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  • This is a replica of the Corbridge Lanx, a silver traylanx is an eighteenth century

  • term for tray or decorative trayand it was found in Corbridge and it's an absolutely

  • phenomenal piece. It's unique with its decoration and symbology and a real great piece of workmanship.

  • The scene on the Lanx is quite complex and owes a lot more the Greek mythology or religion

  • than it does Roman. What we think this is depicting is the place cult of Apollo which

  • is the island of Delphos in Greece.

  • In the last century or so of Corbridge's life, Roman Britain was seemingly quite a

  • chaotic place. There are threats to Britain from external raiders, both from the north

  • and also from the sea, and Britain itself had an uneasy relationship with central Empire.

  • We might therefore expect places like Corbridge to be dwindling. But in fact the archaeology

  • shows that Corbridge was still thriving, indeed possibly expanding at a time when the settlements

  • on Hadrian's Wall were shrinking. The Lanx shows that at least some of the residents

  • of Corbridge were still very wealthy.

  • An extremely interesting thing about the Lanx is the time it was madethe fourth century

  • and where it's come tothe edge of the Empire in northern Britain. What were

  • the owners thinking about this mythology when they got itthis is Greek mythology, hundreds

  • and hundreds of years old and they would have this up in their house, maybe in their dining

  • room, and visitors coming would say, oh they're very wealthy because they can afford this

  • solid silver – 4.6kg worth of silvertray, but also they're obviously very well educated

  • because they know all about the classical myths. So it's a real double meaning and

  • a double show off.

  • We have very little evidence as to who the residents of Corbridge town were, however

  • judging by what we know of the garrisons of the frontier zone, we might expect people

  • to have come from across the Empire to live and to serve here. We know there were people

  • from Spain, Romania, Syria, North Africa, Gaulmodern-day Francequite literally

  • a cosmopolitan community.

  • Experts have studied this piece and compared it with other material and they believe it's

  • from the eastern Mediterraneaneither North Africa or Asia Minor, what we now call

  • Turkey and Syriaand due to the symbologywith Artemis, Apollo and Letothey

  • believe it might be from Ephesus which is in Turkey.

  • Although this piece really harks back to the pagan myths and religions, when the piece

  • was found in the eighteenth century it was found with other silver pieces that from the

  • sketches had Christian motifs on. And so we know that people's thoughts about religion

  • and what they're identity and beliefs were were quite mixed and quite changeable.

  • It seems that once Roman rule in Britain ended, that the people of Corbridge left. Presumably,

  • once the frontier of Hadrian's Wall stopped working, there was no market for the people

  • of Corbridge to sell their goods. However that's not the end of Corbridge. Within

  • two hundred years of the end of Roman Britain, the Anglo Saxons were using the stones from

  • this site to build their new settlement just to the east. Some of these buildings still

  • stand, built with Roman stone as testament to the legacy of Roman Corbridge.

This is a replica of the Corbridge Lanx, a silver traylanx is an eighteenth century


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B1 中級

コーンブリッジの物語を解き明かす永続的なつながり (Uncovering the Corbridge Story: Lasting Connections)

  • 7 0
    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日