bears?

    あぁそう いいね

  • What's a care bear?


  • Oh my God, yes

    「なぁ 大統領か このホームレス どっちに会いたい?」って

  • I would- I would not just fight them


  • I would beat the shit out of them, and then when they're laying on the ground


  • I would take down my pants. I would unzip my huge-

    「そりゃぁ古代の宇宙人は 失われた古代技術の 知恵を貸してくれるかもしれないし」

  • Would you rather win an Oscar or win the Nobel Prize?


  • Here's what the question is actually saying: would you rather


  • People look up to you and praise you and love you


  • *burp*


  • or


  • Would you actually like to help s- help society? Would you actually like to do something good for humankind? But most people probably


  • wouldn't give a shit. *laugh*


  • Would you rather have to wear a full-body red leotard on your wedding day-


  • but, that's what I was planning to wear

    「デイ・アフター・トゥモローの 登場人物になるか?」

  • Thank you very much.


  • So what's a red leotard?


  • Hell yeah. Can you imagine me in that? That looks sexy

    「カッコイイ恐竜に食われて死にたいか」 って事だろ

  • or have to have the person you are marrying


  • that day wear the full body red leotard?


  • So, Marzia in a sexy red leotard or me in a sexy red leotard?

    「素肌の太ももに 熱接着剤をこぼすか」

  • Uh, excuse me. Marzia, I will have the privilege of looking hot in our wedding day, okay?


  • Would you rather be best friends with Harry Potter or be best friends with Katniss Everdeen?

    太ももに 熱接着剤をこぼす

  • Who the fuck is Katniss Everdeen?

    何回かやったことあるんだが 性的快感を覚える行為だぞ

  • Oh my God, I don't want to be friends with any one of these fa-

    一度事故でやらかしたんだが 俺は…

  • I hated Jennifer Lawrence before it was cool


  • Okay? Way before it was cool

    「ネット環境がある ホームレスの家に住むか…」

  • I saw through her obnoxiousness miles away. Her giant ego, her, (werid accent) "Oh look. I am le humble.


  • I am a little drunk right now, guys. I might say something totally crazy!

    「外部とのつながりを一切無くし 素晴らしい家に住むか」

  • *laugh in a weird way*


  • I am Jennifer Lawrence


  • Please, everybody, love me. Look how bootiful I am. Look how humble I am."


  • Would you rather take a sizzling hot shower or an ice cold freezing shower?


  • Well, I don't want permanent


  • bu- damage to my body


  • So I'll take the ice cold one, because I'm a Swedish viking man and not a little pussy boy.


  • "Ooh! It's a little cold"

    どうやらお前らは 頭が悪いらしいな

  • Ooh! My balls went inside my body."

    2% のお前らはクソ馬鹿野郎だ

  • That's normal, okay?


  • It's called masculinity.


  • Gets 2% of fucking bitches.


  • How about that?

    次だ 「誰かを殺すか?」

  • Congratulations.


  • Would you rather slam your hand in every door or

    待て 全部読むべきだな

  • fall down every flight of stairs?


  • I would rather die. How about that? Which one will most likely kill me? The stairs


  • I'll pick that one. Thank you.

    「誰も殺さない でも全員に殺したと思われる」

  • Well I guess- I guess


  • 515,000 people are fucking idiots


  • Goddamn it pisses me off. So you're not paying attention to my morals? You're picking the wrong-


  • You need help, you need guidance in your life

    よく みんな 「私は誰も殺したりしません」って言うだろ

  • Stop making bad choices. Bad choices kill people.

    それを聞くと 「イヤ~」って思う

  • Would you rather have a stylist do your hair and makeup every day or


  • Have a fashionista pick a new outfit every day.


  • I don't like when people dress me


  • It was really fucking weird doing Scare Pewdiepie. We had a- she was very nice

    “それなりの条件”があれば お前らだって人を殺す

  • But her job was to dress me, and I wasn't allowed to wear my own clothes

    もしもお前らの目の前に 殺人ボタンがあって…

  • And it just really pissed me off because I'm like, "Oh, you don't want any form of authenticity

    「この男を殺さなければ 世界中の人間が死にます」 って言われたら

  • in this show? You just want me to look like a goddamn product that you guys built?"


  • I don't know why it bothers me so much, but

    条件さえそろえば 誰だって人を殺すんだよ

  • Hair- hair and makeup. Do my hair and makeup. I don't give a shit. Okay, well I guess


  • 60% people are fucking wrong, okay?


  • Would you rather always wear Crocs or always wear socks with sandals?


  • Can I pick both? I love Crocs, okay?

    いいか するんだよ

  • Have you worn Crocs? Everyone hating on Crocs like it's a meme, like you can't think for yourself. "Oh Crocs are so ugly


  • because that one meme

    馬鹿なこと言ってると 殺すぞ

  • I saw online said it."


  • They're fucking comfortable as shit, and they say the exact same thing with sandals and socks, okay?


  • "Oh, I know about them. You can't wear sandals and socks. (weird noises)"


  • I wear sandals and socks. It's comfortable as fuck. You can't stop me, okay?


  • "Oh, you can't do it because someone else said that you can't do it (whiny noise)"

    うっわ マジかよ

  • God damn, it pissed me off

    戦うさ それどころか…

  • Fuck you. You can't think for that shit

    ボッコボコにぶちのめして 地べたに這いつくばったら

  • You're not worthy of my fashion. You're not worthy of my morals. Fuck you. Leave a like on this video by the way. Appreciate it.

    ズボンを脱いで チャックを下ろして…

  • Thank you so much. Leave a like if you like Crocs and leave a like if you like sandals. This has been, your boy, PewDiePie

    「アカデミー賞を受賞するか ノーベル賞を受賞するか?」

The time has come!



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