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Japan is one of the world's richest countries but it's Constitution prevents it from having a military.
The country's self-defense forces are among the most technologically advanced on the planet.
But have not been involved in any conflict since their formation after World War two.
That could one day change.
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a the island nation has ramped up defense spending over fears about North Korea's nuclear program and China's growing air and sea power.
So just how strong is Japan's military?
Japan spends around 1% of its GDP on its self-defense forces making it one of the world's biggest military spenders.
日本は GDP の約 1 % を自衛隊強化費に注ぎ込んでおり、この額は世界でも指折りの多さです。
The country has beefed up its defense budget for over seven years in a row.
国内自衛隊強化費は 7 年連続で上昇しています。
Spending five point two trillion yen for forty seven point six billion dollars in 2018.
2018 年は、5.2 兆円= 476 億ドルが使われました。
That figure is still dwarfed by the United States.
Which spent six hundred eighty six billion dollars in its neighbor China which spent under seventy five million dollars.
アメリカでは 6860 億ドル、そして日本の隣国中国では 1750億 ドル弱が使われています。
The country's planning to increase defense spending going forward.
Outlining roughly 250 billion dollars to spend over the next five years a lot of the spending will be on US equipment.
今後5年間ではおよそ 2500 億の支出が見込まれ、多くはアメリカの兵器購入に充てられます。
In order to narrow the trade surplus Japan has with the United States and easie friction with President Donald Trump.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a was reelected in 2017 on a pledge to take a tough approach to Pyongyang.
安倍晋三首相が 2017 年に再選されたのは、北朝鮮に対する強固な姿勢が評価されたものでした。
Japan's Ministry of Defense has sought 5.3 trillion yen to be spent in 2019 alone to upgrade the country's defenses from North Korean ballistic missiles.
日本の防衛庁は、2019 年だけで 5.3 兆円を費やして、北朝鮮からの弾道ミサイルに対する自衛力強化に努めました。
Despite the rogue states leader Kim jong-un promising to abandon the country's nuclear weapons.
Japan remains extremely wary of their Pacific neighbor a white paper from the country's Ministry of Defense in 2018 labeled North Korea's Japan's most serious and pressing threat.
日本は依然として北朝鮮の大きな脅威下にあります。2018 年防衛庁白書には、北朝鮮が日本にとって最も深刻かつ大きな脅威となっていると記載されています。
Japan's armed forces has around 247 thousand active personnel.
日本の自衛隊には約 24 万 7 千の現役兵が常駐しています。
679 combat tanks and more than 3,000 armored fighting vehicles.
戦車の数は 679 台、そして装甲車は 3000 台を超えます。
At sea the country maintains four helicopter carriers 36 destroyers and 17 submarines.
海上防衛を見ると、ヘリ空母を 4 隻、駆逐艦は 36 隻、潜水艦は 17 隻保持しており
In the skies the country has 285 aircraft including f15 and f2 fighters.
空軍では F15 や F2 戦闘機を含む飛行機を 285 機所有しています。
Despite having such firepower the country's armed forces are meant to be purely for self-defense.
In The aftermath of Japan's defeat to Allied forces in world war ii a clause was created in the country's new constitution which outlawed war as a means to settle international disputes.
In strictly legal terms Japan's self-defense forces are not military, but extensions of the country's police force.
Debates have raged for decades in the country over interpretation of the Constitution and if the clause should be changed.
Prime Minister Abe a is trying to revise the country's constitution by 2020 to legitimize the use of Japan's self-defense forces.
安倍晋三首相は国内憲法を 2020 年までに見直し、日本の自衛隊の権力行使を合法化する方向を示していますが、
But will need a two-thirds majority in both houses of Japan's government and a referendum in order to pass.
実現には日本政府両院の 3 分の 2 の賛同を得て、なおかつ国民投票を経る必要があります。
As the only nation to have suffered a devastation of nuclear attacks Japan has long had a policy against weaponizing nuclear technology.
But like with the Constitution some politicians have argued the policy needs to change in the 21st century in order to defend the country against new threats.
憲法改正に関連して、政治家の中には 21 世紀の現状を反映させて自国を他の国の脅威から守るために、その姿勢を変える必要があるとする政治家の声も挙がってきています。
But any move in this direction will be met with fierce opposition at home.
Despite possible changes to the Constitution. It is still unlikely that we will see Japanese armed forces in combat anytime soon.
But the country's recent joint exercises with the UK Australia in India.
Chill that Japan is making its regional rivals aware that they have allies who might help out in times of trouble.