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  • - Hi everybody, it's Alan from Sesame Street

  • and I thought we could read another story together,

  • would you like to do that?

  • All right so this story is about a certain kind of animal,

  • and let me see if you can guess what that animal is.

  • So it kind of looks like this,

  • and it goes, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop,

  • hop, hop, hop, do you know what this is?

  • All right if you guessed a bunny,

  • or a rabbit, you are correct!

  • So this is a book called, "The Bunny Hop."

  • See and look at all of these little cute bunnies

  • surrounding our good friend Elmo right there.

  • And this book, "The Bunny Hop,"

  • is written by Sarah Albee

  • and it's illustrated by Maggie Swanson, all right.

  • I'm excited to know what happens,

  • do you wanna know what happens?

  • Let's read the book.

  • Go ahead, sit back and relax, and here we go.

  • "The Bunny Hop."

  • A funny thing happened on Sesame Street

  • one Easter, not long ago.

  • Bees were buzzing and birds were singing.

  • The flowers were starting to grow.

  • Elmo woke up and yawned and said,

  • "It's a beautiful, sunny day."

  • Then he went to put on his slippers

  • and one of them hopped away!

  • As Ernie was reading the paper,

  • something furry hopped over the funnies.

  • When Bert went to start the spring cleaning,

  • the closet was chock-full of bunnies.

  • Grover was playing baseball.

  • A rabbit was under his cap.

  • Harry was coloring Easter eggs.

  • A bunny leaped into his lap.

  • While Zoe was planting her garden,

  • she found bunnies filling her shed.

  • See them all?

  • As Cookie was looking for jelly beans,

  • he found bunny rabbits instead, see.

  • Where had these bunnies come from?

  • Nobody really knew.

  • Oscar found three in his trash can!

  • What was a grouch to do?

  • Hoots was playing his saxophone

  • when out of it popped a bunny.

  • As Prairie Dawn ate her cereal,

  • a rabbit knocked over the honey.

  • "What's going on?" people shouted,

  • "It's becoming a funny habit.

  • "Every time we turn around, we find a bunny rabbit!"

  • Big Bird rounded the corner,

  • here's what they heard him say,

  • "Has anyone seen my bunnies?

  • "They seem to have run away."

  • He sat on the stoop and said sadly,

  • "They were all in this basket I made.

  • "They must have jumped out of this hole,

  • "who will hop in the Easter parade?"

  • Then he noticed his friends holding bunnies,

  • so he handed each one a hat.

  • "Let's all go and march together!" he said.

  • And everyone did just that.

  • Look at all of them, look at all of our friends

  • in their hats with the bunnies.

  • The end.

  • Did you like that?

  • Hey I have a question, do you think

  • that when they marched in the parade

  • they actually hopped like bunnies?

  • What do you think, wouldn't that have been fun?

  • I'll tell you what,

  • why don't we try and hop like bunnies right now.

  • Okay, all right here, let me get my chair out of the way,

  • and then put your hands up right.

  • And then hop, hop, hop, hop,

  • hop like a bunny.

  • Hop, hop, hop, I really had fun today

  • I hope you did too.

  • I'm gonna see you later, that's what I'm gonna do.

  • So I'm gonna hop bye.

  • - [Narrator] Caring for each other.

  • Visit for videos,

  • activities, and tips for the whole family.

- Hi everybody, it's Alan from Sesame Street


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セサミストリートバニーホップ (Sesame Street: The Bunny Hop | Story Time with Alan)

  • 5 0
    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日