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  • The Bible represents the Lord. (Right. That's right!)

  • To believe in the Bible is to believe in the Lord.

  • Straying from the Bible means not believing in the Lord!

  • If anyone still insists that the Bible represents God,

  • and that belief in the Bible is belief in God,

  • I ask you: Does the Bible save people or does God save people?

  • It's God. God saves people. God saves.

  • Can the Bible replace God's work? (It can't.)

  • Is God greater or the Bible? Did God come first or did the Bible?

  • Have you ever considered these things?

  • We haven't really thought about it before.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • I don't deny what they said of God's words existing outside the Bible,

  • but we believers know the Bible is given by God's inspiration. (Amen!)

  • All words within the Bible are the words of God. (Yes!)

  • The Bible represents the Lord. (Right. That's right!)

  • To believe in the Bible is to believe in the Lord.

  • Straying from the Bible means not believing in the Lord! (Yes. That's right!)

  • We just need to hold on to the Bible.

  • Even if we reject God's work in the last days,

  • we will enter the kingdom of heaven! (Amen!)

  • Our understanding will not be wrong! (That's right! Yes.)

  • Brother Jia is correct!

  • Paul made it very clear in 2 Timothy, the Bible is inspired by God.

  • This means that every word in it is the word of God, (Amen!)

  • and that it represents the Lord. (Right.)

  • We only need to stick to the Bible.

  • We don't need to accept God's work in the last days.

  • That's right. The coming of the Lord Jesus will take us to His kingdom.

  • The Lord did not say to accept His work in the last days. (Amen.)

  • Therefore, as long as we stick to the Bible,

  • we will surely be taken into the kingdom of heaven. (Amen!)

  • Do you dare deny this?

  • Brother Jia, Brother Jiang,

  • you say that moving away from the Bible means not believing in the Lord.

  • So let me ask:

  • Back when the Lord Jesus was preaching,

  • those who followed the Lord Jesus came away from the Bible to accept His work.

  • Were these not believers in the Lord?

  • Yeah. I see.

  • The Pharisees resisted and condemned the Lord Jesus

  • because they clung to the Bible,

  • so they were condemned by the Lord, they were cursed by the Lord.

  • What's the problem?

  • Does holding onto the Bible represent obeying the Lord?

  • Does it mean when you hold onto the Bible that you revere the Lord?

  • Is the Bible greater or the Lord?

  • The Pharisees made it clear to us.

  • Did they believe in the Lord or resist the Lord?

  • Are you going to keep going down the path of the Pharisees and resist the Lord?

  • Don't you know the outcome of this?

  • Is knowing the fate of the Pharisees still not enough to wake us up?

  • He's right. We can't go the same path of the Pharisees.

  • Most of the religious world rely on the words of Paul,

  • "All scripture is given by inspiration of God,"

  • to think that everything in the Bible is the word of God,

  • and that by following it, they'll be let into the kingdom of heaven.

  • In the last days, most believers still believe in this.

  • But does this viewpoint align with truth and fact?

  • Did the Lord Jesus ever say "All scripture is given by inspiration of God"?

  • Did the Holy Spirit say it?

  • No!

  • Right. Never. It was Paul who said those things.

  • Many believers use the words of Paul as the basis of their belief

  • that every word in the Bible is the word of God.

  • But isn't doing this a big mistake?

  • Yes. Completely. It is.

  • Big mistake.

  • Some people believe

  • that even words spoken by people are the words of God,

  • if they're in the Bible.

  • Isn't this idea fallacious and absurd?

  • Indeed. Yes, absolutely.

  • All believers should be clear.

  • The Bible is a testimony of God and a record of His work.

  • The creation of the Bible was based on God's salvation.

  • Every stage of God's work

  • is filled with the battle between God and the forces of Satan, (That's right.)

  • which is why the Bible has not only God's word,

  • but the words of people and even the words of Satan.

  • Yes. That's right.

  • This is just a fact.

  • Hey, he's right. The Bible has the words of the apostles too.

  • Yeah. Not to mention the words of the Pharisees and Satan.

  • That's all completely true.

  • Yeah.

  • So then, are we able to say that every word in the Bible is the word of God?

  • No, of course not.

  • Isn't this confusing what is simply black and white?

  • Yes. It is.

  • How can people even think of these erroneous ideas?

  • Why think that when the facts are so clear to us?

  • Anyone who's read the Bible knows

  • there are conversations between God and Moses, and between God and Job,

  • between God and His chosen people, and between God and Satan.

  • Yeah. True.

  • If someone's conversing with God,

  • does that mean that they utter the word of God?

  • They definitely don't.

  • Not at all.

  • Isn't that idea ridiculous?

  • Yeah. Yes, it is.

  • The saying that "All scripture is given by inspiration of God"

  • cannot possibly be the truth.

  • Some people insist that man's word in the Bible is the word of God.

  • This is nowhere near the truth.

  • That notion is seriously offensive to God, it tarnishes and blasphemes God.

  • God's words are God's words, man's words are man's words. (Yes.)

  • Satan's words are just Satan's words.

  • That's right.

  • Why would people mix them up?

  • God's words are always the truth. (Amen!)

  • Man's words can never be the truth.

  • At most, they can conform to the truth.

  • Yes. Amen.

  • Satan's words will always be lies and falsehoods.

  • Even if spoken a thousand times, they will always be lies and falsehoods.

  • Amen!

  • If we were wise, we would know this for sure. (Yes.)

  • Only fools insist on a false viewpoint. (Yes.)

  • We will understand even more after we read the words of Almighty God.

  • Okay. Yes. Thanks be to the Lord!

  • That's a great point.

  • Thanks be to God. So not all the Bible is inspired by God. (Yes.)

  • The Bible has the words of man and of God.

  • If we want to find which words in the Bible were from God

  • and which were from man,

  • we simply need to read who said them. (Yeah. Right.)

  • If it's said by God, it's God's words.

  • If it's said by man, then it's man's words,

  • excluding the words spoken by God through the prophets.

  • If it's Satan's words, then we know that it's false!

  • Yes, that's right.

  • This is such a practical way to distinguish them. It's great!

  • Thanks be to God!

  • Now when I think back,

  • which words in the Bible were spoken by God, which words were spoken by man,

  • and who the authors of the epistles were

  • it's all so clearly stated in the Bible.

  • Yeah. Yes, it is.

  • It's very clear.

  • Then why are we going against facts

  • and treating all words in the Bible as God's?

  • I think Paul's words misled us

  • that "All scripture is given by inspiration of God."

  • Indeed. Of course, I agree. Right.

  • It seems those who don't understand the truth are easily deceived.

  • Yes. That's right.

  • Worshiping man makes it easy to stray from the true way. (Yes.)

  • From here on out, we mustn't blindly trust the words of Paul.

  • We have to differentiate them.

  • Amen. Yes.

  • She's absolutely right.

  • Hey, aren't we putting too much distinction

  • between the words of God and man here?

  • Is it necessary?

  • Believing in the Lord is believing in the Bible. (Right.)

  • That's what the pastors say. (Indeed.)

  • How can that be wrong?

  • Your belief is confused!

  • We should be clear about our belief.

  • Yeah.

  • It's clearer now.

  • Many believers think that the Bible represents the Lord, represents God.

  • They say that belief in the Lord is belief in the Bible.

  • This viewpoint may not seem very wrong.

  • However, for those who have experience, this view really is.

  • It shows men believe in God but don't know Him,

  • and they're unclear on the relationship between the Bible and God.

  • If anyone still insists that the Bible represents God,

  • and that belief in the Bible is belief in God,

  • I ask you: Does the Bible save people or does God save people?

  • It's God. God saves people. God saves.

  • Can the Bible replace God's work?

  • It can't.

  • Can it replace the work of the Holy Spirit?

  • No. Definitely not. Of course not.

  • God made the heavens and the earth.

  • Could the Bible do such a thing?

  • No.

  • Is God greater or the Bible?

  • Did God come first or did the Bible?

  • Have you ever considered these things?

  • No. No, I hadn't.

  • We haven't really thought about it before.

  • If believers can't understand these essential truths

  • that are little more than common sense,

  • then how can they ever hope to experience God's work?

  • Don't they know anything about the work of the Holy Spirit?

  • Do they have any knowledge of God's almightiness and wisdom?

  • We all know God is the one true God, the Lord of creation.

  • Amen!

  • God speaks words, created the heavens and the earth, and rules all things.

  • Amen.

  • God is a Spirit but can become flesh to speak and work among man

  • to redeem and save us.

  • Amen!

  • God is real and alive.

  • Amen!

  • The Almighty, who is, and was, and is to come. (Amen!)

  • The Bible is merely a record of God's work

  • in the Age of Law and the Age of Grace.

  • It's just a history book.

  • How can it possibly compare to God? (Right.)

  • That's why, no matter how you look at it, the Bible can't represent God.

  • Belief in the Bible isn't belief in God,

  • and clinging to the Bible isn't following God.

  • The Bible is the Bible, God is God. (Amen!)

  • The Bible and God are completely separate things.

  • That's a fact nobody can deny.

  • Today has finally made me understand.

  • The Bible is the Bible and God is God. They're separate things.

  • After hearing everything today,

  • I understand the Bible can't represent God at all. (That's right.)

  • But then what is the relationship between God and the Bible?

  • I think we'd all like to know some more.

  • Yes, please tell us now! Yes, please do tell us.

  • Thanks be to God. The Lord Jesus has given us a clear answer.

  • Please open up to John 5:39-40.

  • Sister, will you read it for us?

  • Sure.

  • Amen!

  • The Lord Jesus explained the relationship between them. (Yeah.)

  • The Bible is a testimony.

  • It doesn't have eternal life and can't bestow life.

  • Christ alone is the truth, the way, and the life.

  • Amen!

  • So then, only by accepting and following Christ

  • and obeying God's end-time word and work,

  • can we gain the truth and eternal life.

  • Yes.

  • Thanks be to God.

  • Amen.

  • But right now, I think we should look at

  • how so many people in religious circles still think

  • that to depart from the Bible is to depart from the Lord.

  • They even think that if they stick to the Bible,

  • they'll get into the kingdom of heaven.

  • But isn't this viewpoint just ridiculous?

  • Ah, yes. It really is.

  • Actually, the Bible is just a history book, a record of God's work.

  • If people ignore this fact and hold onto the Bible,

  • then I ask you all today:

  • Can the Bible replace God's work in the last days?

  • No, it can't.

  • Can the Bible replace Christ in expressing the truth?

  • No.

  • Can one really gain the truth and life by only sticking to the Bible?

  • No. Not a chance.

  • When people hold onto the Bible like the Pharisees,

  • does this prove that they follow and obey God?

  • If people only hold onto the Bible,

  • but they don't accept the work of Christ in the last days,

  • then how can they gain the truth and achieve salvation and enter God's kingdom?

  • Yes.

  • Everyone, let's read more words of Almighty God,

  • so we understand this more clearly.

  • All right.

  • Yes, let's do that. (Yes.)

  • Amen!

  • Almighty God has exposed religious leaders who exalt the Bible above all else

  • but never exalt or bear witness to God.

  • They use the Bible to replace and impersonate God,

  • and use the words of the Bible to resist and condemn God's work.

  • That's right. Yes.

  • They have been exposed as truth-hating and God-opposing as well.

  • Think back to the time when Pharisees held onto the Scriptures,

  • limited God to the Scriptures.

  • They never sought the truth or God's footsteps.

  • Even though the Lord Jesus, when preaching and doing His work,

  • expressed many truths and performed signs and wonders,

  • and demonstrated God's authority and power,

  • what did the Pharisees do?

  • They didn't care about the Lord Jesus' profound preaching or great authority.

  • If it did not conform with the Scriptures,

  • they would condemn and resist the Lord Jesus.

  • And because the Lord Jesus expressed the word of God,

  • they condemned the words of the Lord Jesus as blasphemy. (Yes.)

  • And then, in the end they nailed the Lord Jesus to the cross alive.

  • It's true. Yes. It is.

  • It completely exposed their truth-hating, God-opposing satanic nature.

  • Yeah.

  • Today, religious leaders are just like the Pharisees of old.

  • They do all they can to exalt the Bible

  • but never exalt or bear witness to the Lord.

  • They don't proclaim and testify to the words, the truth expressed by the Lord.

  • They just talk about Bible knowledge and theology.

  • They spread empty theories to deceive, control, and bind people.

  • They say that all God's words are in the Bible,

  • and that there're no words of God outside the Bible.

  • They say to depart from the Bible means not believing in God,

  • and if you hold firm to it, you'll be taken to God's kingdom.

  • So people mistakenly believe the eternal life is in the Bible,

  • and that they only need the Bible to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Before they knew it, the Bible had replaced God's position in their hearts.

  • Everyone blindly believes in and worships the Bible as if it were God.

  • The Bible has become like a binding spell for believers,

  • and the Lord's position in people's hearts has gone.

  • It's true.

  • Yes, that's right. It's so true.

  • What is the consequence of this?

  • People's faith and knowledge of the Lord are reduced to nothing.

  • That's the consequence of pastors and elders' explaining the Bible.

  • Is this not true? (Yeah. It is.)

  • What you've said is illuminating.

  • I never thought that the Bible could become a spell that could bind us.

  • Yeah.

  • It seems it's better to not have blind faith in the Bible. (That's right.)

  • It could be dangerous.

  • I'm glad we know this now.

  • I feel so ashamed and embarrassed after listening to this.

  • For so many years, I believed in the Lord but didn't practice His words,

  • and I did not search for the Lord's will and truth in His words.

  • Yes.

  • All I did was equip myself with biblical doctrine,

  • thinking that the more Bible knowledge I had,

  • the more I was after the Lord's heart,

  • and that understanding a lot of Bible knowledge

  • was the same as knowing the Lord.

  • But after all that, I don't have any understanding of truth at all,

  • and I don't have knowledge of the Lord.

  • The Lord has no place in my heart whatsoever. (Indeed. That's right.)

  • I can't believe I saw the Bible as higher than the Lord.

  • Wrongly I thought that belief in the Lord is belief in the Bible,

  • and that exalting the Bible is exalting the Lord.

  • I deviated from the way of the Lord without knowing.

  • My belief had become confused and lost.

  • I think we're all like that.

  • The words of Almighty God

  • corrected my biggest mistake of belief in the Lord, (Yes.)

  • and saved me from going down the wrong path.

  • Amen! Thanks be to the Lord.

  • From now on, I won't be controlled and bound by the Bible.

  • Yes.

  • I must read the words of Almighty God!

  • Amen!

  • Thanks be to Almighty God.

  • Thanks be to God!

  • Amen. Yes.

  • We should all read more words of Almighty God.

  • We will, we'll read it properly!

The Bible represents the Lord. (Right. That's right!)


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ゴスペル映画「呪縛を解く」より抜粋4聖書への信仰は主への信仰と同等か? (Gospel Movie Extract 4 From "Break the Spell": Is Faith in Bible Equivalent to Faith in the Lord?)

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    libby に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日