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Hi everyone i'm JosieWose and we're going to be reading Beauty and the Beast which
is a story about a girl named Belle. Did you know that Belle means beauty in
French? Belle is a little bit different from her other village of
friends well she doesn't really have any friends but she loves reading books. She
also loves her father very much and Belle stumbles across an enchanted
castle in the forest.
Once upon a time a spoiled selfish prince lived in a castle
in the forest one night an old beggar woman offered the prince a rose in return
for shelter repulsed by her appearance the unkind prince turned her away
suddenly the old woman turned into an enchantress she transformed the prince
into a beast and placed a spell on the entire castle to break the spell the
Prince must learn to love and be loved in return before the last rose petal
fell otherwise he would remain a beast forever.
Not far away a young woman named
Belle lived in a small village she dreamed of a more exciting life and
wanted adventures like the ones in her favorite books.
Belle was very beautiful
and had long been admired by Gaston the most handsome and vain man in the
village Gaston was certain that Belle would feel lucky to marry him but Belle
thought Gaston was rude and bad mannered he didn't understand her
love books. Belle returned home to her father Maurice surrounded by pieces of
his latest invention I'll never get this boneheaded contraption to work said
Maurice yes you will said Bell and you'll win first prize at the fair
tomorrow with Belles encouragement Maurice quickly finished his automatic
woodchopper then he loaded it onto a wagon and set out with his horse Philipe
for the fair Bell knew the villagers thought Maurice was odd but he was her
father and she always believes in him as
evening fell maurice realized he had taken a wrong turn he was lost deep in
the forest when wolves howled near by Philipe threw Maurice off and
bolted the snarling wolves cornered Maurice in front of a huge gate he
banged on the gate until it opened then gratefully stumbled inside
Maurice crept into the enormous castle that lay beyond the gate before long
he heard voices whispering he nervously picked up a candlestick to
light his way "Hello" said the candlestick Maurice couldn't believe his ears all of
a sudden the castle seemed full of enchanted objects that could move and
talk the candlestick whose name was Lumiere led Maurice to a comfortable
chair in front of a warm fire suddenly a terrifying beast stormed into the room
"So you've come to stare" the Beast grumbled "I meant no harm"
Maurice stammered I needed a place to stay. "I'll give you a place to stay" the
Beast snarled then he locked Maurice in the dungeon. Meanwhile
Gaston arrived at Belle's cottage he announced that Belle's dreams were about
to come true he had made all of the preparations
plans for them to marry that very day "I'm very sorry Gaston but I don't
deserve you" Belle replied. She opened the door and
splat Gaston lost his balance on the way out
and fell into a large muddy puddle Gastons sidekick Lefou stopped conducting
the wedding band and asked Gaston what had happened Gaston was furious
"I'll have Belle for my wife make no mistake about that" he shouted.
Just then a frightened Philippe galloped into the yard.
"What happened?" asked Belle. "Where's Papa? You have to take me to him". so Philippe
lead Belle in the direction of the castle.
Belle bravely searched the
castle until she found her father shivering and coughing in the dungeon
before Maurice could warn Bell the Beast lunged from the shadows he refused to
let Maurice go finally when Belle offered to take her father's place the
Beast agreed with one condition "you must promise to stay here forever" he said
Maurice raced back to the village shouted for help to rescue Belle from a
horrible Beast but no one believed him meanwhile Belle met some of the castles
enchanted servants including a teapot called mrs. Potts her son chip and a
clock named Cogsworth. "That was a very brave thing you did" said mrs. Potts
thinking about how Belle had saved her father.
Belle refused to join the Beast
for dinner instead she awaited until it was late
then crept down to the kitchen. To Belles delight the staff treated her to a
magnificent feast with singing and dancing they were thrilled to finally
have a guest after dinner Belle wanted to explore the
castle the Beast had forbidden her to go into the West Wing
but Belle was curious although Cogsworth and Lumiere tried to discourage her
Belle slipped away from them and went up the stairs
Belle peered into a dark room
and gasped broken furniture and mirrors lay scattered as if someone had torn
everything apart in a rage then Belle saw a rose glowing under a glass dome
she noticed that several petals had fallen off entranced by its beauty Belle
reached out but before Belle could touch the rose the Beast burst into the room "I
warned you never to come here" he bellowed do you know what you could have
done? Get out!"
terrified Belle ran from the castle promise or no promise I can't stay here
another minute she cried she climbed on to Philip II who was waiting outside and
raced into the forest soon they were surrounded by ferocious wolves suddenly
the Beast sprang from the shadows he fought off the wolves
until Belle was safe but the Beast had been injured. Belle returned to the
castle to help nurse the beasts wounds if you hadn't run away this would've
happened he complained if you hadn't frightened me I wouldn't
have run away Belle replied she then added thank you for saving my life
you're welcome the Beast said quietly as the days passed they all began to see
a different beast he was learning to be gentle and kind even little birds had
noticed the difference in him perching on his shoulders and eating birdseed
from his paws everyone in the castle watched Belle and the Beast with hope it
seemed as if the pair were beginning to care for one another maybe just maybe
the spell would finally be broken and everyone would become human again one
evening after an elegant dinner Belle and the Beast danced together the Beast
gazed at Belle he wondered if he would ever find the courage to tell Belle that
he loved her the Beast knew how much Belle missed Maurice. He showed her a magic
mirror revealing an image of her father lost and trembling with cold as he
desperately searched for Belle sadly the Beast released Belle from her
promise and let her return home to her father
he gave Belle the mirror to remember him by. With only one petal left on the
enchanted rose it seems that any hope of breaking the spell was gone forever
Belle rushed home to Maurice to her surprise chip had sneaked into her bag
and come along to. "How did you escape that horrible Beast?" asked Maurice. He's
different now papa Belle said but before she could explain there was a knock at
the door Gaston had bribed the owner of an asylum to declare Belle's father
insane. Maurice would be locked up in the
asylum unless Belle agreed to marry Gaston as the guards dragged Maurice
away Gaston cornered Belle I might be able to
clear up this little misunderstanding he said slowly
if you marry me never replied Belle to prove that her father wasn't crazy
Belle showed people the beasts image in the magic mirror he's my friend she told
them jealous and enraged Gaston seized the mirror kill the beast he shouted.
Gaston locked Belle and Maurice in the cottage then he led a band of Angry Men to the
castle boom The Doors shook as the mob tried to force their way into the castle
with Belle gone the Beast no longer cared about anything just let them come
he said the servants tried to think of a plan when the angry mob stormed inside
the servants were ready they fought and chased until the men ran away only
Gaston remained finding the Beast alone Gaston raised his bow when the arrow hit
him the Beast staggered back crashing through the window and onto the castle
roof Gaston followed the Beast outside and raised a club before he could strike
Belle screamed out from below no she and Maurice had escaped from the cottage and
raced to the castle startled Gaston paused the Beast heard Belles voice too
and it filled him with hope he suddenly found the strength to defend himself the
beast lunged at Gaston then decided to let him go he climbed over to a terrace
where Belle had run to meet him all of a sudden Gaston stabbed the Beast he roared
with pain and whipped around accidentally knocking Gaston off the
roof Gaston plunged through the darkness as
he fell to his death Belle pulled the Beast to safety and knelt beside him you
came back he whispered at least I got to see you one last time please don't leave
me Belle sobbed I love you
as Bell spoke the last rose petal fell then out of nowhere
magical sparkles began to swirl around the Beast he rose into the air turning
slowly in a shower of light Bell watched in disbelief as the Beast began to
transform magic swirled above the castle as the servants were transformed too the
spell was broken Belle cried the handsome prince it's me Belle gazed into
the princes eyes it really is you she said in wonder later the servants
watched as Belle and her prince waltzed across the ballroom are they going to
live happily ever after chip asked her mother of course my dear
mrs. Potts replied and so they did.
What a beautiful story thanks for watching
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