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  • Hi. I'm Esther.

  • In this section, let's do a checkup for the past continuous tense.

  • Take a look at the first sentence.

  • 'Last night they were blank at school.'

  • I want you to try to fill in the blank with the negative for the verb 'stay'.

  • 'not stay'

  • What do you think it is?

  • Remember, for the negative of the past continuous,

  • all you have to do is put 'not' and then 'verb-ing' after the 'be' verb.

  • 'They were not staying at school last.'

  • 'Last night, they were not staying at school.'

  • The next sentence says,

  • 'Two days ago you blank soccer.'

  • Again try the negative for the verb 'play'.

  • 'Two days ago blank not play soccer.'

  • In this case, the first thing that's missing is the 'be' verb.

  • If the subject is 'you', can you think of which be verb needs to be put in there?

  • The correct answer is 'were'.

  • And then, we say 'not'.

  • What happens after that?

  • Remember, 'verb-ing'. So 'you were not playing'

  • 'two days ago, you were not playing soccer'

  • You can also use a contraction and say,

  • 'You weren't playing soccer.'

  • Now try to find the mistake in the next sentence.

  • 'Yesterday, she were reading at home.'

  • hmmm

  • The subject of this sentence is 'she' so the 'be' verb to use is not 'were'.

  • It's 'was'.

  • 'Yesterday, she was reading at home.'

  • In the next sentence it says, 'Tomorrow, they were seeing their friends.'

  • hmmm

  • 'They' and 'were'

  • That's correct.

  • And we have the 'verb-ing'

  • So what's the mistake?

  • Remember the past continuous is for the past.

  • 'Tomorrow' is not the past.

  • So instead, we need to put a word that shows the past.

  • For example, I can say, 'yesterday'.

  • 'Yesterday, they were seeing their friends.'

  • Let's move on.

  • Now, let's start a checkup of the 'when' usage of the past continuous tense.

  • Take a look at the first example.

  • It says, 'Andrea and John' blank when they bank hurt.'

  • Remember 'when' shows an interrupting action.

  • It needs to be used with the past simple tense.

  • So let's first look at the second blank.

  • 'When they blank hurt'

  • What's the past tense of the verb 'get'?

  • The answer is 'got'.

  • Now let's take a look at the action that was in progress in the past.

  • 'Andrea and John' or 'they'

  • Well what comes after 'they'?

  • 'were'.

  • 'Andrea and John were'

  • Then remember we need to add -ing to the verb.

  • 'They were skiing' or 'Andrea and John were skiing when they got hurt'.

  • The next example says, 'It blank not raining when the game blank'.

  • And I want you to use the verb 'start' for the second blank.

  • Take a look 'when the game blank' what's the past tense of 'start'?

  • 'started'

  • Now let's look at the first part of the sentence.

  • The subject is 'it'.

  • So what 'be' verb do we use for 'it'?

  • 'was'

  • 'It was not raining when the game started.'

  • Now find the mistake in the next sentence.

  • 'I wasn't study at the library yesterday'.

  • The subject here is 'I' and so the 'be' verb 'was' is correct.

  • Here there's a contraction, 'I wasn't' for 'I was not'.

  • Now the problem is with the verb.

  • Remember we need to put '–ing' at the end of the verb.

  • 'I wasn't studying at the library yesterday.'

  • And finally, 'We did meet our friends last weekend.'

  • That sounds right, but remember we're doing the past continuous tense.

  • Take a look again.

  • The subject is 'we'.

  • We need a 'be' verb.

  • 'were'

  • Then what happens?

  • Remember, we need to add an '-ing' to the end of the verb,

  • so we take out 'did' and say, 'We were meeting our friends last weekend.'

  • Let's move on.

  • Now, for this checkup, we'll look at the 'while' usage of the past continuous tense.

  • Take a look at the first example.

  • 'While I blank someone blank my bike.'

  • When we use 'while' in the past continuous tense,

  • we're showing that two actions happened at the same time in the past

  • or they were happening at the same time in the past.

  • So we need to use the past continuous for both actions.

  • 'While I blank'

  • I want you to use 'shop' in the first blank.

  • Remember, the subject here is 'I' so I need to use the 'be' verb 'was'.

  • Then 'verb-ing'.

  • 'While I was shopping'

  • Now 'someone' can be a 'he' or 'she'.

  • Therefore, again we need to use 'was'

  • and then the 'verb-ing' of 'steal'.

  • 'While I was shopping, someone was stealing my bike.'

  • The next sentence says,

  • 'While he blank'

  • I want you to use the verb 'cook'.

  • The subject is 'he' and so I need to use 'was cooking'.

  • 'While he was cooking, his girlfriend was cleaning.'

  • Did you get that?

  • Let's move on.

  • Try to find the mistake in the next sentence.

  • 'Jane was looking for us while we get off the plane.'

  • The first part of the sentence is correct.

  • 'Jane was looking'

  • Now the second part of the sentence.

  • Notice it's not in the past continuous tense.

  • 'While we get off the plane'

  • So what we need to do is say, 'were getting'.

  • 'Jane was looking for us while we were getting off the plane.'

  • The next sentence says, 'I was watching TV while my wife sleep'

  • Again this part of the sentence did not use the past continuous tense.

  • My wife is a 'she' and so I need to say 'was sleeping'.

  • 'I was watching TV while my wife was sleeping.'

  • Great job, everyone. Let's move on.

  • Good job, everybody in learning the past continuous tense.

  • This tense can be a little difficult and a little tricky.

  • Especially when it comes to the 'when' and 'while' usage.

  • It'll take some practice to really master it, but I know you can do it.

  • Keep studying English and I'll see you in the next video.

Hi. I'm Esther.


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A2 初級

過去形連続時制の練習|英文法基礎講座 (Practice Past Continuous Tense | Basic English Grammar Course)

  • 11 5
    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日