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Hey! Today we are reviewing the City Safe CX Anti-Theft Backpacks
おい!今日私たちは市の安全を見直しています CX盗難防止用バックパック
and they look the same but there are some differences. Mainly the size is the big difference.
This one is bigger and this one's mini.
We've had this one for a couple of years now and Pacsafe recently launched the mini version
so we wanted to try the mini version. And if you're not familiar with Pacsafe,
だからミニバージョンを試したかった。 Pacsafeに慣れていない場合は、
they make a ton of anti-theft products; especially bags, camera bags, day bags, travel bags...
彼らは大量の盗難防止製品を作っています。 特にバッグ、カメラバッグ、デイバッグ、トラベルバッグ...
they've even started making suitcases... yeah.
彼らも作り始めました スーツケース...そう。
And they have accessories and clothing...
so they've got an array of products
but today, we're just gonna focus on these two. Ding! Ding! Ding!
Alright, so I'll start off with mine. So as Candy mentioned, we've been using this
Anti-theft Citysafe CX bag for a couple of years now.
盗難防止用のCitysafe CXバッグを数年前から使用しています。
Candy had one first and then I got jealous and I wanted one too cause it just looked soooo handy.
I used to have a camera bag specifically for my cameras but then I noticed
you know... maybe it's fine if I just wrap my camera around in some extra protective gear
and put it in here and add in some other things like my laptop and some other cool pockets they have here
that I use so the one thing that I really loved about it that I was jealous about
私が使っているので 本当に嫉妬していたので
was this sleeve in the back because it goes nicely on your suitcase
この袖は後ろでした それはあなたのスーツケースにうまく行くので
so I have really heavy camera gear and my laptop is super heavy so
カメラのギアがとても重いので 私のラップトップは超重いので
when I put it on my back and I'm carrying it... for a short period of time it's fine
背中に乗せて運ぶとき... 短期間は大丈夫です
but when you're on a layover or trying to get to your hotel, you're carrying it on your back a lot
eventually I get tired and it gets super heavy on my back and it's strenuous
やがて疲れてしまいます 私の背中に超重いとそれは激しいです
so this just fits nicely on your suitcase and I mean
it's just one of the greatest features about this bag that I really really love
これは最大の機能の1つにすぎません 私が本当に大好きなこのバッグについて
the second feature that I really love about this bag is the side pockets.
私が本当に好きな2番目の機能 このバッグについてはサイドポケットです。
I love it because I could just put my GoPro on the side or
and, actually because there's two of them. You can put your water bottle in here too.
そして、実際にはそれらが2つあるためです。 ここにも水筒を入れることができます。
And it's easy access and if it's wet from condensation, it doesn't matter because
簡単にアクセスでき、濡れた場合 結露、それは問題ではありません
they have this waterproof material that they use so - two of my absolute favorite things about this bag.
彼らはこの防水素材を使っているので- このバッグの私のお気に入りの2つ。
But it goes on. There's more to this bag. The locks on it... or the zippers are made from really high quality zippers
So... it's like a two-step system. You have the zippers up here, you lock it...
It slides in and then you slide it through this lock which is called a Rubar
スライドして、このロックに通します ルバーと呼ばれる
so as Candy mentioned, Pacsafe is known for their anti-theft features and this is one of them.
キャンディが言及したように、パッセーフは彼らのために知られています 盗難防止機能とこれはそれらの1つです。
Yeah imagine a thief trying to get it to that. It'll take him a while.. or her a while.
泥棒がそれを得ようとしていると想像してみてください。 それは彼にしばらくかかります。
Nope. No, pick pocketers! So that's a cool thing.
いいえ。いいえ、Pocketersを選択してください! それはクールなことです。
And inside... another feature that we like is the piiiiiink!! Ahhhhhh.
そして内部...私たちが好きな別の機能 piiiiiinkです!!ああああ。
You know because it's so much easier to see your belongings in a bright pink interior.
Because when it's black it's just hard to see things. This is just so much easier.
なぜなら、それが黒いときは、物事を見るのが難しいからです。 これはとても簡単です。
Also it's a bucket style system so when you open it, it just opens up like a bucket so it's easier to tell
また、それはバケットスタイルのシステムなので、開くと、 それはバケツのように開くだけなので、わかりやすいです
because otherwise, regular bags when you're looking down, it usually kinda shuts like this just naturally
but this just stays open.
Lots of cool pockets and zippers inside. They have a RFID safe pocket here
内部にたくさんのかっこいいポケットとジッパー。 ここにはRFIDの安全なポケットがあります
And so you can store your passport or credit card so that your information won't get stolen
and another cool feature that I liked was the laptop like I said...
そして私が好きな別のクールな機能 私が言ったようなラップトップでした...
It's really hard to find backpacks or, you know, stylish looking backpacks that will fit your 15-inch laptop.
It's really hard. I've tried. And this is the only bag that I really liked
本当に難しいです。私はもう試した。 そしてこれは私が本当に好きだった唯一のバッグです
that would fit my 15-inch laptop. So look at that. It fits right in.
それは私の15インチのラップトップに合うでしょう。 それを見てください。ぴったり収まります。
And it's padded so you have protection for your laptop.
パッドが入っているので あなたのラップトップのための保護。
You can fit so much in here. I actually fit my camera and a whole bunch of other things like
ここにすっぽり収まります。私は実際に私のカメラに合います そして、他の多くのようなもの
my drive, my laptop. I got my water bottle, my GoPro... you know, some other essentials...
私のドライブ、私のラップトップ。私は私の水筒を手に入れました、 私のGoPro ...あなたが知っている、他のいくつかの必需品...
it's amazing how much this bag fits.
And there's also a front pocket.
Another cool feature here is the same kind of zipper... but they have a little hook here
ここでのもう1つの優れた機能は、同じ種類のジッパーです... ここには小さなフックがあります
where it kind of locks the um...
It's like a snag almost.
Yeah, like a snag so that you can't easily open it.
Another protection feature. So then you have to like slide it through, open it
別の保護機能。 だからそれをスライドさせて開けるのが好きです
and then you have some extra compartments in here as well.
そして、あなたはいくつかを持っています ここにも追加のコンパートメントがあります。
This front pocket fits a lot too. Amazing. Like you don't think it fits a lot but if it's tons of things.
Um... what else am I missing?
Oh! And this part here is another feature that you can use when you're sitting at a table
and if you want to put your backpack down, you could unlock this and...
バックパックを置きたい場合は これのロックを解除して...
How do you unlock this? Oh, there we go. So I unlock this...
どうやってこれをアンロックしますか?ああ、行きます。 これをアンロックします...
She hasn't really used this feature.
I have not used this. Ok, so you can unlock it, put it around your chair and lock it in
私はこれを使用していません。 OK、ロックを解除して椅子の周りに置いてロックすることができます
so that nobody could snag it away from you
Yeah cause this actually turns too so you snap it in like that
ええ、これも実際に回転するので、あなたは そのようにそれをはめ込みます
so another feature that is hard for pickpocketers or people who just love stealing! Hahaha
It's gonna be hard for them to figure out.
彼らにとって難しいことです 見つけ出す。
And you know, you don't want to just put your bag down because what if someone's walking by
and they just come and snatch it. So, you know that's also another reason to have that.
彼らは来てそれを奪い取るだけです それで、それもまたそれを持っているもう一つの理由です。
It's a great... yeah, so many great features.
I love this bag! Just love it.
And this is the... the specs on this, the bag is a 17?
The volume is 17L.
And so that brings us to the mini which the volume is 11L, so there is a pretty big difference.
I mean, when you put it side by side you can kinda tell that this is much bigger.
Yeah. I will say that when I travel, I do use this one. We recently went to England and we both carried this one.
I wanted the mini as well just for a backpack around town because a lot of times when I'm going around town
I don't need to carry my my laptop with me - my huge laptop or my camera.
ノートパソコンを持ち歩く必要はありません- 私の巨大なラップトップまたは私のカメラ。
I just wanted something more light but I also wanted the anti-theft features.
もっと軽いものが欲しかった 盗難防止機能も欲しかった。
One of the things that's on both of these bags that we forgot to mention is that up here
for the handles, there's like a little button here that puts the handles together
ハンドルについては、ここに小さなボタンのようなものがあります ハンドルをまとめます
so you know, like if someone...
it's like another added feature I guess. Like another step.
それは私が推測する別の追加機能のようなものです。 別のステップのように。
So first, you have to unbutton this, then get to the zipper here and then turn the turn-key lock
so it's like a lot of steps you have to go through to finally get into your bag
だから、あなたが経験しなければならない多くのステップのようなものです ようやくあなたのバッグに入る
if you're trying to get into our bag.
But you can't!
Hahaha, because we'll catch you before you get that far!
So let me open that... So I mean the same - the bucket.
それを開けさせて... つまり、私は同じことを意味します-バケツ。
Obviously you can't fit the 15-inch laptop but this will fit an iPad or a smaller laptop
and it does have that sleeve, the built-in sleeve - padded sleeve. It also has an RFID-safe pocket
そしてそれはその袖、組み込みの袖-パッド入りの袖を持っています。 RFIDセーフポケットもあります。
but this one is on the opposite side, whereas on the big one it's on the same side where the laptop sleeve is.
So that's a little bit different. Obviously, you can't fit as much in this one
これは少し異なります。 明らかに、あなたはこれにそれほど合うことができません
but that's the point of it because, you know, I don't want to put a whole lot of stuff in a mini bag.
Yeah, you wanna have like this petite bag when you're visiting - like for an example,
we just went to an aquarium. So Candy carried the more petite bag
私たちは水族館に行きました。 キャンディーはよりプチバッグを運びました
and I carried this one because, you know, she wears nicer clothes than I do, so... hahaha, I'm just kidding.
I'm just mean. I'm like no, you carry all this stuff okay? No, hahaha!
I'm like, "Ok, Candy".
It just looks nicer I think sometimes when you're wearing more cuter clothes I guess
I guess you wear cuter clothes, Candy. Hahaha
No, I mean like - not sporty. No, I don't know. I'm just explaining things bad.
いいえ、つまり、スポーティーではありません。 いいえ、わかりません。悪いことを説明しているだけです。
No, but they're both cute bags. I love them both.
But this probably photographs well... more than a bigger bag.
しかし、これはおそらくうまく撮影できます... より大きなバッグ以上のもの。
So if you want to take pictures with a petite bag, this will probably be better.
プチバッグで写真を撮りたいなら これはおそらくより良いでしょう。
But it has the same thing here - where you can unlock this and hook it around something.
Same front - the zipper in the front is the same where it has this little hook here
同じフロント-フロントのジッパーは同じです ここにこの小さなフックがあります
or latch here - what did I say earlier? Snag? Like a little thing here where you can't just open it right away.
But I put in here - sunglasses... And this front pocket, again, is not as big as this one
しかし、私はここに入れました-サングラス... そして、このフロントポケットは、これほど大きくありません。
but, you know, I can fit sunglasses in here... I've got lip gloss or lipstick and eye drops
でも、サングラスはここに入れます... リップグロスまたは口紅と点眼薬を持っています
so I mean you could still fit tons of stuff.
But yeah, so that's pretty much...
Oh! Sorry forgot to mention the two - the big... besides the size...
ああ! 2つを言及するのを忘れて申し訳ありません-大きな... サイズの他に...
the other reason why I don't take this with me when I travel is that it doesn't have the sleeve for the suitcase
which I have to have that when I'm traveling because it's so convenient to be able to just put this on your suitcase
and another thing that I wish... maybe Pacsafe, please add this feature?
そして私が望む別のこと... 多分Pacsafe、この機能を追加してください?
If you can actually add that, that'd be great too.
But the water bottle pocket - the side pockets. I really, really love this feature
しかし、水のボトルのポケット-サイドポケット。 私は本当にこの機能が大好きです
especially when you're walking around and you're carrying a bottle of water
I want to be hands-free but I don't want to stick it in my bag because if I have other things in there
that I don't want to get wet from the condensation - I can't put it in there.
結露で濡れたくない- 入れられません。
So being able to have that pocket on the side to put my water bottle or any other you know drinks
it's so convenient.
So that is the two main things why I don't carry this with me when I travel
それが私が運ばない2つの主な理由です これは私が旅行するときに私と一緒に
So yeah... but I love it for around town and when I'm running small errands and stuff.
or going to the park or something
but definitely - still a great bag. It just depends on what you're looking for
where you're going - the size that you need...
But yeah... They're both great bags still.
でもそうだ... どちらも今でも素晴らしいバッグです。
Yeah, I still love both of them but for travel, we both like to take this one.
For sure.
We hope our review helped. I know a lot of you have been asking us what the difference is in these bags
and I hope we answered your questions. If you have more questions
そして、私たちはあなたの質問に答えてくれることを願っています。 さらに質問がある場合
don't be afraid to comment below and we're always happy to help and answer.
以下にコメントすることを恐れないでください 私たちはいつでも助けて答えてくれます。
And we usually answer pretty fast too. We don't ignore our viewers, hahaha!
そして、私たちは通常、かなり速くも答えます。 私たちは視聴者を無視しません、ハハハ!
We like to be as helpful as we can.
Also, if you liked this video please give a thumbs up
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もっと動画を見たいなら 私たちのチャンネルに登録してください。
We post weekly videos. We have other Pacsafe reviews so make sure to check those out
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so thanks for watching! Bye!