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  • (upbeat music)

  • Where are we going? ♪ ♪ Yeah

  • Can't wait to see

  • On Abby's Amazing Adventures

  • With me, Rudy.

  • Hi, I'm Abby.

  • This is my room.

  • And this is my brother, Rudy.

  • (elephant trumpeting)

  • Ah Rudy, what's up with your arm?

  • It's not my arm, it's my elephant trunk.

  • Oh.

  • Does that mean you're an elephant?

  • (elephant trumpeting)

  • That's yes in elephant.

  • (elephant trumpeting)

  • I'm coming.

  • Woo!

  • And I'm here.

  • Yay, hiya Basket.

  • We're ready.

  • We're ready.

  • I have something really exciting for you today.

  • What could it be?

  • Count with me.

  • One, two, three.

  • - [Abby] A stethoscope.

  • Yeah, a uh, what's that again?

  • A stethoscope is a tool.

  • Doctors use them to listen to your heart and lungs.

  • (gasping) Do we get to be doctors?

  • Yes.

  • Ah, I wanted to see animals.

  • Great, you can be veterinarians,

  • a special kind of doctor who takes care of animals.

  • Can we take care of an elephant?

  • Sure, just grab onto my handles

  • and we'll go on a veterinarian mission.

  • Hidey ho, up we go.

  • (elephant trumpeting)

  • It's like a magical elephant wonderland.

  • Where are we?

  • It's a sanctuary where elephants live

  • in a safe natural habitat.

  • And your job as veterinarians

  • is to give this baby elephant a checkup.

  • (elephant trumpeting)

  • One elephant checkup coming right up.

  • Ready, Veterinarian Rudy?

  • Ready, Veterinarian Abby.

  • Uh, one problem, where's the elephant?

  • There he is.

  • Come on over.

  • (elephant trumpeting)

  • Um, I think that's elephant for no.

  • I think he might be nervous.

  • Yeah, sometimes I feel nervous

  • when I see the doctor too.

  • Part of a vet's job is helping animals

  • feel more comfortable when they get a checkup.

  • Gotcha.

  • Hey there friend.

  • You're okay.

  • Yeah, we'll take good care of you.

  • (elephant trumpeting)

  • Yay elephants.

  • Very good, veterinarians.

  • Now it's time to examine your patient.

  • Looks like an elephant to me.

  • (laughing)

  • Basket means we need to listen

  • and look carefully at the elephant

  • to make sure he's growing and healthy.

  • I'll use the stethoscope to listen to the elephant's heart.

  • (thumping)

  • Whoa, whoa!

  • That was louder than I thought.

  • I guess elephants have real big hearts.

  • His sounds healthy.

  • What do we check next?

  • What else does your doctor look at

  • when you get a checkup?

  • Hm, she looks in my eyes with the little light thingy.

  • That's called an ophthalmoscope.

  • One ophthalmoscope coming up.

  • Zippity-zap. (upbeat music)

  • Eyes look sparkly.

  • What else does your doctor look at?

  • Hm, she looks in my mouth.

  • For that you need a different tool, an otoscope.

  • Good idea, one otoscope coming up.

  • Zippity-zap. (upbeat music)

  • Open wide, please.

  • Ah.

  • I wish I could fly up there to help with the checkup.

  • Whoa.

  • Ah, the elephant's helping you take care of him.

  • Here, look in his ears.

  • Whoa, looks good in here.

  • Uh-huh.

  • Great job, veterinarians.

  • You did the whole checkup.

  • (elephant trumpeting)

  • And you were a very good patient.

  • Secret handshake.

  • Up high, down low, yay we did it, way to go!

  • Time to go home.

  • Best adventure ever.

  • Well, I gotta fly.

  • So this basket says, bye.

  • (laughing)

  • Ooh.

  • Bye Basket.

  • Here's a job for you.

  • Pretend to be a veterinarian and give one of your toys

  • or stuffed animals a checkup.

  • (elephant trumpeting)

  • See ya next time.

  • On Abby's Amazing Adventures

  • (upbeat music)

(upbeat music)


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

セサミストリートエレファント・チェックアップ|アビーのアメージング・アドベンチャー (Sesame Street: Elephant Check-Up | Abby's Amazing Adventures)

  • 7 0
    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日