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hi everybody Jennifer from Tarle Speech I got a great question today in an email
it is how do I pronounce whatever and wherever at normal conversational speed
when they're in a phrase so I have a couple of tips for you so let's go ahead
and take a look so we have what ever and we're gonna pronounce this as wud
wud wud ever whatever so the first syllable is going to be
very short wud and the second syllable of the word or the second word rather will be a
little bit longer so whatever whatever so that's number one
same thing here where ever think of pronouncing this word as wear like we
wear clothes wherever wherever so the key is is to
again make the wud very short whatever and we're gonna use that flap T there so
it's going to sound like a D and wherever so you want to make those short
at the beginning and then also link those words together and by linking what
I mean is no pause between those two words so it's almost like whatever is
one word and wherever is one word okay so that's number one is make these two
short phrases sound like one word whatever wherever number two when we add
them to another phrase how could we make that sound a little better again let's
think about linking so practice first being able to say whatever and wherever
and then think about what do you want to add to this sentence so for instance he
said in his question whatever the weather so again I just said that with
pauses in between words and that's totally fine everyone is going to
understand you so you can do that and say whatever the weather that's just
fine or you can get fancy you can link these two words whatever and then
link these two words the weather whatever the weather so again super
short for what super short for the link those with no pause between so the
practice the weather the weather the weather and then practice whatever
whatever whatever now let's combine the two the weather
whatever the weather whatever the weather whatever the weather whatever
the weather can hear my pitch going up a little bit on the second word in each of
those phrases so whatever the weather another example would be wherever we go
or wherever I think he said we were same thing let's take those principles
wherever we're gonna link this we were we're going to link this wherever we
were wherever we were wherever we were again we're going to go sort of wherever
we were wherever we were linked those all together practice we were we were we
were practice wherever wherever wherever and then let's combine wherever we were
whatever the weather wherever we were we can practice our speech as we go I made a
little rhyme for you so give it a try I know people are going to notice the
difference if you found this helpful we would love a like and a share don't
forget to subscribe so you never miss a video and if you want more practice you
can buy our products on Google Play and iTunes and links are in the description
below thank you so much and hope to see you all again soon