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- Hello, I'm Julian Northbrook, from DoingEnglish.com,
here, with another quick,
two minute English learning tip for you.
Are you ready?
Two minutes on the clock,
(mimics fingers snapping) Go.
Yesterday, I was talking to a potential coaching client,
in the end I decided not to take them on,
but that's a story for another day.
About the English, and what do I need to do to improve it,
and to really master the language,
and overcome their challenges.
And this lady, she said to me,
that she really, really, regrets,
not having taken the time, putting the effort,
to fix her English speaking problems,
overcome her challenges, master the language,
20 years ago.
20 years ago she said,
she had all the time in the world to do this,
she spent some time travelling, she enjoyed herself,
and got a little bit lazy about it,
and really just didn't put the time in,
that she should've done.
Life then caught up with her, and now 20 years later,
she is in a situation, where she has to use English
as part of her work every single day,
and she is struggling because of it.
If only, if only she said,
I have done what I should have done,
to overcome my challenges,
then I wouldn't have to do this now.
Look, I get it, I get it.
The number one best time, to put in the time,
to put in the effort, to master English was yesterday,
was 10 years ago, was 20 years ago,
it was before, so that you would now be done.
But the second best time, to get on with it,
to put in the time, to put in the effort,
to do the work, to overcome your challenges,
to speak amazing English, is right now.
It's not twenty years ago, because that's past,
and you can't control that, you shouldn't focus on,
or worry about things that you can't control.
It's not tomorrow, its not next week,
it's not 10 years later, it's now.
Right now.
So, if you're struggling with your English,
you need to overcome your English speaking challenges,
know, that now, is the time.
And if you're not too sure what to do,
I suggest you head over to, DoingEnglish.com/FreeTraining,
and check out my free training.
In it I'm goin to teach you the top five changes,
that you need to make to your English learning routine,
to master the English language fast,
to speak it with extraordinary confidence,
and use the language to transform your life.
And this is me, Julian Northbrook,
signing out from another video.
Thank you for watching, if you liked it, give the thumbs up,
if you hated it, give it a thumbs up anyway,
and I'll see you soon.
Bye bye.
(rock music)