字幕表 動画を再生する
welcome to Tokyo Tuesday if you're a regular viewer welcome back hey guys so
ようこそ!Tokyo Tuesdayへ
as I was editing I realize that some of the audio on this got a little bit
messed up some of it you can only hear out of one side there's a weird crackle
in other parts off anyways I just wanted to take a second to say I'm sorry the
rest of it turned out really good so I hope you enjoy it and let's get back to
it today I'm introducing you to what just might be Tokyo's best restaurant
and I'm not just going off of TripAdvisor reviews mind you this place
is the number one restaurant in the title area of Tokyo and if I'm not
mistaken at the time of this video is that like top 10 in Tokyo what makes
this restaurant so special is not just the fact that it has amazing food and it
does but the fact that this food comes along with a live traditional Sugata
shamisen and Mineo performance for anybody out there who doesn't know what
Tsugaru samisen is I will link a video right there where the owner of this
restaurant actually helped me para you know what I can barely hold my tongue
I'm getting really hungry so let's put all this aside let's head to the
this is it right here this restaurant is called keiko and it is about the best
restaurant that you can go to in Tokyo I've said it like a hundred times let's
このレストランは東京の台東エリアで 一番の場所なんだ
just head it now the owner has been nice enough to let us in early to check this
僕の勘違いじゃなければ、このレストランは 現在(このビデオ撮影時)、東京のトップ10に入ってる。
place out so so let's do that now aside from being an amazing place to eat with
もちろん料理もすごく美味しいけど、 このレストランは、
really good food and you know we'll get all that in a minute this place is
そこでの体験や雰囲気自体も すごく大切にしているんだ。
absolutely gorgeous all right so let me give you guys like a five second tour
このレストランを特別にしているのは、 素晴らしい料理だけじゃない
before people start coming in and I can't do it let's start with the dining
area this is the main dining area here in addition to which there is a bar
その料理は、伝統的な津軽三味線と 民謡の生演奏と共に提供されるんだ。
section right over here you can get your drink on and if all
津軽三味線を知らない人達のために、 ビデオのリンクを貼っておくね!
that isn't enough for you and you want something a little more detached a
実はこのレストランのオーナーが 協力してくれたビデオなんだ。
little more private there's a room back here as well and in addition to all of
よし!わくわくし過ぎて我慢できないし お腹も空いてるから、とにかくレストランに行こう!
that there's still a separate more private room in case you want to have
events and you know private dining and parties and all that you can come right
このレストランの名前は”吉幸”。東京で行くことが できる最高のレストランの一つと言える。
in here sit at this nice quiet little table enjoy a meal and the performance
sing for you like right here and for those of you who aren't the biggest fan
of sitting on the floor it's totally okay early a non-issue regular viewers
オーナーが、店内を見せるために 早めにお店に入れてくれたよ。
will know that obviously I love this place because of the shamisen the food
is also amazing but there's one more really really incredible thing about
すごくおいしい料理を食べられる 素晴らしい場所であることに加えて、
this place that I just love so much and it is this gentleman right here this
is the restaurants proprietor hold I greet is one of the most interesting and
fun people ever meet in every single person who comes in this restaurant in
fact all those people who comment on TripAdvisor
are like not only is the restaurant great but the proprietor is so nice and
he beats English did you introduce yourself how are you my name is today if
goodie or I can only do the speak English how long have you owned this
restaurant our home this was 30 years yeah but you know he that attire yep
そのすぐそばにバーがある。 飲みたい人のためにね。
yeah all the wood 100 yeah a hundred years old I knew it was old but I didn't
それでは物足りない、仕切られた プライベートな空間を好む人のために
realize that the wood in this building is a hundred years old that is amazing
the building itself was moved piece by piece
50 years ago would originally comes from an old Japanese water mill see they're
イベントやプライベートな食事、パーティーなどで 個室を使いたい場合のためにね。
the pigs for the water mill in this area right here this is the stage but hold
tight we'll get to that one of the really interesting backstories to this
place is that there's this really famous manga series in Japan called my darling
is a foreigner it started out with one book and then it took off I'll link
something below so you can check it but the authors of that book actually came
out to this restaurant during a day trip in a Saxa and featured cold ice on and
いつも見てくれてるみんなは、僕がこのレストランを 好きなのは、ここが三味線に関係しているからだって 知ってるよね。
the restaurant right in the book check this out let me let me show you this
食事も素晴らしい。でももう一つ、 とてもとてもこの場所の素晴らしいところ
there we go right there so these are the authors the author and her husband and
then on the next page right here they show cool ice up on top of being
TripAdvisor famous book famous and just an all-around amazing guy cool I son is
also a world-renowned top class shamisen player one of the best and most
it that you'll ever get to hear after I introduced the whole restaurant and
everything like that what I'm gonna do is I'm going to give you guys an
opportunity just to watch a full performance from the restaurant I'm just
gonna leave it right at the end there so you guys can enjoy that because oh boy
is it good even before the performance starts the
atmosphere of this place is just so peaceful and beautiful you really feel
like you've come to Japan it's really it is really a true like dining experience
am i smiling too much I feel like I'm smiling too much I love this place
I'm like torn between getting shots of it and just digging in
100年前の。 100年前の?!
super quick ten-second rundown of the food there are two main options a single
lunchbox for 2500 yen which has no tempura or the double lunchbox
which I have right here for 3500 yen and it comes with a delicious plate of
建物自体は50年前に、 部品ごとに運ばれてきたんだ。
tempura it's tiny and if you are interested in the shamisen side of
things you can definitely check out that what is a shamisen video that I linked
before if you want a little more detail I also did QA that was all about time he
said that I will dig right there for you so go nuts that was a good meal and
there's not really much else to say it's an amazing restaurant and fantastic
people thank you very much alright guys that is pretty much it about Kiko but
日本で有名な、 ”ダーリンは外国人”っていう漫画がある。
what's your favourite restaurant whether it be in Japan or wherever you are leave
it in the comments below don't forget to give that like button some love it means
a lot to me and as promised we're gonna finish this up with a full run of Sugata
その漫画の著者が浅草観光の最中に 実際にこのレストランに来て、
de Jong got a boo she like cold ice on yourself
幸大さんとこのレストランを 漫画に登場させたんだ!