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  • When firefighters objective is to go into a room and to rescue victims in a smoke filled room, you wouldn't be able to see a thing.

  • Conventional thermal imaging system.

  • You're holding it like this and you're looking into the screen, and that's where we were very closely with Scott Safety identify and gaps in the technology market to be able to embed this into a product this but here is the camera that there is the in much display.

  • This camera is sending information violence, which means that we don't have to penetrate the mask with a cable.

  • What you see in the display inside the respirator is thermal signatures of whatever is there.

  • Even if there's a fire in the back significantly that firefighters can still scanning the room and find a victim, you can imagine the environment in which the products go in.

  • They don't really get treated that well, even though the technology So the fact that the firefighters forget it's there and go in and it can live up to whatever they do.

  • It was the real challenge.

  • Benefits best.

  • The fact that both hands approved have a screen they can look out whenever they want.

  • It's always capital in the thermal scene in front of them, so they've got way more information whenever they want it.

  • It's a proud day when you see such a an impactful product, improving people's lives.

When firefighters objective is to go into a room and to rescue victims in a smoke filled room, you wouldn't be able to see a thing.


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B1 中級

熱が見えるマスク (The Mask That Can See Heat)

  • 10 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日