字幕表 動画を再生する
It's almost Christmas which means there's a lot of baking to do.
クリスマスの お菓子作りが始まりました
We're going to go and be with friends and family,
And we're going to get ready for a big Christmas program.
クリスマスのプログラムを 準備します
Here's the next "Life in Japan"
Life in Japan へようこそ!
("Life in Japan" Theme Music)
私はクリスマスのクッキー作りが 大好きです
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is making Christmas cookies.
小さい頃 母と よく作りました
And when I was little, I used to make them with my mom.
今では子供達と 作ります
And now I get to make them with my kids
子供達は特に アイシングを塗るのが好きです
And they love, especially, frosting the cookies.
エルサ嬢 プリンセス・エルサよ!
Elsa jyo — Princess Elsa!
クイーン・エルサ! ♪ 婚礼の合唱 ♪
Queen Elsa! (Sings "Here Comes the Bride")
戴冠式じゃなくて 結婚式の曲ね
That's wedding, that's not coronation.
そうだよ ♪ ジュラシック・パーク ♪
Yeah. (Sings "Jurassic Park")
Huh! That's Jurassic Park!
押し込んで 完璧よ
Push it in. There you go. Perfect.
チョコチップ係なの? サラ
Whoa! Are you in charge of putting the chocolate chips in there, Sarah?
- そうだよ - すごいね
Yes. Oh wow.
マリアの服? クリスマス劇の?
Those are Mary's clothes? For the Christmas play?
- アナは何の役? - 天使だよ
What are you Anna? Angel.
「雪だるま作ろう」を 日本語で歌える?
Hey, could you sing for me "Do you want to build a snowman" in Japanese?
- 覚えてる? - かも
Do you remember it? Maybe.
(「雪だるまつくろう」を歌うが 途中から適当)
(Singing "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" in Japanese, making it up as she goes)
やった! すごいじゃん
Yeah! That's awesome!
出来栄えはどう? 味見して
It's the final product, Becca! What's it taste like? Let's see. Try it.
So good?
OK we'll have to figure this out.
クリスマスと言えば やっぱり イエス様の誕生のストーリーです
And one of the most special things about Christmas is the story behind Christmas which is the birth of Jesus.
教会で劇をやるので 今日はその練習を始めました
So at church we're going to be doing a play, so we started practicing for that.
♪ きよしこの夜 ♪
(Singing "Silent Night")
「きよしこの夜」を 練習しています
Practicing "Silent Night!"
キプフェルを 作っています
Now we're making Kipfels.
I think it's German. Maybe?
お祖母ちゃんの レシピだったはず
My Grandma's recipe? Maybe?
Kipfels are one of your favorites, right?
そうよ 程よい甘さなの
Yes! They're not too sweet.
They remind me of my mom.
難しいレシピだけど 挑戦してるわ
It was always the impossible recipe (to make), and now I'm making it.
And they're so pretty to look at!
Look, there's cookies in there.
(Sarah giggling)
- プレゼントだよ - 見せて
What'cha got there, Sarah?
- 開けたらどうなるの? - 1 2…
A present. OK, let's see your present.
すごいね! ハイタッチ!
What happens when you open it? 1, 2, 3
Ha ha!
Good job! Hi five!
暖房の前で 気持ち良さそうだね
"Head" five, OK.
今年は娘たちと "お菓子の家"を作りました
"Toe" five.
いつもは友達と作るけど 今年は従兄弟を呼びました
You got a nice spot right in front of the heater there.
幼いのでお母さんが 殆どやりましたが 楽しかったです
So this year the girls and I decided that we would do gingerbread houses.
We usually do them with friends, but we decided to call the cousins over.
- 僕のはないんだ - 残念
Most of them are too little, so the moms had to do them, but we had a lot of fun.
子供達は飾りを 食べたがるし
No Gingerbread house for you?!
なかなかお菓子が くっつきませんでしたが
No Gingerbread for me. Oh man.
お砂糖で 糊みたいなものを作り
The kids mostly wanted to eat all of the toppings that were on the gingerbread houses,
組み立てる事が できました
and we had some problem with the frosting; it didn't want to stick the houses together.
とても可愛い お家ができて
But eventually we made a really thick sugar-paste-glue thing
We got the houses to stick together.
♪ 井草聖二 フィンガースタイル・ギター ♪
And they were so cute in the end!
The kids were all happy with the turnout.
みんなまだ 下で寝てるよ
(Seiji Igusa Fingerstyle Guitar)
起きてるのは 僕たちだけだね
Sarah's down here warming up, huh?
- どうする? - 学校に行く前に食べる
Everyone else is sleeping downstairs.
It's just you and me that's up, huh?
その調子だと 食べ終わらないよ
What is going to happen here? Eat, before school.
We're eating gingerbread house.
マシュマロを全部 食べよう
Sarah, that's going to take forever!
Mmm! So yummy.
I'm going to eat all marshmallows.
Tear it down.
- どこに行くの? - 知らない
You've been going to town here, huh Sarah?
- どこに行くの? - リナちゃんの家だよ
Uh! You too!
Where are we going? I don't know.
Where are we going? Lina's house.
こんなに沢山 美味しそう!
Lina's house!
It's Christmas party time!
- 何? - 猿
Look at all — mmmm — it looks delicious!
What are you guys drawing here?
What is it? Saru (monkey).
日本にいるとポイントカードが 増えるんだね
It's a small chicken.
時々必要だけど 殆ど使わない カードもあるよ
Look at that!
(Anna talking in Japanese)
店ごとに ポイントカードがあるよ
You live here long enough, and your wallet just fills.
I also have a stack of cards I hardly ever use, but sometimes I need.
教会とカフェのイベントは 説明欄のリンクをご参照ください
Look at those cards!
They're for every single store I go to, you know?
以前投稿した 「東京の素晴らしい秋模様」では
Thanks for watching Life in Japan.
日本の素晴らしい 公園に家族と行ったり
Make sure to check out the links in the description to see the events at our coffee shop and church.
クリスマスの飾りづけをする 様子が見れます
If you happen to be in the Tokyo area, we'd love for you to come by.
ご興味のある方は 是非ご覧ください
And if you like this episode, check out "Awesome Tokyo in the Fall"
"いいね"と"チャンネル登録" お願いします
where not only do we enjoy some amazing parks here in Japan
but we get everything all decorated and ready for Christmas.
So you can see a little bit of how we did that.
Thanks for watching, subscribing and liking.
We'll see you next time in "Life in Japan."