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hey everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech I hope you are well today it's
great to see you our word today is respirator and a
respirator is a machine for artificial respiration or breathing and they can
also be a type of a mask so to say this word correctly we are going to look at
the four syllables our stressed syllable is syllable one in this word so to say
this word correctly we're going to start with the R sound or for those of you
that struggle with this sound think about square tense lips you don't want
to pucker and you don't want your mouth to be too relaxed you want them to be
square and tense and then the tip of your tongue and either be down or
flipped back it depends on which one works better for you and then we're
going to move to that eh sound your mouth is slightly open for this sound you're
probably going to be able to see the tip of your telling just between your top
and your bottom teeth your mouth is relaxed for that sound and then we're
gonna move to the s ssss your mouth was gonna close a bit and the tip of your
tongue is either going to be behind the top front teeth not touching or pointed
slightly down and the air is going to move out res res res next we're
going to add a very short syllable pa to do this you are just going to press
your lips together and then open them and the air will puff out for that short
uh sound pa so let's try those first two RESPA
RESPA next we have ray like a ray of sunshine and to say ray you are going to
again start with that r sound and then you're going to move to the a for the a
sound your mouth opens and then closes because your tongue is going to move
from low in the mouth to high and flat ray
and then we're going to end with der yes der even though this is spelled
with a T and to do that touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your top
front teeth air is going to puff out of your mouth while your voice box is on
vibrating and moving and then we're gonna end again with that er you know
the drill for that square tense lips tongue is either pointed down or flipped
back derp let's try this all together Russ PAH
ray der RESPA raider respirator respirator respirator respirator the
patient with severe pneumonia required a respirator give it a try I know people
are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful we'd love a like
share and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss our videos and let me
know how you're all doing in the comments section below be well everyone
we'll see you tomorrow