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  • hello and welcome to News Review recorded in our homes I'm on one side of

  • London Catherine is on the other hi Catherine hello Neil hello everyone so

  • what story have you got for us today well we've got a sleep story today Neil

  • have you been sleeping okay during the coronavirus actually I've been sleeping

  • very well I don't know what that says about me but yes I've been sleeping very

  • well and you well it is interesting because a lot of people around the world

  • haven't been sleeping very well during these times and that's what we're

  • looking at today okay well let's find out some more about

  • that from this BBC Radio 1 news beat report and more than half of the UK

  • population is struggling to sleep properly during lockdown according to a

  • survey King's College London spoke to more than 2,000 people two in five said

  • they've had unusual dreams and lots of young people said they were sleeping but

  • not feeling rested a lot of people in the UK are finding it difficult to sleep

  • during the corona virus pandemic two in five people say they're experiencing

  • weird dreams and a lot of young people are saying they don't feel very rested

  • at the moment ok well that's not very nice for a lot of people let's have a

  • look at some of the vocabulary you've picked out to help us discuss this story

  • what have you got we have disrupted uneasy and insomnia

  • disrupted uneasy and insomnia ok so your first headline pleased with and

  • disrupted so we're starting here in the UK with the independent the headline is

  • half of British adults say their sleep has been disrupted in lockdown disrupted

  • prevented from continuing yes disrupted D is R u p t-- e d disrupted

  • there are three syllables in this word the stress is on the roped the middle

  • syllable Neil would you like to demonstrate disrupted

  • there you go thank you so this word starts with a lovely prefix the letters

  • D is dis I've found in front of a lot of words and the general meaning of the

  • prefix dis is often bad or wrong so we already know that there's something it's

  • describing something difficult disrupted means disturbed to the extent that

  • something can't continue something happens which means that you can't

  • continue or finish what you're doing in the way you want to do it now near

  • you're a father with children at home at the moment aren't you yes yes they're

  • their normal lives have really been disrupted because of course they don't

  • go to school yes so things are very different for them and I know you're

  • working from home as well in your home office I am right here any disruptions

  • yes disruption a noun there I do have a few disruptions I have to say a knock on

  • the door and will you play football with me in the garden daddy that kind of

  • thing so you've got disruptive kids they are disruptive for the adjective yes yes

  • so we've got the noun verb an adjective so it's disruption disrupt and

  • disruptive to describe people or things that disrupt is it the same as disturb

  • it's a bit stronger than disturb I think if you disrupt something you really make

  • it difficult to continue whereas disturbed might be sort of temporary or

  • something that kind of gets in the way a little bit

  • and we also use disturb to describe the way we think and feel so you could say

  • that you could watch a disturbing film for example something that makes you

  • feel uncomfortable and a bit upset you wouldn't say I watched a disruptive film

  • last night okay let's get a summary of that please

  • let's have a look then at our second headline yes now the sleep story isn't

  • just confined to the UK here's a headline from the United States from NPR

  • and it reads like this how to get sleep in uneasy times uneasy worrying anxious

  • yes uneasy you and II a sy uneasy now Catherine I'm going to interrupt you

  • here and I'm gonna give you my theory okay because I know in this word I can

  • see two parts one of them is easy I know what easy means and at the beginning

  • there's um which means not so I'm going to say that uneasy is the opposite of

  • easy it means difficult right well if only it

  • were that simple Neal you're kind of right to an extent but there are some

  • major differences in the way we use uneasy it's true in this headline you

  • could take out the word uneasy and put in difficult and say we are having

  • difficult times that's true we are however uneasy is about a feeling you

  • get when things aren't normal and you feel scared you feel anxious you feel

  • worried you feel fearful of the future so when some things eat uneasy or it

  • makes you feel uneasy it's really to do with being worried okay so I couldn't

  • say I once tried to learn Russian and I was uneasy no you shouldn't say that no

  • no no okay no no if you're uneasy you might feel uneasy if you have to

  • perform something in Russian when you'd only be learning for a little while that

  • might you feel like a very kind of anxious and nervous but it's more to do

  • with fear unease okay it's also an owl isn't it yes I just said it unease is a

  • noun you can say I had a feeling of unease

  • when I heard a noise outside my bedroom window at 3 o'clock in the morning I

  • hope it was nothing serious it was the Foxes always ofcourse urban

  • foxes terrible ok let's have a summary

  • before we move on Catherine would like to apologize to the foxes I really like

  • foxes really do ok sometimes you have to say things then you just to make it

  • clear yes I do and Oh foxes they're terrible it's terrible to be disturbed

  • by a fox at 3:00 in the morning but that doesn't mean I don't like them

  • ok before we have our final headline we have plenty of other stories about

  • sleeping one in particular we think you will like yes if you don't know what to

  • do when you can't get to sleep we have some advice for you just click the link

  • to go to in the description to go straight to the program ok so our final

  • headline now still in the United States The Wall Street Journal

  • how sleep has changed in the pandemic insomnia late bedtimes weird dreams

  • insomnia medical condition in which sleeping is difficult yes I am s om and

  • I a very interesting word it has an M and an N next to each other which is

  • quite unusual in English the pronunciation is insomnia insomnia yes

  • syllabus I n those are in some knee ah and Neal would you like to demonstrate

  • the stress for us please insomnia definitely the second syllable

  • thank you very much insomnia and it starts with a prefix this time in I n

  • another prefix which means not so sum the sum bit is relating to sleep

  • the in bit means not so not sleep in some

  • yeah okay so if I had a bad night's sleep last night but you know normally

  • I'm okay do I have insomnia well you might say you've got insomnia Neil

  • because you want attention and you're being quite dramatic but insomnia is a

  • kind of medical term a medical condition which means that you know you can't

  • sleep regularly and it's really interfering with your life we all have

  • the odd bad night but insomnia is a bit more serious and the occasional

  • difficulty sleeping okay but it is sometimes used by people who perhaps

  • don't have a medical diagnosis dramatic if you want to be dramatic you can say

  • you've got insomnia okay a person who has insomnia is an

  • insomniac and insomniac and it's omni AK with AC on the end yes are you an

  • insomniac Sandile it's not what you think you are I'm not an insomniac I

  • have had difficulty sleeping in the past but I'm not an insomniac fortunately

  • because it's quite it's bad for you isn't it yes I think it's quite

  • unpleasant if you are an insomniac it interferes with your life quite

  • significantly and you probably could benefit from treatment okay let's have a

  • summary of that

  • time now for a summary of our vocabulary okay so we had disrupted prevented from

  • continuing we had uneasy worrying anxious and

  • insomnia medical condition in which sleeping is difficult if you would like

  • to test yourself on the vocabulary there's a quiz on our website BBC

  • learning stay safe see you next time

  • bye

hello and welcome to News Review recorded in our homes I'm on one side of


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監禁中は眠れるのか?- ニュースレビュー (Can you sleep during lockdown? - News Review)

  • 16 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日