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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • But this grill is not a home

  • This is not the stove I know

  • ♪ I would trade it all away

  • If you'd come back to stay

  • This kitchen's not the same Without you

  • It's just a greasy spoon (Just a greasy spoon) ♪

  • Without you

  • [crowd gasping]

  • Yellow.

  • Pink?

  • You do care!

  • [sobbing]

  • Let's promise to never fight again, buddy.

  • Yeah, pal. Let's go home.

  • [whistling]

  • [crowd booing]

  • It's OK.

  • Sponge?

  • [breathing heavily]

  • Sponge?

  • [music playing]

  • Another one?

  • Look, I told your little friend I ain't paying for that.

  • Well, this one's on the house!

  • Did he change his mind?

  • He sure did.

  • Hey SpongeBob, wanna go jelly fishing?

  • Sorry, Patrick, I can't. I have school today.

  • What am I supposed to do all day while you're at school?

  • I don't know. What do you normally do when I'm gone?

  • Wait for you to get back.

  • If only I could see you one more time.

  • So I can tell you how much I love you.

  • If only I could hear you meow one last time.

  • - Meow. - Yeah, like that.

  • [purring]

  • Gary, your purring is making it hard to forget you.

  • Gary! Oh, Gary!

  • I wanna go home! I wanna go home! I wanna go home! I wanna go home!

  • I miss Bikini Bottom. I miss my Easter Island head.

  • I even miss SpongeBob.

  • SpongeBob, Patrick!

  • Hi, Squidward.

  • Oh, I'm back.

  • I can't believe this. I was in space, and I went to the future,

  • and then I went to the past, and then I was nowhere,

  • but now I'm back and...

  • You don't know how happy I am to see you guys.

  • SpongeBob!

  • [sobbing]

  • You don't have to be a baby to get all Grandma's love.

  • I don't?

  • Of course not.

  • No matter how grown-up you get, you will always be my little baby boo.

  • And remember, you can kiss your Grandma and still be an adult.

  • Here you go.

  • Thanks, Grandma.

  • But you cut out my laugh box.

  • Yes, but one of your friends generously allowed us to transplant

  • part of theirs to you.

  • - No. - They wouldn't pay me.

  • You're getting warmer.

  • SpongeBob?

  • I'm a loser!

  • I lost my job, my home, everything!

  • [gasping]

  • Even your paintings?

  • Nobody would take them, so I had to eat them!

  • [sobbing]

  • There, there.

  • You can come live with me.

  • Here you go, Squidward.

  • You sleep in my bed.

  • OK, but just till I get a job.

  • One day, two days tops.

  • Nonsense, you stay as long as you need to.

  • Goodnight, my little angel.

But this grill is not a home


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トップ9回スポンジボブはあなたが言う 'Aww'を作った| 話題になっています|#SpongeBobSaturdays (Top 9 Times SpongeBob Made You Say ‘Aww” | #SpongeBobSaturdays)

  • 23 0
    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日