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  • It's no secret that Starbucks isn't cheap.


  • And if you're thinking about also getting something to eat, you can plan on shelling out at least 10 to 20 bucks.

    そしてもし、何か食べるものを買うことも考えるなら、10 〜 20ドルは割くことを計画しましょう。

  • There's an old saying - you get what you pay for--that you'd hope would apply here--but according to Starbucks employees and managers, that's not the case.


  • When asked about the food at Starbucks, one Redditor and former Starbucks employee said,

    スターバックスの料理について聞かれたとき、Redditor の 1 人と、元スターバックスの従業員はこう言いました。

  • "All Starbucks food is reheated frozen food."


  • "Doesn't mean it doesn't taste good, it's just not fresh at all and incredibly overpriced."


  • Another Redditor volunteered a little insight into Starbucks' entire marketing plan, developed to keep customers happy with their pastries, claiming,

    別の Redditor は、スターバックスのマーケティング計画全体についての洞察を提供してくれ、顧客がペストリーに満足できるように開発していると主張している。

  • "Pastries are thawed overnight."


  • "The warming is so you feel better about paying 3 USD for a single fucking cookie instead of going to the grocery store across the parking lot and paying the same price for a dozen."

    「あたためるのは、たった 1 つのクッキーに 3 ドル支払うことについて、気分をよくするためです。駐車場の向こうにあるスーパーに行って、同じ価格を 1 ダース分に払うかわりにね。」

  • The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee.

    スターバックスのような場所のそもそもの目的は、意思決定能力などがない人々が 1 杯のコーヒーを買うだけで 6 つの決断ができるということです。

  • Of course, you expect to pay for convenience--that's why fast food is so popular--but Starbucks has always marketed themselves as above your average McDonald's Dollar Menu.


  • That may be true of their coffee, but when it comes to pastries, you're definitely not getting anything baked fresh in store.


  • Another Redditor confirmed,

    別の Redditor もこう裏付けています。

  • "Everything is frozen and comes in individually wrapped packages."


  • "Pastries are taken out of the freezer the day before to thaw overnight."


  • "Same with sandwiches, except those are put in the walk-in fridge."


  • Other commenters asked a very legitimate question: "How do they do it so well?"


  • We all know that frozen pastries and bread don't taste like they're fresh, so how is this such a well-kept secret?


  • According to The Daily Meal, Starbucks offerings have to taste good, of course, but they also have to be made in a way that accounts for the fact they're going to be frozen, transported, thawed, and possibly reheated--if you're the kind of person that likes a warm biscuit sandwich.

    The Daily Meal によると、スターバックスの料理は、もちろん美味しいものでなければなりませんが、冷凍、輸送、解凍され、場合によっては再加熱されるという事実を考慮してつくる必要があります。もしあなたが 温かいビスケット・サンドイッチを好きな場合は。

  • So Starbucks has strict controls in place all along the line, to guarantee pastries go from factory, to freezer, to store in the most efficient way possible.


  • What I like about the popular cheese danish is that they don't indicate what kind of cheese this is, it's just like cheese.


  • Still, slips happen.


  • Foods aren't packaged properly, trucks break down, and people get distracted.


  • So how can you be sure that your 4 USD pastry hasn't been thawed out and refrozen a few times before it reaches your hands?

    では、4 ドルのペストリーが、何度か解凍され再冷凍されていないと、どうやって確かめられるのでしょうか。

  • Well, just like anywhere elseyou can't!


  • Starbucks has also partnered with a range of small businesses to make their products available in stores.


  • Surely, the local offerings are fresh, right?


  • Not so fast.


  • Bon Appetit spoke with Meghan Ritchie of Megpies, who started out making her jam-filled pastries for a food fair booth.

    Bon Appetit は、フードフェアブースでジャム入りペストリーを作り始めた Megpies のメイガン・リッチーと話しました。

  • They were super fresh and labor-intensive - and when Starbucks approached her, things had to change.


  • Now, Ritchie contracts with a "co-manufacturer" she won't name, who makes Megpies on a large scale, flash freezes them, and ships them to various Starbucks locations that thaw them as needed.

    現在リッチーは、彼女が名前を伏せている企業と「共同製造業者」と契約しており、大規模に Megpies を製造し、瞬間冷凍して、さまざまなスターバックスの場所に発送し、必要に応じて解凍できるようにしています。

  • If you're still jonesing for a pastry along with your coffee, consider this Redditor, who warns:

    あなたがまだコーヒーと一緒にペストリーを食べているなら、この Redditor の警告について考えてみてください。

  • "Never get a pastry on a Friday."


  • "It has been on the shelf for a week, and it tastes like stale death."

    「それは 1 週間棚に置かれていました。そして古くて死んでしまったような味がします。」

  • Others were quick to point out that pastries do in fact have a shelf life.


  • But that isn't what some customers want when they're paying top dollar for a muffin.

    しかし、それは 1 つのマフィンに高額を払う際に、客たちが望んでいるものではないでしょう。

  • One Redditor shared:

    1 人のRedditorがこうシェアしています。

  • "Once a customer overheard me telling a new barista the pastry shelf lives."


  • "She stopped me and asked, 'Do you mean to say that this danish could be two days old?"

    「彼女は立ち止まって、聞いてきました。『それは、このデニッシュが作られて 2 日間経っている可能性があるってこと?』」

  • "It was two weeks old before it came in the door, please calm down."

    「それはお店に届く 2 週間前に作られたものです。落ち着いてください。」

  • So should this global brand be more transparent about their baked goods, or have they already been forgiven?


  • At least now, if you want to order the food at Starbucks, you'll know exactly what you're getting--and it's probably not your money's worth.


  • Coffee on me.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, free coffee and donuts and danish and bagels, anything you want, on me, I got it.


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    私たちの YouTube をチャンネル登録し、通知ベルをクリックして、見落としがないようにしてください。

It's no secret that Starbucks isn't cheap.


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