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  • They call us displaced people; but praise God, we are not misplaced

  • They say they see no hope for our future;

  • but praise God, our future is as bright as the promises of God

  • They say they see the life of our people is a misery;

  • but praise God our life is a mystery

  • But what they say is what they see, and what they see is temporal

  • But ours is the eternal

  • The third largest ethnic group of Burma, the Karen,

  • have called the central and southern parts of the country their home

  • for thousands of years.

  • Despite their long history and fight for their territory since before

  • British rule,

  • Autonomy from the majority Burmans and self-determination...

  • continue to evade the Karen in post-colonial decades.

  • This lack of reconciliation between the Karen and the central Government

  • has meant decades of state-led displacement campaigns

  • increased militarisation amongst the Karen leadership

  • and dire poverty without provision of basic

  • services for civilians by the state.

  • A combination of these factors led to a perpetual flow of people

  • across the border to neighbouring Thailand

  • leading to a refugee crisis.

  • This particular refugee camp on the Thai-Burma border

  • with a population of almost 50,000

  • is larger than most of its Thai neighbours.

  • You know that, when there's problem

  • people are the victims, they suffer.

  • So, in Burma, not only us,

  • as we call ourselves the political, or, what do you call,

  • because of the civil war, we cannot

  • live in our land, we have to cross the border and live here.

  • But there are many, many people from Burma

  • they have to come and live or work in Thailand.

  • People living, are suffering, like, our Karen people are living

  • in the camp

  • and now we have some other groups also coming.

  • other nationalities are coming to the camp.

  • But we are only a small number

  • only one 130,000 or 140,000 people.

  • But you know, people across the border, working in Thailand

  • There are more than, they say, there are more than 2 million

  • Originating in 1984, this community has become a microcosm

  • in its own right

  • with elected leaders, administering the daily logisitics for thousands

  • of families that lie outside the jurisdiction of the Thai municipality

  • Saw Htoo is aware of the atmosphere of change that has taken over the

  • urban centres of Burma, and the ceasefire negotiations between

  • the Karen groups and the Burmese armed forces that have come to fruition.

  • But he does not correlate these developments to an immediate solution

  • for his communtiy, which struggles for basic supplies due to dwindling aid.

  • Our going back would depend on the changes taking place in the country

  • If these changes include equality for all ethnicities

  • and if the Government changes into the type of Government

  • that grants us rights and allows us autonomy

  • and provides us with the right to self determination

  • under a system of democratic rule,

  • then of course we will want to go back.

  • We are waiting to see those changes.

  • We would like to go back with dignity and only once the Government is

  • prepared to include us and has a concrete plan.

  • Only then can we return.

  • Those like Saw Htoo, who experienced deliberate negligence

  • by the Government, whilst living in remote communities in Karen State

  • feel that their loyalties are with their local leaders who they claim

  • protected them and provided for their needs for decades.

  • When we lived in Karen State,

  • we were under the patronage of the Karen National Union (KNU)

  • The KNU fought for our rights and self-determination so we feel that

  • they are our leaders

  • While 2012 has been heralded as the start of historic ceasefire

  • agreements between different ethnic groups, including the Karen and the

  • Burmese Armed Forces,

  • Imminent return to their homeland is still a distant notion

  • for this community.

  • People in Burma, not only the Karen people, but all the ethnic groups

  • what they want is national reconciliation.

  • Where all, everyone, to sit at the table and talk.

  • If this military wants to change - seemingly they are doing some things

  • that appear to be signs for changes. But it will depend on

  • whether it is sincere, a sincere attempt for change.

  • The latest ceasefire agreement that has been reached between the Karen

  • and the Government, has perked the interest of those who wish

  • to eventually return home.

  • But defining home for hundreds of thousands whose houses

  • no longer exist in Karen State and those who have only experienced life

  • in this camp, will be a large scale challenge

  • even in the event of permanent peace.

They call us displaced people; but praise God, we are not misplaced


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B1 中級

5万人の難民、ビルマのKAREN STATEを夢見て (50.000 Refugees, dreaming of KAREN STATE in Burma)

  • 115 3
    Chien-Fu Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日